Ennis Rakestraw, 2020 Duncanville (TX) Cornerback

And some have said the old UM "belly series" or "Miami Drive Series" of the mid-1950's was the forerunner of option football. Coach Gus ran it with our all-time great College HOF member Don Bosseler. That offense was famous.

For those who think we just got good in 1983 or 2001, think again. Maybe not quite NC good, but respected as a national power.

The reference to the Miami Belly Option as the forerunner to the wishbone and similar option attacks can be found, as I recall, in Jim Martz's first book on UM football.
Sounds like a read.

Ha! Man we need a better DFW pipeline.
We recruited Dallas Carter when it was the best. Jesse, tried to get scaredy pants Clifton Abraham (went to FSU instead, this 5'8" CB came to his OV all concerned with the depth chart--anxiety about competition struck the UM people the wrong way), and short termed, girlfriend beater Adrian Wilson. Wilson was only at Carter a little while, I think. Originally from Arkansas....but for a rube like me Arkansas and Texas are all the same. Never been to Arkansas and spent a total of an hour or two in Texas at Dallas airport on a delayed layover on my way back from one of our Sugar Bowls. While we're all waiting around, they finally let one man, a super VIP, board first and alone. The airline staff was super nice to him and called him "Tex." I think it was probably Tex Schramm, a famous Cowboys exec of the pre-Jerry Jones era.

Yes, I remember now, Robert Williams was from Dallas and was considered a highly elite WR recruit. He ended up switched to TE and became rather ordinary and forgotten. We had two highly regarded recruits end up as more-or--less forgotten backups to a nobody recruit and JUCO transfer, Jeremy Schockey. The other highly-regarded recruit was Ivan Mercer from a Sacramento-area JUCO. As I recall, both Williams and Mercer both ended up as backups to Shockey. That's how good Butch was.

If he has been after Ennis Rakestraw, then we need to be after Ennis Rakestraw. Simple as that.
Same thing I say about Louisiana talent, these kid's here don't mind leaving the state to play football.. BUT Miami doesn't recruit in the state like they should..
As I said, we used to. 2001 team, greatest ever in CFB, had ten Texans.

Credit Butch.

And to think some called him "Bush."
Sounds like a read.
Here's more. A page from a non-UM-oriented football history. See the box on Andy Gustafson. Coach Gus coached the offense under legend Red Blaik on the also-legendary Army teams of the late 1940s. Those teams had--need I say it again--the legendary RB duo of Glenn Davis and Doc Blanchard. Mr inside and Mr. Outside.Both won Heismans. The great QB on those teams was Arnold Tucker, a kid from Miami, who also represents UM in the CFB HOF. Tucker is listed in the HOF as playing at both UM and West Point. He started his career at UM. With the turmoil of the WWII era, young men experienced a lot of changes and moving around in their lives.

I hope this link works. Read the box on Andy Gustafson. A non-UM oriented history say Gus developed the belly series drive option at Army in the 40's---almost as far back when Texas was still part of Mexico.

I guess Texas is like old Communist Russia--they like to take credit for everything.


Link didn't take you directly to the page. Type in Gustafson where it says search inside and look for the box on Andy Gustafson. I guess this is a book on Aurora IL football. I think that's where Gustafson was from. He scored the first TD ever in Pitt"s stadium in the 1920s, then became head coach later at Virginia,Tech. One stop was at powerhouse Army before finishing his career at Miami.

Pitt had a stadium where I attended UM games. It didn't have lights and had a track around the field, with high cement walls leading up to the stands. I think the walls were an ugly yellow. Gus inaugurated scoring in that stadium which had a long and illustrious history, including Hugh Green, Tony Dorsett, Dan Marino and many others as well as that 1976 NC Pitt team.

They brought in enormous mobile lighting systems for night games, I think.
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I have historically been of the impression that Houston and East Texas have greater concentrations of talent than the Metroplex. Is this an incorrect assumption?
didn't one of our CBs about ten years ago come from Carroll, son of a coach? Under Randy, maybe?

Was that the team that powerhouse MNW beat out there?

EDIT: It was Kacy Rodgers II. His father was a coach. Cowboys maybe?

What"s that song, gotta get back to something Texas?

We gotta get back to Texas...especially if we can"t compete in Georgia with the SEC schools. We used to do better in Texas and Louisiana than in Georgia.
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Bama is already at 26 commits, 23 of which are signed.

Don’t know where this kid fits in all of this but they seem to be pretty tight on space.
It's about **** time we start to hit Tejas for DB's, I've been saying for two years we need to build a pipeline into Texas to get QB's & DB's, they're loaded at those positions in every class.

Duncanville is one of the 3 best schools in Texas, they produce great players every year.

He's a legit 6'0 with a good long armed frame, definitely needs to add weight but can be a very good prospect with development. Has good footwork, fluid hips & coverage skills, despite being a slender kid he ain't afraid to put a hat on somebody & stick, good tackler. Prototype Field Corner.

I like this offer way better than the Colson kid from Georgia, Rakestraw is true CB with very good natural athleticism, plays aggressive & has legit 4.4 speed. Nice upside.

He's a take all day, SMU & Kansas are on him as of late, we should be pushing hard to get him.

Don't think he's a day 1 ready corner due to needing to get physically bigger, but you absolutely get him on your team & see how it works out once in the S&C program.

I'll tell you who he reminds me of: a taller version of brandon harris. they're very similar. quick, rangy, athletic, and punch above their weight.
SmartSelect_20200107-173954_Boat Browser.webp

If you can't sell this kid on playing early, just hand in your papers
As I said, we used to. 2001 team, greatest ever in CFB, had ten Texans.

Credit Butch.

And to think some called him "Bush."

yeah, Houston and Dallas used to be goto areas for us back in the day especially Dallas. At that time, both cities had very similar profiles as Miami - football hotbed, tough nosed city kids, etc. that whole dynamic has changed in those cities (power shifting away from the city schools to the burbs) but we have to keep a presence there.
Dude sounded like he was ready to commit to bama. If they take him he probably ends up there