ESD Miami Signee and Target Thread

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Bullsh*t...stop the stupidity.

Some of you guys are baffling obsessing over a soon to be fully obese never was been & his sad babbling.

Com’ on Mane !

This is his best offensive on NSD ?
Lincoln, Nebraska U was never destined to be a Juggernaut.

They became one ( ironically - pot meet kettle ) by buying skill players & stacking tough guys from a rough region.

They did a solid job of cohesion on both sides of the ball, but without any of those skill guys their essentially post war Army rugby / football.

So anything this dingleberry says is therefore short sighted & just flat pathetic.

Nice People, but seriously with all due respect die slow.
Let me bring some of yall back to realism. We are garbage truck juice, we been garbage truck juice for a while. Not only did we hold on to most of our class we added players who it got dicey with like Pancake and Bain. Great credit to the staff. We entered the day ranked #3 and pretty much every team we battling had a better on the field product. The staff is working to flip players and upgrade the class more. If it dont happen *** it. If it do, confetti. Most of yall thought after the season we had, the class would come unstuck. Celebrate who we get and be grateful. This was not guaranteed
Would like to point out to the non-twitter users that Gattis turned off all opportunities to comment on this, because he knows exactly what will happen if he keeps it on.
He's always had the comments turned off.