"Entitled" South Florida Recruits

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I agree. I think when it comes to Golden, many of our fan base thinks he walks on water. I think our staff CAN recruit and I do like Golden A LOT, but that doesn't mean he's perfect. I have the same critique and I think it DOES have merit. I think its over stated when guys like Luke say he doesn't recruit S. Florida. I don't agree with that 100% but I do believe our strategy for home is flawed at times. Now I think if there is a top kid in our backyard, WE need to be first on that kid and not playing catch up. Everyone was on Skai last year EXCEPT us until 11th hour. IF the numbers were truly tight then why not at least communicate and explain the situation and keep the channel open, rather than looking late to the party? We had SEVERAL plan A's that didn't come through last cycle and we had ZERO contingencies. When Mario and Coley got on staff, you could see the philosophy slowly starting to change and we got a lot more offers out earlier to kids at home. Communicating and offering are 2 different things, I think we fail in the communicating part. Just be straight up and keep the lines of communication open and positive because you never know when you have to come back and see that kid and you don't want to look like oh I ignored you for MONTHS and then in the 11th hour here is an offer and just expect the kid to take it. **** Skai said had UM even started recruiting him up until 2 weeks before he finalized on S. Carolina he'd probably have picked UM. I just wish the fan base would be FAIR and HONEST in their assessments. Criticizing does not mean you don't like Coach Golden. It just means you recognize he has chinks in his armor, all coaches do, even Nick Saban. You just don't hear as much about Saban's because he wins.

with skai, we had a small class and he likely wouldve been offered earlier under a normal recruiting year. when there are guys like MT out there and you are working w restrictions, you have to wait on his decision. again, without any recruiting sanctions, skai would have been at UM
It is also abundantly clear that Al is not recruiting players based solely on football ability. We are a private school with a **** good academic pedigree; I would imagine that means we don't just throw out offers to kids that have NO shot at qualifying. Then there is the core values. I really don't think Al is just a blowhard about this. How many times does he mention his core values? I would bet money that some of these kids don't really fit Al's mold of a student athlete. The best example I can use is actually Stacy Coley. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't his recruitment predicated on him working on his attitude both on and off the field? It's a head coaches right as the CEO of his team to filter kids out that don't match his team standards. It's not ALL about football talent and I think that's what these kids don't understand.
You guys are missing the point. I'm not saying they have to offer the plan B kids if the plan A kids are still on the table, but they should at least be keeping in contact with them so if the plan A kid goes elsewhere, they aren't left in the dust.

So, you're saying Al should sign up South Florida plan B kids over OOS plan A kids just because there are from South Florida? If that's what you or your coach friend is saying then this is the definition of entitlement. If you didn't mean he should take a local plan B kid over OOS plan A kid, then why do you want Al to heavily recruit local plan B kids when there is little or no chance for him to take them?
AG does not have the luxury coaches of other schools have, which is recruit a local kid heavily then dump them the last minute. Case in point: Kirkland. If FSU, UF or Arkansas coaches pulled Kirkland scholarship a few days before signing day, you would never hear about it. But look what Al has to go through when he had to do that. So, Al has to be very careful the way he recruits local kids. Very, very careful.
I see this phrase thrown around here a lot, but what exactly is it supposed to mean?

Along those same lines, I was just talking to someone very entrenched in the recruiting culture down here and he said, "I hear a lot how players down here act too privileged but I think its the other way around. Great talent shouldnt have to beg for an offer."

Something I've noticed is that there are a lot of kids that are potential back-up options down the line that the staff has yet to get in contact with. What happens when the plan A doesn't come through? It's too late to get in on the race. Miami tried getting Skai Moore last minute this year, but they hadn't talked to him at all for the months leading up to that. Does that make him entitled? Just trying to understand what a lot of you mean.

Wow...of all folks making deuchebag comments on our head coach.....sounds like you've been hanging out with the
soFla handlers and schucksters....
Stacy Coley sure didn't have a problem with Golden's plan/process.

The kid that everyone said had off the field issues. THE BEST WR IN FLORIDA, mind you. Not some no star guy. He could have eaily said **** off, im going to FSU.

Funny how some guys are okay with handling their buisness first.

