Dijon Johnson, CB (OSU de-commit)

UF jumped on this immediately when the news broke about Dijon’s trip to Miami and was ****-bent on making sure it did not happen. Frankly, Corey‘s post dispersed the information widely to important areas of people who jumped on it. This was not going to be a Bryant2. And, they “recruited” their tails off and altered DJ’s travel plans. Lots of lots of people involved in this one. More on this backstory later.

Again, anything can still happen in recruiting, but we are in really good shape here. Just hang in there.
Got****, Desperation is a stinky cologne!!!!

If this is Gaby’s fault again, this is partially on whatever Miami staffer is feeding him info because it’s been proven he can’t keep his mouth shut.

Cut him off and the others. That’ll solve the problem.
Gaby wasn't the first to make it public and had to go back and confirm. Actually think on3 posted the story before 247. 247 just makes it more visible
I could be wrong but I do not believe gabby was the first to leak this.
I would have to go back and look but being on their board yesterday and the night before, UiF had no idea about it. That info came from the Miami side and it wasn’t until the meltdown yesterday to just prior to their mods locking the thread that they became aware of it (at least their writers Blake, etc).
People are taking too much from who comes to a bbq versus who doesn’t. Positive and negative.
Agreed. What difference does it make if he didn’t make the BBQ, but visited with Family two days later? I understand the trepidation of Billy being so desperate to pressing to get commits at their cookout.
Just need our targets to not commit on the visit and still visit Miami at some point.
I don’t get it. Cis has known about ****ey and Dijon for a minute and we kept it off the board. Leaking this stuff doesn’t help Miami. Once the kid shows up I get it.
This ****es me off. If certain reporters are throwing out information that they shouldn’t, they should be cut off as they’re doing us harm. The other day @DMoney said he was surprised that Gaby got the green light to release Jurrion ****ey’s name as D$ had been sitting on it. Wtf is going on here? I’m hoping that he’s doing as Mario has asked.
Kinda sad when the poster with a ***** is less of one than some of the ‘grown men’ on here. 🤷‍♀️ Nut up and trust, Second Wave cometh and from everything I can gather, it’s poised to be a tsunami!
surprise shock GIF
This ****es me off. If certain reporters are throwing out information that they shouldn’t, they should be cut off as they’re doing us harm. The other day @DMoney said he was surprised that Gaby got the green light to release Jurrion ****ey’s name as D$ had been sitting on it. Wtf is going on here? I’m hoping that he’s doing as Mario has asked.
There’s a couple posters here that knew as well and they kept it off the board. I’ll give hints at a surprise or a highly rated kid could visit but never the name. There should be common sense if it can hurt UM leave it private.
This ****es me off. If certain reporters are throwing out information that they shouldn’t, they should be cut off as they’re doing us harm. The other day @DMoney said he was surprised that Gaby got the green light to release Jurrion ****ey’s name as D$ had been sitting on it. Wtf is going on here? I’m hoping that he’s doing as Mario has asked.
Yep these are the things we need Gaby hedging Conservative on as it pertains to releasing highly sensitive info. Hopefully Mario can get these reporters to fall in line. Mario and staff have been secretive about BBQ visitors for a reason.
Sites are trying to build traffic, they are not employed by Miami. Its not always Miami who give the reporters info. Sometimes it comes from the other side. The player side, or rival schools. Yall need to stop assuming yall know where leaks came from.
He’s said that he’s gotten things from staff. That’s where it’s coming from
I’m not defending anyone who published the story, but wouldn’t they have found out naturally anyway? I’d imagine they would’ve found out the kid was going somewhere when he gave word he wasn’t showing to their event. Just seems like the sites are low hanging fruit.