Daylon Charlot is leaving Bama

I can never fault a guy for going to Bama for wanting to prove themselves among the best players in college football. That is exactly what made Miami what is was back in the day. Kids wanted to prove themselves day in and day out, and it paid off on the field. Jeudy will not be in Charlot's situation in two years. Anyone who has watched Jeudy play can see that. It just didn't work out for Charlot. It happens. Would like to see him at Miami. I can only hope we can get back to the point where kids are coming to Miami because they want to play for the best, among the best, and to beat the best. I think Richt and Co. have the ability to do that.

We seemed to have been developing players while they just seem to use them up so I feel its a big difference. It is an easy road to a championship but seems like a tough road to an NFL career.

That may be true. I just think that a lot of kids that go to Bama have to mindset of "if you want to be the best, you have to beat the best". Including beating out the best players in the country for playing time. It doesn't work out for a lot of kids. But I have to respect that mindset regardless.

Obviously, the guys like Charlot and Burgess-Becker don't have that "beat the best" competitor mindset. If they did, they wouldn't have quit after a year. Maybe they had the "front-runner" mindset and just wanted to tell everyone they play for the best team. Then, after awhile that got old and they couldn't hack the competition. So they quit.

I view it as more of them realizing how outmatched they were once they got there and actually made a run at it. A kid can have a "beat the best" mindset and be still be realistic after a season of going up against a Calvin Ridley type. That would be like saying Jimmy Garropolo didn't have a "beat the best" mindset when he leaves in free agency or is traded from the Pats. Guy could have a killer instinct and still understand after a year or two that he just isn't Tom Brady. These kids that go to Bama may or may not have that mindset (I'm sure some don't), but if you read my original post the point is I could never bash a kid from going to Bama if he wants to take his shot against the best. If he takes the shot and falls short, well then he can transfer. But no shame in trying. It just makes me laugh when I see people on this board and Twitter saying "(Kid x) should have gone to Miami because if he would have looked at Bama's depth chart he would have seen he couldn't cut it." It's like telling a girl she should date you because you're ugly and the guy she really likes is too good looking for her.