2025 Davon Mitchell 5* TE from Los Alamitos, CA (‘24 Reclass Likely) [commits to OU]

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Live from CIS

Hurracanes, @moshated305 @TheOriginalCane

The issue is, Leeds will uses the emojis, to mock people. From the middle fingers, to the laughing and disagreeing to even the 💯 to the ✅ as if all is known by Leeds.

Leeds no longer post here and thus has no way of sharing info as that is the choice. All I see is the ✅ and 💯 after certain insiders post info and then just mocking everyone else that has a different opinion whom is not an insider but Leeds feels the needs to mock them and then gets mad or when Leeds was still posting those ranting post going at people.

If you’re going to play the insider game, put your info out as an opinion rather than as a fact!!!

Everyone makes fun of Gaby or certain people want to go at Cribby but they are putting themselves out there. Not giving some emoji that many here on the board just take as a certainty that something is going to happen or makes other posters upset because they feel they are getting mocked for having an opinion.

It’s not about the miss or the hit. Everyone misses. It’s the arrogance of it all.
Wait so you are angry someone agrees or disagrees with posts? lol
Are you saying anyone that puts a reaction on posts they agree with or disagree with makes them an insider or wannabe insider or that they are arrogant?

Sorry but getting annoyed at someone reacting to posts is pretty ridiculous. Like she's literally not even posting...
I guess I don't get it.
Hurracanes, @moshated305 @TheOriginalCane

The issue is, Leeds will uses the emojis, to mock people. From the middle fingers, to the laughing and disagreeing to even the 💯 to the ✅ as if all is known by Leeds.

Leeds no longer post here and thus has no way of sharing info as that is the choice. All I see is the ✅ and 💯 after certain insiders post info and then just mocking everyone else that has a different opinion whom is not an insider but Leeds feels the needs to mock them and then gets mad or when Leeds was still posting those ranting post going at people.

If you’re going to play the insider game, put your info out as an opinion rather than as a fact!!!

Everyone makes fun of Gaby or certain people want to go at Cribby but they are putting themselves out there. Not giving some emoji that many here on the board just take as a certainty that something is going to happen or makes other posters upset because they feel they are getting mocked for having an opinion.

It’s not about the miss or the hit. Everyone misses. It’s the arrogance of it all.

First, she works for another site that isn't CIS. So, yeah, maybe there is a business/competitive reason why she is not posting.

As for emojis, they are not "mocking" or "arrogant", they are just emojis. People are making way too much of emojis.

Everybody just needs to relax. It's no big deal. ****, I almost never give negative emojis anymore, I'm all about spreading the love (pause) emojis.
I can't (and won't) argue with any of this, my friend.

I will say that I know she is a friend of the program w/ solid sources. That said, the "drive by" middle fingers can certainly come across as disrespectful, especially when it's in response to a tame (but potentially incorrect, or at least perceived that way based on her info) comment.

The CIS management/maude staff meeting this week is going to be lit!
That’s fair. Not questioning Leeds info. and if Leeds can’t post here because of OBB, then fine. Didn’t know that but convenient as well to take CIS info from insiders and use it for OBB purposes or benefit.

But whatever. It’s hard to know what info Leeds has or not. How can you really determine based on emojis. Leeds info has been questionable in the past and some has been good. It’s Par for the course as an insider.

But as I pointed out, don’t mock other posters with laughing, middle fingers emojis, etc if you don’t post. It comes across as arrogant and a ****ish move.
Wait so you are angry someone agrees or disagrees with posts? lol
Are you saying anyone that puts a reaction on posts they agree with or disagree with makes them an insider or wannabe insider or that they are arrogant?

Sorry but getting annoyed at someone reacting to posts is pretty ridiculous. Like she's literally not even posting...
I guess I don't get it.
You don’t. I get exactly what he’s saying.
Wait so you are angry someone agrees or disagrees with posts? lol
Are you saying anyone that puts a reaction on posts they agree with or disagree with makes them an insider or wannabe insider or that they are arrogant?

Sorry but getting annoyed at someone reacting to posts is pretty ridiculous. Like she's literally not even posting...
I guess I don't get it.
First, she works for another site that isn't CIS. So, yeah, maybe there is a business/competitive reason why she is not posting.

As for emojis, they are not "mocking" or "arrogant", they are just emojis. People are making way too much of emojis.

Everybody just needs to relax. It's no big deal. ****, I almost never give negative emojis anymore, I'm all about spreading the love (pause) emojis.
The ones he pulled are mocking. That’s just a fact and there’s been others that I’ve seen raised/alluded to.

If a clueless regular fan says it seems like Oklahoma has the upper hand based on multiple reports from wherever, regardless, and someone considered an insider is posting laughing emojis at them or anyone who says anything opposite to the insider’s beliefs or doing 🖕, people are going to be annoyed and when the clueless fan turns out to be right by happenstance, there’s going to be people taking issue with it and bringing it up and I get it man.
The mods should eliminate the reputation scores and points and emojis are no longer a significant issue.
Certain emoji’s will still **** people off. I have no issue getting rid of reputation scores. I was able to get rid of the dumb emoji. I’ve tried to get rid of the 🖕and I’d get rid of the boring as well and move to a few basic ones. @Andrew ignores my pleas this far.
D - I respect you and your site. There is some gaslighting going on though. There are more people on this forum than you and Cribs that are viewed as insiders, right or wrong . This is the most prominent Miami board on Al Gore’s internet. I will say that you nor cribby came out with anything more than 50/50. However, the board insiders that have been given a platform, or at the very least allowed to present themselves as connected posters, were presenting different info as late as yesterday night, including openly ridiculing posters with different insights. The staff is either feeding them **** based on incorrect feelings or they are openly trolling. It was celebration gif szn for 3 days. I think you can understand how the masses got wound up and thought it was better than just 50/50? There are plenty of receipts

Simply not true. Feel free to screenshot the "celebration GIFs" and the "open ridicule".

Nobody was confident on Mitchell because nobody knew. There were some troll job Dennis Smith fake-tweets, and a couple people fell for them, but no "insider" on the site was confidently predicting, "openly ridiculing" or posting any celebration GIFs. There's a whole thread where we try to figure out who Dennis Smith might be referencing.

Feel free to post your "plenty of receipts".
Mitchell was a luxury, given the TE room. It’s stacked, just like the Defense End position.

I’d rather whiff here and hopefully strike on a position of actual weakness.
You’re right that he’s a luxury but there’s a bigger issue lurking. We have top targets at positions and one has picked us thus far and numerous have chosen elsewhere.
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