Edwards and Henderson

Dean, Bandy, and Dallas is an elite CB class. Just as comparable as Edwards, Henderson, and Marco Wilson. Quit yer bytchn, mopes. lol.

Edwards is UF's right now

Split between him and Henderson looking likely here

Unbelievable. Kid barely got recruited from them. How can someone be so in love with a school who has him as a 5th option?

As grandpa Ubaldo told a 5 year old The Franchise, "Treat a ho like a queen and a queen like a ho." Oldest pimp game in the world. Edwards must have super low self-esteem.

If he chooses a school who barely recruited him, its a sign of daddy issues.
a kid that his inner circle and family told him pick miami and dont trust uf coaches (who never sent the position coach or head coach to in home). Tells miami on sunday hes coming and going to uf just for fun to visit comes back from official and picks uf even after his inner circle and family is telling him not to cause uf coaches are lying. Like as a staffer what do you do ? recruiting blows

Bruh you been quiet this cycle. You ain't got no inside this cycle?

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a kid that his inner circle and family told him pick miami and dont trust uf coaches (who never sent the position coach or head coach to in home). Tells miami on sunday hes coming and going to uf just for fun to visit comes back from official and picks uf even after his inner circle and family is telling him not to cause uf coaches are lying. Like as a staffer what do you do ? recruiting blows

He's probably on a visit high. Gainesville is definitely full of hard partying super hot females. I went there plenty to visit my cousin but would rep the U (girls were intreaged by that and even more so at FSU, believe it or not) hopefully, that will wear off before Wednesday and reason will set in.
Sorry I don't have time to read this whole thread. so basically Henderson to UM and Edwards to Florida?
On a side note, how does Edwards afford a personal trainer like Rose who flies in from CA. That's Real Housewives ****, not the typical stuff of an 18 year old in who doesn't appear well off.
All this talk and people are forgetting 1 thing. Edwards GPA and work ethic in class is lower than Mullins was. That boy either needs to get his schit together and do what they are trying to do with his grade, or he will take every single academic waver ever to qualify.
Oh gotta love recruiting, im calling it tomorrow Edwards will be trending back to miami then trend another way, hopefully we catch him at the right time
We need @ nycane to clear this mess up right now. His inside sources should know the real truth. Where is he? Also, do you think it's to late to call Nick Roberts? lol
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So far porsters having Dee Jay playing Safety, WR, RB, and now CB...is that about right

Why not? He's done all those things except RB. And it's not like he doesn't know how to carry the ball as QB.

ETA: And better than the CJ worshipers who pencil him in at CB when he doesn't even know how to line up there. lol.