Donna, a financial commitment to academics and athletics

is not mutually exclusive. Look at Vandy offering 4 million to James Franklin and look at Vandy's bball program. Spend money on athletics you troll. Larry Coker made 2.5 million as a coach in 2003. Al Golden made 2.1 million in 2013. Why is the base salary the school is willing to spend on that position decreasing? I guarantee the salary for every teaching, administrative and researching position over this ten year period has increased. Why is that?

Like most programs, UM pays based on performance. We have a history of hiring at the mid-range for our league, and then providing adequate raises based on performance at UM.

Coker didn't make 2+ mil to start. I forget what he was hired at, but he didn't make 2+ mil until after he won a NC and played for another.

Shannon was **** near at the bottom when hired, it was Shannon though. But if we weren't so **** cheap he would have never been hired here. Same for Coker and Golden. Even our AD hires have been desperation hires under her. Its no wonder the last two clowns got out as soon as they could. Now she has Blake "the puppet" James to do her bidding. Good thing Larranaga was cheap or we wouldn't even have landed him.

Fair point, but if you are offering 3.5 million in 2010 you are looking at proven head coaches and not projects like Al Golden. No reason not be offering that kind of money to get that kind of coaching. Wasn't the move from the Orange Bowl to Sun Life supposed to make financial sense. If the move was not worth at least a million a year (all of which should have been rolled back into the football program) i do not know how justify it.

What a silly argument on the Orange Bowl to Sun Life issue. So if it wasn't worth at least a million a year we then would have played where? A local high school? The OB was being torn down. We never owned the OB, the city of Miami did, and they wanted it gone, period.

People on here who hate Shalala or Al Golden or the last 5 Ads are going to argue no matter what data other posters throw out. Not discuss, argue and inflame.

Running a university and its associated athletic departments, like nearly everything else in life, is about resources.
- people
- land
- money - endowments, boosters support, alumni, revenues, aid

The University has been raising a lot of money lately for various projects and has been successful at it. But that is not good enough for the fans because they don't care about a hospital, music school, alumni buildings, etc, etc, they want football related improvements and football only. Not an on campus basketball arena, because you don't play football there.

Ok, let's get support for a new football building, weight room, practice fields, nutrition and recovery pools - the reaction:
- Not good enough
- Still not as good as LSU
- Stadium! Stadium! Stadium!
- I'm withholding donations, hurricane club membership and season ticket enrollment because I'm mad

Argue all you want about what endowments are used for vs athletic revenue vs booster money, but right or wrong, overall resources at schools are different and those giving the money decide on where it goes. So if you want a stadium start a campaign for one. If you want the school to have more athletic resources, give, continue to give or help drive projects that increase money coming in.

Maybe if the university was running a fly a banner campaign they would have more success than the Hurricane Club from the fans.


Are you part of the solution?
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You do realize title IX requires spending equal amounts on men's and women's sports. You can't just "pump money into the football program
." Not saying title IX is the problem. Just throwing that out there.

Title IX requires no such thing. The football team's expenses dwarfs the expenses of all other teams combined. Title IX requires equal opportunities, not equal funding.
Donna's doing her job and she's doing a **** good job. Raising money for the AD or the football team should never be a priority for her.

That 4 million Vandy is offering is coming from private funding (booster $$) or the money generated by the fball program. You're kidding yourself if you think a proud academic institution would use university funding to pay a football coach outrageous money.

So yea, if you want the football team to spend more on coaches, well donate more or go to more games. This has nothing to do with Donna.
Donna's doing her job and she's doing a **** good job. Raising money for the AD or the football team should never be a priority for her.

That 4 million Vandy is offering is coming from private funding (booster $$) or the money generated by the fball program. You're kidding yourself if you think a proud academic institution would use university funding to pay a football coach outrageous money.

So yea, if you want the football team to spend more on coaches, well donate more or go to more games. This has nothing to do with Donna.
Donna was happy to grab the checks from Nevin Shapiro and she is getting a free pass for that. If the athletic department was not bled dry, it would not have been so desperate for those funds. Why does everyone forget that she had a huge hand in causing the NCAA scandal which embarassed the university athletically and academically. She should have been fired for allowing that scumbag to infiltrate the university.
Donna's doing her job and she's doing a **** good job. Raising money for the AD or the football team should never be a priority for her.

That 4 million Vandy is offering is coming from private funding (booster $$) or the money generated by the fball program. You're kidding yourself if you think a proud academic institution would use university funding to pay a football coach outrageous money.

So yea, if you want the football team to spend more on coaches, well donate more or go to more games. This has nothing to do with Donna.
Donna was happy to grab the checks from Nevin Shapiro and she is getting a free pass for that. If the athletic department was not bled dry, it would not have been so desperate for those funds. Why does everyone forget that she had a huge hand in causing the NCAA scandal which embarassed the university athletically and academically. She should have been fired for allowing that scumbag to infiltrate the university.

Ah, right, Donna knew that Nevin was a crook and still willingly accepted the check and allowed him to infiltrate the university. Donna should have been smarter than the FBI agents and UM's own financial investigators, who couldn't find anything illegal about Nevin's doings for several years. **** that woman!
You are right, she did not put the athletic department in a vulnerable position and she definitely deserves a free pass.
You are right, she did not put the athletic department in a vulnerable position and she definitely deserves a free pass.

No, you're right; she should be fired for not being smarter than UM's financial lawyers and the FBI agents who had been investigating Shapiro for years.