"Execution wins it."

This is all true, but this admin has no interest in making a change or hiring the right football man. They care about their stupid ****ing APR and good behavior. Period. What is it gonna take to get Al Golden the **** outta here???

I'm more optimistic in the AD than most. Coker was hired because the players stumped for him. Shannon was not a great hire but we were in QB **** and struck out on our top guys. Golden was a hot coaching candidate at the time who everyone on here liked.

I don't think they are the problem. We've just been making bad coaching choices. Droughts like this happen everywhere, including football-mad places like Alabama and Texas.

But don;t you think there is a curious correlation between the APR ratings of Shannon and Golden, and Miami's obsession with improving it's status as an "academic elite"?

Stanford says hello

But we don't get Stanford type kids. Stanford gets the cream of the crop academic athletes. Elite studnets who also can ball. And they play NFL schemes with those braniacs. If you want to be like Stanford you need to recruit Stanford kids. But guess what, those Stanford kids chose Stanford b/c IT"S STANFORD. Miami is like the 5th best academic school in its own division.

Don't you think a lot of schools would love to do what Duke does in basketball? Get all the rich, really smart private school all americans. The thing is those kids choose duke bc it's a top 10 academic institution. You will NEVER be able to sell those kind of kids on Miami over Stanford or ND or Duke. Why? BC MIAMI AINT THAT KINDA SCHOOL BUT OUR ADMIN PRETENDS IT IS.

Instead what we do is we get the talented kids who aren't academic superstars, but we treat them like they are academic first students. And we then wonder why every ****ing 5 star dosnt pan out?

i respect ya mind. my point was saying it can be done. WILL it work HERE that's a different thing all together
Do u think this guy can get fired during the season or is there no chance?

I don't think it will be during the season.

I'm curious to hear which potential candidates appeal the most to you.

I like Jeremy Pruitt, although I suspect he wants an SEC job. Nasty recruiter and legit defensive mind.

Butch is a legend but I get a John Robinson vibe. Wouldn't hate it but would have some concerns given his age.
Anyone who still defends this staff should be taken out back and shot right in the back of the dome.
D$: what the FUC_K is it gonna take to get a real coach in here?

Kaaya is the ace in the hole. There are good players on the roster, including the most important position. This is a healthy program talent-wise. It's not a tear down.

Usually I agree with you, but every game we lost this year was due play calling / Kaaya babying. Maybe next year or the next after he'll be good...for now he's Bad Kaaka. Prove it otherwise. Look at the other freshman. Arizona/Clemson (huge road wins and better stats) etc... Bad Kaaka. Also terrible OL.

Fire Al Golden

edit: hammered
D$: what the FUC_K is it gonna take to get a real coach in here?

Kaaya is the ace in the hole. There are good players on the roster, including the most important position. This is a healthy program talent-wise. It's not a tear down.

Usually I agree with you, but every game we lost this year was due play calling / Kaaya babying. Maybe next year or the next after he'll be good...for now he's Bad Kaaka. Prove it otherwise. Look at the other freshman. Arizona/Clemson (huge road wins and better stats) etc... Bad Kaaka. Also terrible OL.

Fire Al Golden

Wait... Every game Miami lost this year was because of the offense??? Not sure if serious.
Usually I agree with you, but every game we lost this year was due play calling / Kaaya babying. Maybe next year or the next after he'll be good...for now he's Bad Kaaka. Prove it otherwise. Look at the other freshman. Arizona/Clemson (huge road wins and better stats) etc... Bad Kaaka. Also terrible OL.

Fire Al Golden

edit: hammered

He's number one in the ACC in yards and touchdowns.
Do u think this guy can get fired during the season or is there no chance?

I don't think it will be during the season.

I'm curious to hear which potential candidates appeal the most to you.

I like Jeremy Pruitt, although I suspect he wants an SEC job. Nasty recruiter and legit defensive mind.

Butch is a legend but I get a John Robinson vibe. Wouldn't hate it but would have some concerns given his age.

Appreciate the response, thanks.
Do u think this guy can get fired during the season or is there no chance?

I don't think it will be during the season.

I'm curious to hear which potential candidates appeal the most to you.

I like Jeremy Pruitt, although I suspect he wants an SEC job. Nasty recruiter and legit defensive mind.

Butch is a legend but I get a John Robinson vibe. Wouldn't hate it but would have some concerns given his age.

That's my concern with Butch as well, even though I think he could win here again. The reunion doesn't always go as well as part 1.
Every win from here on out hurts the program. Can't take any chances....we need at least 3 or 4 more losses to make sure these idiots are gone.

When you're dealing with an administration THIS inept, you can't leave anything to chance. I hope those of you who were whistling Dixie and singing sunshine after the Duke "win" have come to your senses.
D$: what the FUC_K is it gonna take to get a real coach in here?

Kaaya is the ace in the hole. There are good players on the roster, including the most important position. This is a healthy program talent-wise. It's not a tear down.

Usually I agree with you, but every game we lost this year was due play calling / Kaaya babying. Maybe next year or the next after he'll be good...for now he's Bad Kaaka. Prove it otherwise. Look at the other freshman. Arizona/Clemson (huge road wins and better stats) etc... Bad Kaaka. Also terrible OL.

Fire Al Golden

Wait... Every game Miami lost this year was because of the offense??? Not sure if serious.

Not Nebraska, but the other two. 2 picks inside the 10. We tie on turnovers we beat GT. Special teams and stupid trick plays cost us at Louisville. He'll, the biggest play at Nebraska was on offense.

This team needs work on turnovers, above all else.
Well Michael Irvin says Al's earned the right for everyone to shut the **** up. He's got a plan.