Earl Little, Jr. commits to FSUck

Earl Jr. has 1 OV left to take if he wants to do it. Earl Sr. was asked point blank by Ferman and by Lamar if he would give it to Miami. He pretty much danced around the question and just said he hadn't talked about it with Jr. Talked about how "hard" the visit process was , etc. Jr. didn't want to take a second OV to USC even though they wanted him to make the trip. Definitely not "apples to apples" but that was his response. Doesn't sound like he will show this weekend...

Saban and staff going in home with them tomorrow. Says they are 'staying all day".
I think our former commit ***ans took his spot
Probably. If jr is here he this weekend I think he’s here
Alabama guys have been saying he’s a take for them this whole cycle
I doubt that. Little has not been a high priority for bama since week 1 started. I think little could be a good player but hes a little over hyped, dad has been pushing jr as elite since kid was 8th grade
Steve Coogan Shrug GIF
Earl Little Sr is on Ferman's podcast with Lamar Thomas right now. He is talking about Mario's visit last night. It was only Mario and Mirabol. It was set up while Mario was flying into Miami on Monday night. Only Mario went in to speak to the Littles- Mirabol stayed in the car. No mention of where the other coaches were who started with Mario at Central.

Earl Sr. was asked if there is a chance that the Canes will be considered next week. His answer was "there's always a chance". He says it's Earl Jrs decision completely.
So he’s gonna acres over mario%?
Probably. If jr is here he this weekend I think he’s here

I doubt that. Little has not been a high priority for bama since week 1 started. I think little could be a good player but hes a little over hyped, dad has been pushing jr as elite since kid was 8th grade
Saban is doing an in home visit with him this week. I don't think he would be wasting his time if Little wasn't a take.
Bama is has been the leader this whole time and they want him.

This would be a huge last second steal by Mario. If I had to call it right now I would say it’s going to be Bama for Little. Manny really screwed this one up and just not enough time for Mario to make up the ground lost.

If somehow little shows up for an OV this weekend which he currently isn’t scheduled for, things could change but as of this moment he is Bama’s to lose.
Saban probably closes the deal tomorrow. Very weird that he didn’t visit him when he was down here to see MJJ. Kind of surprised he didn’t say wether he would take a OV this weekend.
Always got the sense this kid didn’t want to go to Miami no matter what.
I don't think anyone knows what Earl Jr wants. He never speaks. He wasn't even around tonight and apparently, came in late last night when mario was there. It was just Earl Sr. and Mario. Then Jr got home and spoke with them. To me, Sr talks a good show about how it's "his son's decision" but it doesn't really feel like that. Dad's too caught up in Bama...
couldn't agree with you more. and you can see it during games. Neither Field nor DVD really talk with or instruct players when on sidelines. they sit around eat chit the entire time. DVD because T Rob won't let him and he's afraid of DVD, rightfully so.

I see Field chewing out Huff on one of hismany special teams personal fouls lol. The only one to even speak to him