@moshated305 @TheOriginalCane
The issue is, Leeds will uses the emojis, to mock people. From the middle fingers, to the laughing and disagreeing to even the

to the

as if all is known by Leeds.
Leeds no longer post here and thus has no way of sharing info as that is the choice. All I see is the


after certain insiders post info and then just mocking everyone else that has a different opinion whom is not an insider but Leeds feels the needs to mock them and then gets mad or when Leeds was still posting those ranting post going at people.
If you’re going to play the insider game, put your info out as an opinion rather than as a fact!!!
Everyone makes fun of Gaby or certain people want to go at Cribby but they are putting themselves out there. Not giving some emoji that many here on the board just take as a certainty that something is going to happen or makes other posters upset because they feel they are getting mocked for having an opinion.
It’s not about the miss or the hit. Everyone misses. It’s the arrogance of it all.