Tears Duck Tears

Anthony Anderson Reaction GIF

Pacific northwest mood in full effect
the god's giving us this today rather than during the work day tomorrow is nice
The tears should be in “max flow” state in the very near future. Can’t wait
I actually work with a Ducks fan who played for them a while back. Going to be interesting to hear his take.
I don't think he will be too sad since they did not play well against Utah for two straight games but he probably won't like starting over again with a new guy as coach either.
I actually work with a Ducks fan who played for them a while back. Going to be interesting to hear his take.
I don't think he will be too sad since they did not play well against Utah for two straight games but he probably won't like starting over again with a new guy as coach either.

They seem angling for Chip Kelly. Kind of Oregon's version of BBB. So maybe it still works out for them
Siesta Key is downright ridiculous. The sand is so fine and soft it feels like powdered sugar.
The beaches are gorgeous on the west coast, no doubt. I can't deal with their red tide issues an the lack of surf. Give me Cocoa Beach any day, every day!! If you're looking for paradise. Just head to the Keys!
Time for Mario to come home!