That's not the best example because we all know Bennett got Coley to Miami, if we had handled it the way we did and he had a different head coach, I feel he would've definitely gone to fsu
We all know how to fix the issues...but unfortunately we can't becacause we are under investigation. $$$$$$ South Florida athletes are the best money can buy.
@NoFlyzoneTru: Didn't get invited to a All American game yet.. Something ain't right 😳 - Trumaine Washigton
Chip Brierre jumps out to a HUGE lead with this thread.
You guys are missing the point. I'm not saying they have to offer the plan B kids if the plan A kids are still on the table, but they should at least be keeping in contact with them so if the plan A kid goes elsewhere, they aren't left in the dust.

I think you need to re-read your original post.
I think your message would be clearer if it were wrapped in some direct quotes or perspectives from local coaches and players.

Otherwise, this is a derivative of one of Larry's old threads/perspectives (just around signing day), but with a snarky tone.
they're not, it's what people tell themselves to make them feel better when a recruit goes elsewhere.

miami is missing out on an opportunity imo, they should be on these kids before anybody else. how is it a guy has offers from uf, fsu, bama, lsu, clemson, etc. early yet miami's staff still wants to see more and want them to camp? it has nothing to do with being entitled, why would these guys bust their *** for you when they have every school in the country chasing them? right or wrong, some of those kids see it as the local school not being high on them, so they go elsewhere.
We all know how to fix the issues...but unfortunately we can't becacause we are under investigation. $$$$$$ South Florida athletes are the best money can buy.

Actually we CAN. Just win freaking games, going 7-5 aint gonna cut it, no matter how you spin it (coastal champ). Getting into shootout with duke and UVA aint gonna cut it. These kids the last few years have seen us in a never ending cycle of 6,7,8 wins. We need to breakthrough this year, ALL of us on this site are diehards and cant understand why these hometown kids dont want to play for miami. Its because we suck until we prove otherwise.

Im tired of the excuses, dorito needs to stop making excuses and we need to win 10 games. FUUUUUUUUUUU
they're not, it's what people tell themselves to make them feel better when a recruit goes elsewhere.

miami is missing out on an opportunity imo, they should be on these kids before anybody else. how is it a guy has offers from uf, fsu, bama, lsu, clemson, etc. early yet miami's staff still wants to see more and want them to camp? it has nothing to do with being entitled, why would these guys bust their *** for you when they have every school in the country chasing them? right or wrong, some of those kids see it as the local school not being high on them, so they go elsewhere.

You're a gayturd.
This topic is none of your business.
It's not possible Miami just has them rated lower on their boards than other programs, right? That can't be it.
So because other schools have offered, that means we should too?
Chip > Pete.

It's not possible Miami just has them rated lower on their boards than other programs, right? That can't be it.

so miami evaluates better than national title winning schools? ok

the whole 'entitled' meme is stupid anyway because if they were wtf would golden be recruiting them? it's sour grapes. whether you want to hear it or not pete is right. when these kids have offers from everybody and miami is waiting on offering, they're not entitled if they choose not to camp or go through whatever process golden wants them to go through. why should they? hard work is what got the attention from those other schools to begin with. funny how those same 'entitled' kids only become entitled when they go elsewhere. not when they're committed to miami and not when people think they may still end up at miami, just when they decide to go elsewhere.
I think there's a lot of sour grapes here. When a SoFla kid doesn't commit right away to the home team and goes through the process they're viewed as entitled.

For example, Grace went through the whole process last year, flirted with Louisville but committed to Miami in the end. Had he committed to Louisville last year instead of Miami there's no doubt in my mind that he'd be viewed as entitled.
I think there's a lot of sour grapes here. When a SoFla kid doesn't commit right away to the home team and goes through the process they're viewed as entitled.

For example, Grace went through the whole process last year, flirted with Louisville but committed to Miami in the end. Had he committed to Louisville last year instead of Miami there's no doubt in my mind that he'd be viewed as entitled.

yep! just like how a recruit is supposedly getting paid when he decides to go elsewhere then he flips back and what...he's not getting paid anymore? every fan base does it, sour grapes all around.
So now we not only have one of this site's beat writers ripping our coaches, they are also allowing gayturds
to pile on as well.
Geez, why did I even bother leaving Gary Ferman's site?
Someone let me know when we have a site devoted to UM, that is totally devoid of traitors and vermin from other programs.
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