FEDS investigating FSU

LOL at those getting their hopes up that something comes out of this. FSU is the new darling of college football, nothing to see here folks

LOL at those getting their hopes up that something comes out of this. FSU is the new darling of college football, nothing to see here folks

This isn't the NCAA this is the DOJ....they aren't like Emmett and his cronies who sweep things under the rug
But there is no fade out on this issue it seems. The longer this lasts, the louder his victim's voice gets and the stamina she and her family put into this the more convicting it gets (in the court of public opinion anyway). Go Feds!
DOJ involved?

Yeah somebody is going down. They don't just get into something like this for nothing. They want to make a splash and won't waste funding on something like this unless there is something to find

**** is going down soon
DOJ involved?

Yeah somebody is going down. They don't just get into something like this for nothing. They want to make a splash and won't waste funding on something like this unless there is something to find

**** is going down soon

No DOJ isnt involved.

It's a title 9 issue with the department of education

They are also investigating Michigan State and several other school regarding rape cases.
you do know women with significant other's get raped right? ***** sticks around
***** from her boyfriend and Winston in her panties. I'll hold off my judgment on this one...

I'm not an expert on the shelf life of ***** but I see your point. Fact that his buddy videoed winston in the act and later destroyed it says alot. If it showed consent there is no way you let your boy delete it and destroy his phone.

They only asked Casher about his phone a year later. It's not like they called him up the day after and asked for the video.

Also this girl has 5 different stories in the police report, and toxicology reports prove she wasn't drugged and she could have legally driven a vehicle without getting a DUI (.06), yet she can't remember what happened?

If you think the toxicology was faked, then you have to believe that the hospital, FDLE lab, TPD, and everyone else was conspiring to protect a redshirt freshman. That is just stupid.

The rake kit was done moths before Winston was the suspect. There is no way her toxicology was faked.

Oh I drank 5 beers, oh I drank 5 shots, oh some guy gave me a shot, oh wait actually somebody hit me in the head at the bar, oh wait somebody hit me in the head at the apartment.

Even her friend at the bar testified that she wasn't wasted and ran out to the cab by herself.

She claims she didnt know any players, but texted a friend that she was meeting up with her friend "Chris" from the football team.

Chick loved the black jock ****, got caught cheating ion her boyfriend and made up a story to her roommate, and her roommate called the police.

This title 9 stuff isn't going to effect anybody's eligibility, it's a compliance issue and a possible civil suit against the university.

Protecting your kind I see. It's impossible to believe that an athlete possibly raped a girl.

No it's totally possible.

I don't know Winston, I don't know what happened. Maybe the girl only wanted to give a BJ and he took more. Certainly possible. Lots of athletes have too much testosterone, or he could have been drunk.

But when a girl has 5 different stories, and wasn't drugged or even that buzzed, it's makes u wonder how honest she is. Especially when she was in a sorority that used the hash tag #cleatchasers on twitter.

They did a rape kit and toxicology months before she names Winston. That information wasn't faked. That's like saying 9-11 was an inside job. Way too many people involved to cover it up.

The only bruises on her body were scuffed knees from giving a BJ. No vaginal tears or anything that would show forcible penetration.

She claimed that someone knocked her out, in one version of what happened, yet had no marks or bruises on her head.

I don't see how anyone can read the full 90 page report, and say "Yeah he definitely raped that chick"

Read the report.
So Rapist tells the dean and all the big wigs that he doesnt want to talk to them. He is not under arrest nor in court. Why hasnt the admin suspended him indefinitely. If my boss asked me a question and i told him i wasnt talking i would be fired. I cant wait for all of them to get what is coming to them (assuming there was rape), especially the PD and fsu

Depends, are you carrying your boss? Are you the face of your company?
DOJ involved?

Yeah somebody is going down. They don't just get into something like this for nothing. They want to make a splash and won't waste funding on something like this unless there is something to find

**** is going down soon

No DOJ isnt involved.

It's a title 9 issue with the department of education

They are also investigating Michigan State and several other school regarding rape cases.

Lawyer that represented female student in Colorado case asking DOJ to look into it
Feds will end up investigating Tally PD too. Hope they drag ncaa in too for inaction.

This right here... The FBI loves their public corruption cases! If it's there they'll (FBI) find it & the press release will be glorious!
I would typically be much more kind to their plight, but the way in which they wished us death... I hope that **** hole burns. I'll have a front row seat.


Something happened. The investigation ******* STALLED for a year. **** off if there wasn't a cover up going on.