Fat Manny Podcast 3/10

There's a difference between asking a difficult question and a stupid question.

Garcia was hurt last year and didn't have a chance to compete. And he has said nothing publically hinting at not being happy at UM. Plus TVD balled out, so there was no reason to put in another qb. And if TVD has another good year he's gone.

Now, if Garcia wasn't hurt, TVD wasn't balling, and Garcia didn't see the field, then asking that question would be more appropriate in that situation.

But, a better question would have been, Jake, I know you're a competitor, are you looking forward to competing for the qb1 postion.

What shool did you go to college for this pulitzer work..that he couldnt come up with. Regular posters are bettter at their job than he is

And stop with the whole Manny is a um fan stuff...he isnt.
What shool did you go to college for this pulitzer work..that he couldnt come up with. Regular posters are bettter at their job than he is

And stop with the whole Manny is a um fan stuff...he isnt.

I also don't understand why some of our posters have missed the point on all of this.

Fat Manny did not, in fact, ask Jake "why are you still here". He asked him a different question, and then REWROTE his question as the more insulting "why are you still here" when he Tweeted.

This is a self-inflicted gunshot to Manny's ******. He didn't need to rephrase his question the way that he did. And instead of letting the whole *****-up die out on its own, he threw more logs on the fire by Tweeting out a "correction", interviewing Garcia's dad, and blaming the Miami fans.

I'm just going to be honest. Manny is STUPID. After his journalism career is over (soon), he is wholly unqualified to get into Public Relations. He truly doesn't know what he is doing and would be a terrible spokesperson for anyone other than Vladimir Putin.