Tears Duck Tears

I can’t stand social media in general. I log on Facebook once a year to thank everyone for Birthday wishes. Have a Twitter account for work and to read articles posted here. People are nuts…or at least they act it behind a keyboard. A lot of people create this alternate persona and run with it.

I say this not to brag but I rose to the top of my profession in the US rather quickly. My CEO would always say part of my secret sauce is that the person I am on the phone and emails is the same person I am in person in a meeting or at a bar. I see others trying to act different on the phone with a client. Doesn’t jive. I would give that advice to anyone starting out.

Even a smaller message board like CIS. I can tell a lot of the posters here are real as **** and I would not be surprised meeting most. But there are some on here who act way different than who they are in person. Guaranteed

But I digress. This Oregon fool is on another level. He is just embarrassing himself.
Walter Nitty.

This dude just needs to go back to his Airstream, pour a nice cup of kale kombucha or whatever and just put the phone down for a little while
He updated his profile pic.

I miss when low level violence was permissible in society. Like smacking around loud mouths in public.
100%. I grew up in the Bronx. One of the first things I learned through observation was that you can say anything you want to anybody. Of course, you should also be prepared for the response, which may include getting your chiclets knocked out of your pie hole.