Drug Use, Addiction, & Society (f/k/a Chris Graves (enters the Portal))

Graves couldn’t get on the field last year. He isn’t serious about football and immature and his cousin got the boot too. Mario is old school. He wants kids who live for football
Yes and no. But why are you telling me that part? I know why he's not on this team anymore. He'll be okay. Just has some growing up to do if this is what he wants out of his life.

That position was haas. U have man getn roasted and none of the backups could get on the field. Between the portal and high school we brought in 6 players, it was only time before people started clearing out. Wouldnt be shocked if Couch jumped in as well. Wouldn't be shocked if more and other positions did the same.
Couch…. Portal? What? The kid is slated to start or at least be right there in the mix and has been on the field plenty, unlike Graves, Rodgers or any other of the deflectors.
Yes and no. But why are you telling me that part? I know why he's not on this team anymore. He'll be okay. Just has some growing up to do if this is what he wants out of his life.
I wasn't going at you. I was commenting because some fans are acting like this was a Mario mess up. I'm sick of this stuff where its always our staff messed up. They were patient with him. Kid is a talented kid, I wish him the best. He very young.
spill it, what was the infraction?
My educated guess. Lots & lots.
Couch…. Portal? What? The kid is slated to start or at least be right there in the mix and has been on the field plenty, unlike Graves, Rodgers or any other of the deflectors.
I’ll never understand the Couch portal stuff. He’s gonna play and play a lot.
Being legal doesn't mean it can't mess you up if you abuse it.... Alcohol is legal , drink enough of it and you're wrecked... Drink enough long term and you'll more than likely have health issues that can kill you ..but it's legal, right??

zack lee. marijuana doesnt give you health issues that could kill you
zack lee. marijuana doesnt give you health issues that could kill you
I didn't say it did , I said Alcohol can... I said to much weed can mess you up... Only used Alcohol as a reference of something being legal doesn't mean it can't hurt you... Abuse is abuse any way you look at it... Take to many Tylenol and you can have issues... Eat to many cookies and you can have issues ... there's a multitude of legal things out there that if done in excess can harm or potentially kill you....
It's more than proven that long term pot smoking in excess can have negative effects on a person...
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Regular use as a teen is associated with higher rates of schizophrenia.

Supposedly (you'd have to do the digging, it's been way too long on my part), there is a percentage of people (I do not believe it is more than 10%) that are "latent schizophrenics." That is, but for an exogenous factor being introduced, they will never manifest symptoms.

I learned this in the context of research into LSD, which is obviously a far more powerful psychoactive than anything cannabis related.
I am for the legalization of all drugs. I also don't think that constant usage of weed is a beneficial lifestyle choice.
I think I'm more for de-criminalization than full scale legal.... and I wouldn't include all drugs... I don't want to see Coke , Heroin, Acid and the like legalized... If anything I wouldn't mind harsher penalties for any activity associated with those.... Weed I'm not against being made legal.
It's a touchy issue to cover because of knowing where to draw the line.... I have to admit a bit of bias on my end towards harsher penalties due to being a former addict and seeing how ugly the other side is... I'm just not for total legalization.
Supposedly (you'd have to do the digging, it's been way too long on my part), there is a percentage of people (I do not believe it is more than 10%) that are "latent schizophrenics." That is, but for an exogenous factor being introduced, they will never manifest symptoms.

I learned this in the context of research into LSD, which is obviously a far more powerful psychoactive than anything cannabis related.
I've seen that somewhere as well. It makes you wonder with the proliferation of antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs.