Edwards and Henderson

I'll tell you this. Next time you tough guys are in the market for a new Prius get Henderson and McFartland's dads and Edwards's mom to go with you. They'll get your payments down to $197 per month. Those 3 were masterful deal makers.

Better watch out. Someone will call you a ****** for being cautious about kids that have been wishy washy the whole cycle. McFarland's different, that kid straight janked us.

Shawn Rose is a personal trainer who splits time between Florida and Los Angeles, and he's also a Florida Express 7-on-7 coach.

He’s built a strong relationship with Brian Edwards and his family since the star DB was a freshman, helping coach him and train him. Rose has helped Brian along in the recruiting process with words of encouragement, and now like the rest of the world he’s waiting to see where Edwards will choose at his 1 p.m. signing day announcement.

But Rose thinks he has a pretty good idea what hat Edwards will put on that day: one with a Gator on it.

“He told Florida he’s coming there,” Edwards said. “He told me he’s going to be communicating that to Miami, that he was going to tell them either last night or today that he wasn’t coming there.”

It’s quite a turn of events if that winds up the case.

Rose says Edwards had essentially committed to UM coaches when he took his Miami official visit Jan. 21. But Rose says he went to Florida this past weekend and it changed his mind.

“He now has two people he’s told he’s coming, and that’s not how you should operate,” Rose said. “I told him `You need to figure this out for yourself.’ I told him that last night and this morning.

“It’s going to be a stressful 48 hours for him.”

Rose says all hope isn’t lost for the Canes.

He says that’s in part because of the bond Ephraim Banda has built.

“Banda has been on him since day 1,” Rose said. “That’s the one constant in Brian’s recruitment has been coach Banda.”

A final thought?

“He’s going to sleep on it again and go from there,” Rose said.

From Canesport.com
WTF??? I had to do work today and I just saw 18 pages. Can someone please tell me what happened?

Pete said it a toss up on both.

Reports coming out that edwards headed to UF.

Pete says Edwards is UF's right now, and that a split is likely. So as of now Henderson to Miami and Edwards to UF.


Thanks [MENTION=9569]jnf2257[/MENTION] and [MENTION=293]ghost2[/MENTION]. I'm sure it's been said but if we get Henderson out of it we'll survive considering he was headed to UiF.

That said, I'm a little surprised that the leans are Henderson to us and Edwards to UiF. You'd think it would be the opposite but I guess Bandy and crew were in Hendo's ear all weekend. As for Edwards, if he wants to be another local kid to turn his back on the 305 and go to that dumpster fire in Gaysville, so be it. We're gonna be ok.
Henderson= Upside
Edwards= he's ready to step on the field next year.

Edwards is a miss no doubt about that because you want to stack chips. But IMO not a huge loss.
I believe the fake video story was spread by our coaches to put UF on notice that we are on to them and to give Henderson and Edwards some pause to the extent bags are being offered.

Mods should delete this post. It's a lie and makes me wonder about this poster.
man we lose out on Edwards that'll suck. considering how much time and love we showed him. and gayturds didn't do **** and get him. recruiting at its finest
Public service message to Edwards and Henderson: Get the UF bags and sign with UM. They can't get the money back.
Edwards is UF's

Split between looking likely here

Fine with it. Edwards was enamored with uf months ago

How r u fine with that dog? We need players to win....every time we lose someone its not OK.
A corner back class with Henderson bandy dean is a really good class. You ain't putting 3 freshman corners(Edwards, Henderson bandy) in the field at the same time so in the grand scheme of things it won't matter...

Why not 3 freshman db/safety/corner? If they Ball..I'm down with it!! We started 3 freshman lb' all season,.. Those men did **** good by us!!

Someone mention Butch Davis da gawww?

Yawn. Butch was recruiting Miami kids when our brand had never been higher. (4 titles in 10 years).

Richt is having to recruit Miami kids while our brand is worse than it's ever been in the modern era (15 year drought).

Fail. He recruited the goat team under the worst sanctions sans death penalty and he developed them without being able to field a full scrimmage.

Not downplaying what Butch did - but it was easier to get kids to come to Miami back then. He did a great job weathering the storm in the early years of his tenure, and bringing guys in on track scholarships, etc. But the landscape is so much different today than it was when he was HC.

Richt is moving things in a positive direction, but it'll take years to convince So Fla divas that we're the place for them. Right now they see us... not winning, no Orange Bowl, fake swag, not in the SEC, crap facilities that matter to current generation, 1 bowl win since forever, no ACC ship APPEARANCE, and more.

Won't argue with any of that, really sad how we've fallen but hopefully Richt will get us back; just might take longer than we'd prefer.
Henderson is as important as Thomas at this point. Henderson is from So Fla (a place we need to repair relationships), he has elite speed, and is friends with a lot of '18 studs that we're going after.
One thing that's certain.

This will change several times before Wednesday.

The pendulum will swing back and forth.

I think for many of you that are having strokes over this, it might be better to shut it down and check back in Wednesday night.

You're not built for this.
Did I already miss the "we don't want a kid that acts like this" posts?

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One thing that's certain.

This will change several times before Wednesday.

The pendulum will swing back and forth.

I think for many of you that are having strokes over this, it might be better to shut it down and check back in Wednesday night.

You're not built for this.

Get off your high horse - we're just following the news the same way you are.
Henderson is as important as Thomas at this point. Henderson is from So Fla (a place we need to repair relationships), he has elite speed, and is friends with a lot of '18 studs that we're going after.

I agree. CJ has the higher upside. I'd like Edwards simply because he's 6'3 and moves fluidly. But yeah, CJ being close to Jobe is another wrinkle that Edwards doesn't posses.

But as Chise said, get those UF bags and come to Miami. It's not like they can ask for a refund.
“He told me he’s going to be communicating that to Miami, that he was going to tell them either last night or today that he wasn’t coming there.”


“He’s going to sleep on it again and go from there,” Rose said.

From Canesport.com

Those two quotes don't seem to jive.
Coaches have done their job.

Pete's done his job.

Our bagmen positively suk. Our bagmen are the problem.

I saw this coming when we didn't hire Butch.


Someone mention Butch Davis da gawww?

Yawn. Butch was recruiting Miami kids when our brand had never been higher. (4 titles in 10 years).

Richt is having to recruit Miami kids while our brand is worse than it's ever been in the modern era (15 year drought).

You're clearly a pup or a Gator fan. Completely FOS.
One thing that's certain.

This will change several times before Wednesday.

The pendulum will swing back and forth.

I think for many of you that are having strokes over this, it might be better to shut it down and check back in Wednesday night.

You're not built for this.

exactly. I keep thinking about the Dabo story about how Richt stole Gurley out from under their noses overnight. It's not over til it's over, on either side.