Diaz, Banda, and Rumph scheduled to meet with Jobe Thursday

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This is the way I look at it. The guy has put us in a precarious position. He's still committed and thus holding a spot. A player his caliber you can't just drop and move on. If we dropped him you know the negativity will come out in full force against us.

I would go up to the meeting with him and basically say " listen we've been here for you every step of the way insuring academically you'd be ready once you step foot on campus. This past season we took a huge step and were building something special. You see how the city embraces those that stay home."

Pretty simple... you go up there in home Thursday and tell him, "you visit bama this weekend we're pulling your scholarship."
Bunch of chumps on this site, y'all wouldn't say this to Jobes face. He'd beat the sh*t out of y'all
Lol why do you people think you are mature at age 20? Nothing about your life is mature at age 20. Yeah you are more mature than you are when ur 17 but you still think your **** doesn’t stink at age 20.

I don't think anyone is expecting him to have the matuerity of a 30 year old father of 2.

But his extreme lack of maturity is a bit of a red flag even at 20. Or better yet especially at 20 since he hasn't even formally finished High School yet. Yes some kids don't take high school serious but in most cases they get it together to get into college so they can have a shot at the NFL. When you compare him to his peers especially in this cycle there is a big difference. Campbell, Suratin, Hall, Pope, Lingard, Jordan, Mallory, Joyner (who eventually flipped),e tc. All have a more serious and mature apporach to their recuritment and how they are handling it.

He has every right to be confused but the trolling and inability to stand by a commitment that you doubled and tripled down is weak even at 20.
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Its the biggest decision of this kids life thus far, let the kid take his time.

we just have to hope he's intelligent enough to make the right choice and choose the U
In the future we might want to just stay away from kids with The initials JJ...we haven’t had much luck with them lately but they sure have caused a lot of drama.
As was said earlier, if Samuels is ready to commit during the earlier period, you tell Jobe, it's now or never, if you aren't 100% in the U is moving on. No reason why the U should be on stand by, he's not that good of a player, especially for a guy that is supposed to be "committed"

Campbell and Surtain is a different story, but they aren't committed yet eithet
Y’all shook. Just let the staff do it’s thing. This isn’t Golden and a bunch of scrubs that have never dealt with elite talent before and can played all over the place.
For all of you insisting that we cut him loose, is that really the message you want to send to your competition? That all they have to do is get inside the head of one of your recruits or commits and you'll throw your hands in the air and back away? I f-ing hate what this kid is doing, but if he is at the top of their board, let them do their thing. They have a lot more invested in him over the last 2 years then just one extra plane trip.
If you were an assassin like JOBE, would you rather learn the "Art of DB" from Master Saban or Kung Fu Panda?...yes, Panda.

Year 2, still not impressed with Panda, how the fudge did he get on his staff? His Mojitos skills must be the ****..

Two posts in and you clown yourself with this.

Which prior malcontent banned porster were you anyway?


Saban’s guy won the Thorpe...lol. Love Jaquan. Great kid. And if you think Rumph is not in Jaquan’s ear during the season as well, you’re a total fool like Jobe. Panda is way in over his head. Richt needs to reassign him to the Rat. Use them Bartender skills. Jaquan seemed to respond very well once Reed spent only a week with him...If you want to be great...you get coached by a great.
Jobe is a hybrid safety.

Samuel is a pure cover corner.

How is this dumb?

u take both, the staff arent fans they have jobs they would take both there not retarded. Trying to explain things like this to people is like telling someone the world is round but they think its flat. One of the most hated comments from our fans that I hate the most is we will replace him with this guy........how bout we just get them both which is what elite teams do

You're arguing with the wrong guy.

That was exactly my point. Take both.

I was on ur side bruh

Secondly lol at the fans in this thread downplaying his skill now.......some said the same thing about juedy and he flashed at bama........i mean hebarely did anything but u saw the talent

Don't recall anyone downplaying Juedy's talent. General consensus was he was the best WR from SFLA.

Jeudy wasnt 20 years old. I said the same **** about tyler byrd though.
The main thing in all of this is that we cannot sit back passively and wait on Jobe and not be working other options. Must avoid the signing day shaft which our dumb previous staffs were incapable of doing which put in a tough spot.

We must continue to pursue Jobe even if just for perception sake, but we must also aggressively pursue Campbell, Samuel and Surtain. This way, if/when Jobe decommits in February we will already have committed or inked two of Campbell, Samuel and Surtain.

You get me two of those three signed and even if Jobe deco's, I'm still happy.

But you strike out on all of those 3 AND Jobe drops, then you've failed. Jobe should be cherry on the top. We get him - fantastic, we don't get him - we still sign a Top 3 class and move on to greatness.
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