is not mutually exclusive. Look at Vandy offering 4 million to James Franklin and look at Vandy's bball program. Spend money on athletics you troll. Larry Coker made 2.5 million as a coach in 2003. Al Golden made 2.1 million in 2013. Why is the base salary the school is willing to spend on that position decreasing? I guarantee the salary for every teaching, administrative and researching position over this ten year period has increased. Why is that?
Like most programs, UM pays based on performance. We have a history of hiring at the mid-range for our league, and then providing adequate raises based on performance at UM.
Coker didn't make 2+ mil to start. I forget what he was hired at, but he didn't make 2+ mil until after he won a NC and played for another.
Shannon was **** near at the bottom when hired, it was Shannon though. But if we weren't so **** cheap he would have never been hired here. Same for Coker and Golden. Even our AD hires have been desperation hires under her. Its no wonder the last two clowns got out as soon as they could. Now she has Blake "the puppet" James to do her bidding. Good thing Larranaga was cheap or we wouldn't even have landed him.
Fair point, but if you are offering 3.5 million in 2010 you are looking at proven head coaches and not projects like Al Golden. No reason not be offering that kind of money to get that kind of coaching. Wasn't the move from the Orange Bowl to Sun Life supposed to make financial sense. If the move was not worth at least a million a year (all of which should have been rolled back into the football program) i do not know how justify it.
What a silly argument on the Orange Bowl to Sun Life issue. So if it wasn't worth at least a million a year we then would have played where? A local high school? The OB was being torn down. We never owned the OB, the city of Miami did, and they wanted it gone, period.