Official Fall Camp PractiSe #4: Saturday, August 5th

It’s amazing what good hard training will do, Restrepo a prime example.

From an average player to a threat to house any time any play and a NFL future draft pick .

It’s not rocket science, it’s just the lonely road less traveled to the NFL few choose to travel.

I saw Restrepo training on the hill at Tropical park , I knew it was him I just respected him and left him alone.
I just went down the path stopped and watched till I saw him hurling clear water he wiped up and continue .
I remember seeing film of Walter Payton training steep hills for hours day in day out till almost collapsing in exhaustion.

When you line up at the line of scrimmage you know you cannot be beaten period you training tells you this , winning before you play a single snap.

Francis NFl position is guard. He may be forced to play tackle here cause or lack of recruiting in past years
He was a top 10 player in his recruiting class and the #2 tackle. He is not being forced to play tackle instead of guard due to recruiting. Maybe and I mean maybe he is starting as a freshman because of recruiting. Everyone says he's special. He might be good enough that he would even force an established tackle inside. He's a college tackle. What he becomes in the NFL is a different discussion.
Snuck a couple quick views today. I've been curious about OL so I focused my short viewing on that.

I saw snaps of what looked like to me like a scrimmage of what I presume was our 2nd/3rd string. McCoy was LT with Emory at QB. Again, I presume that's a mix of 2nd and 3rd unit. McCoy reminded me of ole Richmond Webb. Tall, leanish kid wearing 78 that stood out height-wise compared to whoever was at LG.

Saw Zion on the sideline. He looked fine to me. He looked like he was in full pads.

Curious about one thing for you recruitniks. I've seen Mauigoa on multiple occasions now. He's listed at 6'6" 315. However--and perhaps its just optics because he's just so much bigger and thicker than other OL--he doesn't look like an LT. To my eye, he looks more like an LG. However, I am not making any pronouncement on what he is capable of, this is just based on looks alone. He doesn't look like the prototypical LT who's tall and leanish. But that just may be my eyes from far away since he's far more stout than other dudes. I'd love to see him next to some other dudes because he looks like a 6'3" kid.

Anyways, is he LT all the way or is there a possibility that he settles in at LG (not this year but next) and Samson at LT. Curious to hear folks who followed him in high school to weigh in.
He is closer to 6'3-6'4
I saw Restrepo training on the hill at Tropical park , I knew it was him I just respected him and left him alone.
I just went down the path stopped and watched till I saw him hurling clear water he wiped up and continue .
I remember seeing film of Walter Payton training steep hills for hours day in day out till almost collapsing in exhaustion.

When you line up at the line of scrimmage you know you cannot be beaten period you training tells you this , winning before you play a single snap.

That tropical park hill in the summer will make a man out of you
Not totally true.

How or why they didnt find away to not let Jordan Miller and Elijah Roberts to stay it would look alot better...both are better players than Gore who they brought in and Lichthenstein.

But we will see.

Yeah I thought Miller could earn so snaps so I was surprised he left
Snuck a couple quick views today. I've been curious about OL so I focused my short viewing on that.

I saw snaps of what looked like to me like a scrimmage of what I presume was our 2nd/3rd string. McCoy was LT with Emory at QB. Again, I presume that's a mix of 2nd and 3rd unit. McCoy reminded me of ole Richmond Webb. Tall, leanish kid wearing 78 that stood out height-wise compared to whoever was at LG.

Saw Zion on the sideline. He looked fine to me. He looked like he was in full pads.

Curious about one thing for you recruitniks. I've seen Mauigoa on multiple occasions now. He's listed at 6'6" 315. However--and perhaps its just optics because he's just so much bigger and thicker than other OL--he doesn't look like an LT. To my eye, he looks more like an LG. However, I am not making any pronouncement on what he is capable of, this is just based on looks alone. He doesn't look like the prototypical LT who's tall and leanish. But that just may be my eyes from far away since he's far more stout than other dudes. I'd love to see him next to some other dudes because he looks like a 6'3" kid.

Anyways, is he LT all the way or is there a possibility that he settles in at LG (not this year but next) and Samson at LT. Curious to hear folks who followed him in high school to weigh in.
Honestly, have to see what his wingspan is.
DL is going to be an issue. Years of terrible DT recruiting is going to hurt this roster

Ehhh If there's injuries...

I think our top 3 top 15-20 caliber. I agree it's thin, and what is there is unproven after that.

LT is a first day if not first round pick…Deen and JHH are very good as #2 and #3

Next year is when we feel DT more imo which is why it's the biggest need on the team and needs HS and portal help.
Not totally true.

How or why they didnt find away to not let Jordan Miller and Elijah Roberts to stay it would look alot better...both are better players than Gore who they brought in and Lichthenstein.

But we will see.
Didn't Roberts leave because he refused to play anything but end even to the point of doing his best to not add weight?

The kid should do well at SMU, but if he allowed himself to accept the 3tech he would make himself a lot of money.

Not sure what Miller's issue was. I always thought he had a place and a role here regardless of who was DC.
Third defensive coordinator who finds value in Flagg. Maybe people will finally start appreciating him for what he is…an asset to this team
every teams needs or has already a guy like Flagg in the locker room. May not be the most physically gifted but he’s a bridge between the position coach and players. He knows the playbook as well as the coach and that’s valuable for when coaches are not around.
Not if Kinsler is as good as the staff has been saying. Could say Samson/Kinsler/Mccoy at outside and Cooper/Francis/Tripp inside.
If they aren’t starters on O, I’d really like Kinsler, Cooper and/or Tripp get a look at DT as well. If nothing but rotational guys who could clog the middle and let our LBs cook.

That is if they are athletic enough to pull it off.
The part people are sleeping on is him being obsessed with getting better and winning. He’s one of those different breeds. That’s the best way to describe him “different“You rarely see that now. I just can’t bet against that , at least not yet.
The team see’s him as a true leader, as well. He is highly respected and liked by most on the team.