Elite recruiters on staff

We have elite recruiters, but truth is we’re dropping bags now
Yes, but you have to look at the past recruiting history of Mario before you credit bags. He has done this at every stop. It’s not bags. Don’t full yourself, UM was also in the bag game before Mario like all the other schools. We just could not recruit at the present level.

1. We're not whiffing at DB. And nobody knows exactly how much influence Addae had/has on the recruitment unless you're inside of the process. (Hint: I am) (Another hint: remember who I coach)

2. He's working with kids he didn't recruit. Kids who didn't even know how to play press technique properly when he got here.

You guys put wayyyyy too much stock into on-field performance when it comes to judging position coaches, especially early.
New position coaches don't just magically turn trash into treasure in one off season.
Doesn't work that way.

Here we go again with the pure nonsense that you can't do things in year 1.

First you stated no year 1 HC's can turn around a losing program from the prior year (proven to be massively false as it happens all the time), now coaches can't turn around a position group in 1 year when it was bad the prior year? False once again as there are examples yearly.

And the DB room may have not been great last year, but they have without a doubt regressed. That squarely falls on the coach.

And we put "way too much stock into on-field performance when judging position coaches?" Is this real life? Nah, let's not judge them on what they are paid to do. Lol. Who buys this?

From what I am reading, it's like your hoping/auditioning for a gig for all this irrational commentary. Lots of sucking up here.
Yes, but you have to look at the past recruiting history of Mario before you credit bags. He has done this at every stop. It’s not bags. Don’t full yourself, UM was also in the bag game before Mario like all the other schools. We just could not recruit at the present level.
It’s both, bigger bags better crooting
I would cut off my right sack for someone like Golesh at OC. Not sure about recruiting prowess but when you have Mario, he can convince Jeffrey Dahmer to go vegan. Plus that system would recruit itself, and like you alluded to, plenty of ace recruiters on that staff that can handle multiple positions.

Field has been phenomenal. Joe was big in Francis. The problem now becomes meshing recruiting savants with coaching. Ponce, Gattis, Addae are all expendable.

I would add Charlie Strong to recruiting as well - seems like he’s done a great job at the LB position. People forget about Bobby, Malik and Popo.
Jesus Christ 😂