2025 DJ Pickett 5* CB from Zephyrhills Commits to LSU

No offense to you but are these guesses with no inside info other than what is posted here and TOS or are you
Not based on today. Just previous info.Today has been insane. Who knows what is true with all thosenleaks. Could be intentional. Sticking with Miami and that relationship.
Which one of you is going to fall for the fake Dennis smith account bat signal that goes up in 5 min?
Val Kilmer Film GIF
I know this may sound crazy but...I like Miami here. I remember a day when Bain took a visit to FSU right before he committed to us. To me, that was him trolling FSU due to the strong UM family ties. I kinda feel this is the same with Oregon since FSU was never in the convo here. This kid has super UM family ties. This could be him trolling the Eugene *****. Just my take for what it's worth...not much.
I don't follow recruitment like a lot of you guys do' **** I don't even get on this site that much.. after going thru some of these comments Some of you ****'s are nuts. One kid isn't going to break or make this class or team. Now I hope he signs with Miami' but if he doesn't oh well. Move on to the next Guy. Now i might doubt MC coaching' I'm not going to doubt his recruiting. He deserves that much. He's not losing these battles because he can't recruit. To me he's an elite recruiter' he can recruit with the best. We have witness and seen that the last couple of classes. Some kids just want to go elsewhere. Wining and $$$$$$ changes everything
We've had 20 years of "move on to the next guy" when our targets bail and the result is your ceiling is lowered every time.

Also, the whole premise is contradictory...if we doubt his coaching, the talent gap has to be massive in order to ensure year over year success and perpetuate the recruiting. We will never quittttte get there if we don't consistently land the Pickett / Smith types.

Maybe this all ends up with him in the class come December anyway but I'm just sick of acting like these losses aren't losses.