Drug Use, Addiction, & Society (f/k/a Chris Graves (enters the Portal))

The funny thing is, I always read this in his voice. It just seems like something Yordan would say, often.

It's even more hilarious when you learn where that meme came from...

In late July 2016, professional basketball players Michael Jordan and Chris Paul were at a summer camp event where they decided to wage a friendly bet: if Jordan missed three shots the entire camp got free Jordans. The bet was documented in a video where Jordan proceeded to make every shot. None of the kids got Jordans.


I think I'm more for de-criminalization than full scale legal.... and I wouldn't include all drugs... I don't want to see Coke , Heroin, Acid and the like legalized... If anything I wouldn't mind harsher penalties for any activity associated with those.... Weed I'm not against being made legal.
It's a touchy issue to cover because of knowing where to draw the line.... I have to admit a bit of bias on my end towards harsher penalties due to being a former addict and seeing how ugly the other side is... I'm just not for total legalization.
The police state associated with "controlling" drugs has stripped more rights, and destroyed far more lives (and resources) than drugs themselves could ever aspire to. It isn't worth it.
It's even more hilarious when you learn where that meme came from...

In late July 2016, professional basketball players Michael Jordan and Chris Paul were at a summer camp event where they decided to wage a friendly bet: if Jordan missed three shots the entire camp got free Jordans. The bet was documented in a video where Jordan proceeded to make every shot. None of the kids got Jordans.

This is so good. Chris Paul is a douche.
The police state associated with "controlling" drugs has stripped more rights, and destroyed far more lives (and resources) than drugs themselves could ever aspire to. It isn't worth it.
Are we talking street level users or dealers??? I mean users will always get the short end of the stick in that regard and is why I say I prefer de-criminalization... I don't want to see someone get arrested for smoking a joint or having a few joints on them.... but if we're talking dealers and producers then yea I'm for harsher laws and such ...and I'm talking harder drugs - Coke production, Heroin, and such like that...
Regular use as a teen is associated with higher rates of schizophrenia.

so does CTE.
marijuana is a much better alternative for Football players to help with recovery of injuries than say Oxy's and should be legal for such IMOP
so does CTE.
marijuana is a much better alternative for Football players to help with recovery of injuries than say Oxy's and should be legal for such IMOP
Show me a player who's been allowed to play while having CTE.

Show me a study showing that marijuana is a better alternative. I'm not talking about CBD products, but THC. I'd be willing to bet 99% of the players we thought would be good but thought smoking pot was more important than football weren't smoking to recover from an injury.

I'm not discussing the legality of it. I'm okay with legalization of plenty of things as long as there are stiff penalties evenly applied for committing crimes while under the influence.
Show me a player who's been allowed to play while having CTE.

Show me a study showing that marijuana is a better alternative. I'm not talking about CBD products, but THC. I'd be willing to bet 99% of the players we thought would be good but thought smoking pot was more important than football weren't smoking to recover from an injury.

I'm not discussing the legality of it. I'm okay with legalization of plenty of things as long as there are stiff penalties evenly applied for committing crimes while under the influence.
Players smoke pot because they like it, just like 90s MLB players who took roids, even though once they got busted, they all claimed it was to help with injury recovery.
Players smoke pot because they like it, just like 90s MLB players who took roids, even though once they got busted, they all claimed it was to help with injury recovery.
pain management docs would disagree with you (you dont need to smoke it obviously) but med weed absolutely does help with pain management and recovery and is a far better alternative than taking opiates and others.
Show me a player who's been allowed to play while having CTE.

Show me a study showing that marijuana is a better alternative. I'm not talking about CBD products, but THC. I'd be willing to bet 99% of the players we thought would be good but thought smoking pot was more important than football weren't smoking to recover from an injury.

I'm not discussing the legality of it. I'm okay with legalization of plenty of things as long as there are stiff penalties evenly applied for committing crimes while under the influence.
Bahahaha i never mentioned anything about players being allowed to play with CTE ??? what i did say was that CTE also causes Paranoia

and no i dont need a "study" to know that marijuana is a much better long run alternative for pain relief than opioids.
The AMA would never allow such a study as there is way too much $$$$ in the pharmaceutical industry and fyi opioids make you lazy
Bahahaha i never mentioned anything about players being allowed to play with CTE ??? what i did say was that CTE also causes Paranoia

and no i dont need a "study" to know that marijuana is a much better long run alternative for pain relief than opioids.
The AMA would never allow such a study as there is way too much $$$$ in the pharmaceutical industry and fyi opioids make you lazy
Players smoke pot because they like it, just like 90s MLB players who took roids, even though once they got busted, they all claimed it was to help with injury recovery.
Injury recovery is the non-steroidal PEDs: HGH, GHRP-6, GHRP-2, CJC-1295, Ipamorelin, etc. But GH above all.