Dylan Raiola

Matter of opinion I suppose. After what Tyler just did with us two years straight, after what numerous kids have tried to do with us in multiple sports of holding us hostage do you feel it's a good thing to keep entertaining it? Or is it maybe time to take a stance? Me if my wife is ******* a group of dudes and telling me she's pregnant from one of them. She's gonna keep it unless I pay for the abortion, I'd say kick that ***** in the stomach and push her down the stairs... Without question the kid is a **** of a talent. Often kids that are superior talents fail because of their mindset. The juice ain't worth the squeeze for me.
But...the arm.

Somebody say weird
College Football GIF by LSU Tigers
so youre okay with advocating for kicking a woman down some stairs? got it.

On another note, I was trying to prove a point about laziness in my platoon the other day. I told one of my young team leaders that every time I saw a soldier sitting down and not training that I would make a tally mark on the white board. After 30 days, however many tallymarks were on that board would be how many pullups this young team leader would do. His response was "well PSG, I don't think smoking me is the right answer".

You have the same mindset as this young sergeant.

On another note, I was trying to prove a point about laziness in my platoon the other day. I told one of my young team leaders that every time I saw a soldier sitting down and not training that I would make a tally mark on the white board. After 30 days, however many tallymarks were on that board would be how many pullups this young team leader would do. His response was "well PSG, I don't think smoking me is the right answer".

You have the same mindset as this young sergeant.
you make zero sense and also sound like a 70 year old acting 24 using platoon and bruh in the same post.
LMAO clear up what comment? I stand by what I said. This fan base continues to gas up Emory while ****ting on other talented QBs in an effort to soothe itself.

Meanwhile, apparently Mario sees otherwise as he is once again going to the Portal to get another Talented QB to start over him and allegedly one with multiple years of eligibility letting everyone know he sees him nothing more than a really capable backup….just my opinion
I'm not talking about Emory. I'm talking about how everyone is so enamored with raiola right now and all he really was is a check down QB too for the most part. Dudes a 60% passer averaging 6yrds a completion 12 tds to 10 picks... That's not saying he won't become hot ****. That's simply saying he sure the **** ain't that right now. Also since you do want to hear something about Emory, we've turned away two QBs who wanted gaurenteed spots cause we're telling dudes they gotta come in and compete. Simply being thorough is how I see it