FB press conference 9/11/23


"When you get conservative you get beat." Dawson.

Like honey to my lips. I'm smitten.
love hearing it from dawson, but love even more hearing mario echo the point in his interviews....because if dawson keeps this up we'll be lucky to keep him another season lol.
really hard to hear her mumblin ***...but she's referencing players getting playing time...then mumbles some **** from under that floppy *** hair....then asks if he'd like to get in as many guys as he can...

SMD's entire existence is disrespectful to not only football but journalism as a whole. She reminds me of an ill-equipped faculty advisor of a high school newspaper. Can envision her sitting down with some 9th grade girl trying to brainstorm questions to ask the school's soccer coach- except she actually works for a major market newspaper and asks those same horrible questions regularly to the head coach of a major college football program.
I wonder if Mario has ever asked the school to not allow Susan to be apart of the press conferences. Love his response. Mario is locked in this year.