if you think that general university funds are allowed to be used for athletics, then you don't know **** about how collegiate athletic spending works. athletics is its own corporation (hurricane sports properties, llc) and spends money that it raises on its own. it's illegal to use university general funds towards the athletic program and the school would lose federal and state funding if they were to do so. that's how it works for everybody. funds/donations have to be specifically earmarked for athletic spending, otherwise they are required to be spent on general university projects. students pay a small athletic fee and the rest of the money is made through donations and revenue from 4 sports: football, men's basketball, women's basketball, and baseball. those 4 revenue-generating sports have to pay for 12 other sports and the school also has to work within title ix, which is a whole other issue in itself. other schools that have their own stadiums can easily make revenue because they get 100% of the proceeds from tickets, parking, and concessions. we get the ticket revenue, but we also have to pay a lease and only get percentages of the concessions and parking.