2023 Damon Wilson - DE

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dude shut up.. We have a few good sources and now you want to stop them for what you think is your moral obligation?
mrw GIF

Before this gets out of hand. @IndayArtHauz is actually right in a sense. The Wilson’s are a private family. I haven’t spoke with them in three years. I just happen to be dating a family member.

Fwiw I’ve just tried to pump him up here. I hope he chooses Miami. I’m also team Damon. With that said I’ll stop posting interjections here.

It’s all good.
I totally understand. You can just DM me with any info you get.
I totally understand. You can just DM me with any info you get.
Check your dm

Ok. Jk. I’m going to love seeing one of our elite edge moving to dt I’m year three making them MOAR millions.
I actually DM with Leeds from time to time, and she’s given me some private nuggets before. But I’m a tomb, brother. I’ve never shared anything that she told me with the board, that’s the reason why people stop sharing info with others, because loose lips sink ships.

Anyway, I was just messing with you. The info that you’ve brought to the board regarding Damon’s recruitment is appreciated.

It’ll be a tough one to win, but I’m glad that we have Mario and Ruiz on our side.
dude shut up.. We have a few good sources and now you want to stop them for what you think is your moral obligation?
Walk with me for a moment, child:

A poster close to a recruit, possibly dating a mother or sister, is openly discussing his proximity to the recruit on a public site. He's described his romantic relationship as "a source", and is asking to compare his knowledge to other "sources". Now imagine this companion of imurcane is you, and you read this site or someone you know reads it. So you discover the person that you are dating, or a person reasonably close to your child, is broadcasting that he has inside information on him and his life. Not only that, he uses his public image on the site, while openly saying he is trying to influence the decision of the recruit.

What should matter to you is that Miami gets Damon Wilson, not that you know that Miami is getting Damon Wilson. If you don't understand how this hurts Miami, you probably don't get much information shared with you, and you never will. It is one thing to say "I have reason to feel good about this recruit", and entirely different thing to say, "check me out lol I've known him for years I'm dating a family member".

My morality in this endeavor is Miami winning. Your morality is that of a junkie, getting high off a desperate poster's cat calling for attention.
Walk with me for a moment, child:

A poster close to a recruit, possibly dating a mother or sister, is openly discussing his proximity to the recruit on a public site. He's described his romantic relationship as "a source", and is asking to compare his knowledge to other "sources". Now imagine this companion of imurcane is you, and you read this site or someone you know reads it. So you discover the person that you are dating, or a person reasonably close to your child, is broadcasting that he has inside information on him and his life. Not only that, he uses his public image on the site, while openly saying he is trying to influence the decision of the recruit.

What should matter to you is that Miami gets Damon Wilson, not that you know that Miami is getting Damon Wilson. If you don't understand how this hurts Miami, you probably don't get much information shared with you, and you never will. It is one thing to say "I have reason to feel good about this recruit", and entirely different thing to say, "check me out lol I've known him for years I'm dating a family member".

My morality in this endeavor is Miami winning. Your morality is that of a junkie, getting high off a desperate poster's cat calling for attention.

Walk with me for a moment, child:

A poster close to a recruit, possibly dating a mother or sister, is openly discussing his proximity to the recruit on a public site. He's described his romantic relationship as "a source", and is asking to compare his knowledge to other "sources". Now imagine this companion of imurcane is you, and you read this site or someone you know reads it. So you discover the person that you are dating, or a person reasonably close to your child, is broadcasting that he has inside information on him and his life. Not only that, he uses his public image on the site, while openly saying he is trying to influence the decision of the recruit.

What should matter to you is that Miami gets Damon Wilson, not that you know that Miami is getting Damon Wilson. If you don't understand how this hurts Miami, you probably don't get much information shared with you, and you never will. It is one thing to say "I have reason to feel good about this recruit", and entirely different thing to say, "check me out lol I've known him for years I'm dating a family member".

My morality in this endeavor is Miami winning. Your morality is that of a junkie, getting high off a desperate poster's cat calling for attention.
John Cena Face GIF
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