FEDS investigating FSU

Sorry if this comes off as a little aggressive, but good. I hope that glorified community college loses its accreditation and burns to the ****ing ground. For all the respect that is supposed to matter in the rivalry, they were awfully vocal in hoping we got the Death Penalty during our NCAA saga. I guess nothing says respect like hoping your rival ceases to exist. **** them and **** their mothers.


Sorry if this comes off as a little aggressive, but good. I hope that glorified community college loses its accreditation and burns to the ****ing ground. For all the respect that is supposed to matter in the rivalry, they were awfully vocal in hoping we got the Death Penalty during our NCAA saga. I guess nothing says respect like hoping your rival ceases to exist. **** them and **** their mothers.

Sorry if this comes off as a little aggressive, but good. I hope that glorified community college loses its accreditation and burns to the ****ing ground. For all the respect that is supposed to matter in the rivalry, they were awfully vocal in hoping we got the Death Penalty during our NCAA saga. I guess nothing says respect like hoping your rival ceases to exist. **** them and **** their mothers.

This is what ****ed me off the most is the ******* DA who was an FSU grad and that fat **** in the background smiling at all this and laughing. I hope that POS DA gets burnt too.

So Rapist tells the dean and all the big wigs that he doesnt want to talk to them. He is not under arrest nor in court. Why hasnt the admin suspended him indefinitely. If my boss asked me a question and i told him i wasnt talking i would be fired. I cant wait for all of them to get what is coming to them (assuming there was rape), especially the PD and fsu
Now we know why the FSU president ran to PSU. Their investigation was already over; Criminole U's is just beginning. As a Southerner, I seldom root for the Feds, but this time I will make an exception and hope they go all Sherman on Tally.
you do know women with significant other's get raped right? ***** sticks around
About time.

Wheels of justice turn slowly.


In Tally, they don't seem to turn at all if you are an athletic star.

I hope that girl wins her civil suit against Winston. Love to see him have to fork over his 1st couple year's professional earnings.

***** from her boyfriend and Winston in her panties. I'll hold off my judgment on this one...

I'm not an expert on the shelf life of ***** but I see your point. Fact that his buddy videoed winston in the act and later destroyed it says alot. If it showed consent there is no way you let your boy delete it and destroy his phone.
Now we know why the FSU president ran to PSU. Their investigation was already over; Criminole U's is just beginning. As a Southerner, I seldom root for the Feds, but this time I will make an exception and hope they go all Sherman on Tally.

Because Penn State doubled his salary.
you do know women with significant other's get raped right? ***** sticks around
Wheels of justice turn slowly.


In Tally, they don't seem to turn at all if you are an athletic star.

I hope that girl wins her civil suit against Winston. Love to see him have to fork over his 1st couple year's professional earnings.

***** from her boyfriend and Winston in her panties. I'll hold off my judgment on this one...

I'm not an expert on the shelf life of ***** but I see your point. Fact that his buddy videoed winston in the act and later destroyed it says alot. If it showed consent there is no way you let your boy delete it and destroy his phone.

They only asked Casher about his phone a year later. It's not like they called him up the day after and asked for the video.

Also this girl has 5 different stories in the police report, and toxicology reports prove she wasn't drugged and she could have legally driven a vehicle without getting a DUI (.06), yet she can't remember what happened?

If you think the toxicology was faked, then you have to believe that the hospital, FDLE lab, TPD, and everyone else was conspiring to protect a redshirt freshman. That is just stupid.

The rake kit was done moths before Winston was the suspect. There is no way her toxicology was faked.

Oh I drank 5 beers, oh I drank 5 shots, oh some guy gave me a shot, oh wait actually somebody hit me in the head at the bar, oh wait somebody hit me in the head at the apartment.

Even her friend at the bar testified that she wasn't wasted and ran out to the cab by herself.

She claims she didnt know any players, but texted a friend that she was meeting up with her friend "Chris" from the football team.

Chick loved the black jock ****, got caught cheating ion her boyfriend and made up a story to her roommate, and her roommate called the police.

This title 9 stuff isn't going to effect anybody's eligibility, it's a compliance issue and a possible civil suit against the university.
you do know women with significant other's get raped right? ***** sticks around

In Tally, they don't seem to turn at all if you are an athletic star.

I hope that girl wins her civil suit against Winston. Love to see him have to fork over his 1st couple year's professional earnings.

***** from her boyfriend and Winston in her panties. I'll hold off my judgment on this one...

I'm not an expert on the shelf life of ***** but I see your point. Fact that his buddy videoed winston in the act and later destroyed it says alot. If it showed consent there is no way you let your boy delete it and destroy his phone.

They only asked Casher about his phone a year later. It's not like they called him up the day after and asked for the video.

Also this girl has 5 different stories in the police report, and toxicology reports prove she wasn't drugged and she could have legally driven a vehicle without getting a DUI (.06), yet she can't remember what happened?

If you think the toxicology was faked, then you have to believe that the hospital, FDLE lab, TPD, and everyone else was conspiring to protect a redshirt freshman. That is just stupid.

The rake kit was done moths before Winston was the suspect. There is no way her toxicology was faked.

Oh I drank 5 beers, oh I drank 5 shots, oh some guy gave me a shot, oh wait actually somebody hit me in the head at the bar, oh wait somebody hit me in the head at the apartment.

Even her friend at the bar testified that she wasn't wasted and ran out to the cab by herself.

