Fenster is gone

The only requirement to be on staff at Miami is a Hispanic last name and to have previously worked and/or played at Miami.

This should do it. Should be the end of Arteaga.
The only requirement to be on staff at Miami is a Hispanic last name and to have previously worked and/or played at Miami.

This should do it. Should be the end of Arteaga.
haha. Seriously. Did he get rid of Fenster to get this guy on staff who did absolutely nothing to prove he was a good coach yet?
haha. Seriously. Did he get rid of Fenster to get this guy on staff who did absolutely nothing to prove he was a good coach yet?
Bellarmine wasn't even a good D2 baseball program in a pretty weak conference and then bumped to D1. I guess he was there in year 2-3 of them being D1.. maybe year 3 and 4? Wasn't an easy job to make that transition but you're exactly right... I don't see the qualifications aside from overlap on the Miami staff in 2021. Too much hire who you know going on in the baseball program - for a long time now. I'd almost take anyone to follow JD with a resume that doesn't have a single connection at this point. Just to get rid of the stench of Morris/Dimare/Arteaga ways.

I know Northern Kentucky made the same jump about 10 years earlier from GVLC to the ASUN and were terrible and still haven't figured it out... but they were at least a good D2 program before jumping.
what is Miami paying their assistants nowadays.

I guarantee there are 2-3 dozen lower level guys who would kill for that position. They have also proven development since thats what a lot of the lower level good teams win with.
Uncle Fenster is gone?!?!?!

At least Cooper wasn't elevated to the hitting and 3rd base coach.
I almost feel like a low level D1 program.
Was Adrian Morales even considered?
Isn't it more likely that Fenster chose to leave back to the pros, and this is just who he chose to replace him with. Not that he brought this guy in and pushed other dude out....
Dominguez also left a HC position...

The staff is like a low level D1 program. Not a lot of faith in what this group of coaches can accomplish...

Trust me i'm seeing it on the recruiting trail to an extent. We still have a great class in 2026 imo. but there are a lot of top targets that have been visiting teams like FSU, UF, UNC, Clemson etc. We haven't had to many visitors that i have found, but then again we have a lot of commits already.

Also I am assuming the top targets part. Theres really no one that covers baseball recruiting, i'm trying to learn more and find out as much info as i can about our recruiting