2025 Elijah Melendez Commits to Canes! (Decommits 8/31)

Must be 6'3 250 or something because he makes Mendez look small
The way phones are you don’t want to be in the middle on pics like this you want to be on the outsides

And yes I know this because I’m in the fitness space and people fight over not being in the middle of pic because people on the sides look huge

It’s *** as **** that I know this but it’s true
lol you guys are crazy. Juniors in high school aren’t going to be 6’3-235 of ripped muscle like NFL or even experienced college linebackers. Kid will be just fine and probably about that size once it’s said and done.

*Also in before someone mentions DJ Williams. He was the exception, not the rule.
lol you guys are crazy. Juniors in high school aren’t going to be 6’3-235 of ripped muscle like NFL or even experienced college linebackers. Kid will be just fine and probably about that size once it’s said and done.

*Also in before someone mentions DJ Williams. He was the exception, not the rule.
This kid may be one of those kids that are maxed out in HS. Still a take though cause he’s a beast, you let him compete and if he doesn’t crack the rotation he transfers. Simple
del bosque soccer GIF by Fusion
He Hits people with ridiculous Savagery...Best LBer in Fl.....
@SWFLHurricane now u know u my dawg but man…