She claims she didnt know any players, but texted a friend that she was meeting up with her friend "Chris" from the football team.

Chick loved the black jock ****, got caught cheating ion her boyfriend and made up a story to her roommate, and her roommate called the police.

This title 9 stuff isn't going to effect anybody's eligibility, it's a compliance issue and a possible civil suit against the university.

Protecting your kind I see. It's impossible to believe that an athlete possibly raped a girl.
you do know women with significant other's get raped right? ***** sticks around

In Tally, they don't seem to turn at all if you are an athletic star.

I hope that girl wins her civil suit against Winston. Love to see him have to fork over his 1st couple year's professional earnings.

***** from her boyfriend and Winston in her panties. I'll hold off my judgment on this one...

I'm not an expert on the shelf life of ***** but I see your point. Fact that his buddy videoed winston in the act and later destroyed it says alot. If it showed consent there is no way you let your boy delete it and destroy his phone.

They only asked Casher about his phone a year later. It's not like they called him up the day after and asked for the video.

Also this girl has 5 different stories in the police report, and toxicology reports prove she wasn't drugged and she could have legally driven a vehicle without getting a DUI (.06), yet she can't remember what happened?

If you think the toxicology was faked, then you have to believe that the hospital, FDLE lab, TPD, and everyone else was conspiring to protect a redshirt freshman. That is just stupid.

The rake kit was done moths before Winston was the suspect. There is no way her toxicology was faked.

Oh I drank 5 beers, oh I drank 5 shots, oh some guy gave me a shot, oh wait actually somebody hit me in the head at the bar, oh wait somebody hit me in the head at the apartment.

Even her friend at the bar testified that she wasn't wasted and ran out to the cab by herself.

She claims she didnt know any players, but texted a friend that she was meeting up with her friend "Chris" from the football team.

Chick loved the black jock ****, got caught cheating ion her boyfriend and made up a story to her roommate, and her roommate called the police.

This title 9 stuff isn't going to effect anybody's eligibility, it's a compliance issue and a possible civil suit against the university.

dude if the feds are investigating it is not a good thing, even though her story might be BS it is how they investigated it is what is being questioned, and to be honest how they investigated is very very shady, but dont be discouraged **** like this happens at all the colleges, they are just not stupid enough to get caught likev your noles
you do know women with significant other's get raped right? ***** sticks around

In Tally, they don't seem to turn at all if you are an athletic star.

I hope that girl wins her civil suit against Winston. Love to see him have to fork over his 1st couple year's professional earnings.

***** from her boyfriend and Winston in her panties. I'll hold off my judgment on this one...

I'm not an expert on the shelf life of ***** but I see your point. Fact that his buddy videoed winston in the act and later destroyed it says alot. If it showed consent there is no way you let your boy delete it and destroy his phone.

They only asked Casher about his phone a year later. It's not like they called him up the day after and asked for the video.

Also this girl has 5 different stories in the police report, and toxicology reports prove she wasn't drugged and she could have legally driven a vehicle without getting a DUI (.06), yet she can't remember what happened?

If you think the toxicology was faked, then you have to believe that the hospital, FDLE lab, TPD, and everyone else was conspiring to protect a redshirt freshman. That is just stupid.

The rake kit was done moths before Winston was the suspect. There is no way her toxicology was faked.

Oh I drank 5 beers, oh I drank 5 shots, oh some guy gave me a shot, oh wait actually somebody hit me in the head at the bar, oh wait somebody hit me in the head at the apartment.

Even her friend at the bar testified that she wasn't wasted and ran out to the cab by herself.

She claims she didnt know any players, but texted a friend that she was meeting up with her friend "Chris" from the football team.

Chick loved the black jock ****, got caught cheating ion her boyfriend and made up a story to her roommate, and her roommate called the police.

This title 9 stuff isn't going to effect anybody's eligibility, it's a compliance issue and a possible civil suit against the university.

Rewatch the press conference when they announced that no charges will be filed and look closely at what the DA said

1. Never said that Winston was innocent, never once used that word

2. Said, " we felt that we wouldn't have enough for a conviction." Which if you ever studied law tells me one thing. Yes, we have evidence, but would be a very hard case to try due to time lapse

3. Danced around a lot of questions and paused many times while giving an answer as to not say the "wrong" thing.

4. Your boy pleads the 5th when questioned by FSU... pleading the 5th remember is a right you have to not incriminate yourself. Well you wouldn't have to plead the 5th if you didnt do anything wrong... right?

5. Casher and Darby lol... ok lets make it look like we did something. DId you see what their punishment could be? Writing a paper??? LMAO... whats FSU's stellar academics gonna make them write? A one paragraph essay on a Dr. Suess book?

Lets look past the fact the DA was an FSU grad, living in Tallahassee...Lets look past the fact that Winston was up for the Heisman and FSU was undefeated an in the hunt for the National Title....Lets also forget that we giggled and laughed like school girls which was completely inappropriate like we just got away with something.

This girl, if she lied and nothing happened most likely would have left it alone at this point, but the lawyers who got involved in the Colorado case got involved and the DOJ is now looking into why it took FSU this long to do anything about it....Oh but they did..... They waited until AFTER they won a National Title

People laugh and mock UM and their "scandal" but in reality this is much worse. Taking boat rides, getting free food and drinks is petty compared to a possible rape cover up