2023 Damon Wilson - DE

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Shannon Sharpe Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Walk with me for a moment, child:

A poster close to a recruit, possibly dating a mother or sister, is openly discussing his proximity to the recruit on a public site. He's described his romantic relationship as "a source", and is asking to compare his knowledge to other "sources". Now imagine this companion of imurcane is you, and you read this site or someone you know reads it. So you discover the person that you are dating, or a person reasonably close to your child, is broadcasting that he has inside information on him and his life. Not only that, he uses his public image on the site, while openly saying he is trying to influence the decision of the recruit.

What should matter to you is that Miami gets Damon Wilson, not that you know that Miami is getting Damon Wilson. If you don't understand how this hurts Miami, you probably don't get much information shared with you, and you never will. It is one thing to say "I have reason to feel good about this recruit", and entirely different thing to say, "check me out lol I've known him for years I'm dating a family member".

My morality in this endeavor is Miami winning. Your morality is that of a junkie, getting high off a desperate poster's cat calling for attention.
Okay child stay with me for a minute, every time we get people on this board with real information we end up running them off by blasting them. I’ve seen it time and again over the years so if you would have sent him a DM to keep it classy or not be so obvious that would be great but instead you put him on blast. So stop acting like a child son and next time don’t put someone on blast that has good info, just show how to be more discreet.

For more tips on etiquette I’ll have to charge you in the future kid
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