Earl Little, Jr. commits to FSUck

Might wanna not let people get to you that easily. They are simply fishing to see if they get a reaction out of me. But someone like you chimes in instead and their joke works all the same. Have a great night. Everything y'all as canes fans has been begging about for easily 20 years is in the process of occurring & y'all still find some clown to talk about nonsense...

Some of these guys are just childish and immature, don’t even entertain it my guy.
Most interesting part of that is a seeming indication of who's likely to stick around in staff. Thought we had like 100 posts yesterday that DVD was a bad position coach and none of the players liked him..
There is no guarantee any of those guys survive.
Hopefully if Stephen field is kept he gets put off the field as an analyst. I personally thought he’s been underwhelming outside of landing arroyo
couldn't agree with you more. and you can see it during games. Neither Field nor DVD really talk with or instruct players when on sidelines. they sit around eat chit the entire time. DVD because T Rob won't let him and he's afraid of DVD, rightfully so.
Campbell was a JAG in college

LOL. He started 31 games for a top 5 program in three years and led the UGA defense in PBU's his last year. He was the 33rd pick in the NFL Draft. Which means, in draft value, he panned out at a 5-star level as there are more than 33 kids awarded 5 stars in each class. He signed a $9M+ rookie deal with over $7M guaranteed.

If you want to nitpick a case that he slightly under-performed his HS rep, I get it. But JAG? Way, way overboard.

If you're just salty cause he shunned us... I'm with you.
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Earl Little Sr is on Ferman's podcast with Lamar Thomas right now. He is talking about Mario's visit last night. It was only Mario and Mirabol. It was set up while Mario was flying into Miami on Monday night. Only Mario went in to speak to the Littles- Mirabol stayed in the car. No mention of where the other coaches were who started with Mario at Central.

Earl Sr. was asked if there is a chance that the Canes will be considered next week. His answer was "there's always a chance". He says it's Earl Jrs decision completely.
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So basically it's us or FSU, because Bama has no room. And if he goes to FSU, he and Greg Little Sr. will be ostracized from this city.

I like our chances.