Tears Duck Tears

Did he get fired from his job?

I have no idea, but I wouldn’t last 10 seconds if I had tweeted what he’s tweeted. I saw his profile on LinkedIn, I just didn’t put anything of that here because I’m not a rat fūck even for a piece of shlt like him. But he’s got a job with a legit company.

The origin word is NAGA or NEGUS, an ancient Semetic Abyssinian word.
The word was bastardized from a term of endearment between black royalty to a racial epithet to demean and insult our people.

Let's not have this discussion again. This is DUCK TEARS.
Thank you
What did Phil Mickelson say I haven’t been keeping up
He said the Saudi government are "scary mother****ers" with a track record of human rights abuses and that they murdered a journalist (no lies detected there) but that he would gladly take their money (referencing the upstart Saudi Golf League) to improve the game of golf. I think that's the part the got him in trouble.

He said the Saudi government are "scary mother****ers" with a track record of human rights abuses and that they murdered a journalist (no lies detected there) but that he would gladly take their money (referencing the upstart Saudi Golf League) to improve the game of golf. I think that's the part the got him in trouble.

So he told the truth but he’s gettting canceled?

Lets be honest, the NBA sucks Xi’s dīck while he enslaves and murders people, basically their version of a limited genocide, but as long as we look the other way it’s ok?
Thank God gaytor, semenhole tears haven't derailed like this one... Four pages talking about some ****** and now celebrity talk?! Did anyone hear what lebron had to say?
He said the Saudi government are "scary mother****ers" with a track record of human rights abuses and that they murdered a journalist (no lies detected there) but that he would gladly take their money (referencing the upstart Saudi Golf League) to improve the game of golf. I think that's the part the got him in trouble.

So he told the truth. But taking Saudi money is pretty much taking blood money so…
This was confirmed to be an actual thread. Smh.

For a fan base that is “so glad” he’s gone, they sure do keep tabs on our head coach lol.