D$'s Predictions [aka the Vault]

Push on Norris. Rule is if there are conflicting predections and the last one is outside the 48 hour no change window, its a push.

6/28As I noted on yesterday's Canes Connection call, watch Georgia Tech for Derry "Chuck" NorrisCommmited GTechPush
6/19Likes Miami for Derry "Chuck" NorrisCommitted to GTechPush

Push on Norris. Rule is if there are conflicting predections and the last one is outside the 48 hour no change window, its a push.

6/28As I noted on yesterday's Canes Connection call, watch Georgia Tech for Derry "Chuck" NorrisCommmited GTechPush
6/19Likes Miami for Derry "Chuck" NorrisCommitted to GTechPush

You have to update those misses elsewhere if you're changing to push 👀. Consistency is everything my boy.
You have to update those misses elsewhere if you're changing to push 👀. Consistency is everything my boy.
Am I missing where D$ changed predictions outside the 48 hour window where changes are permitted? If so, which one(s)?
Am I missing where D$ changed predictions outside the 48 hour window where changes are permitted? If so, which one(s)?
Fong you said miss. D$ you said push. Maybe I missed the rules somewhere.
Fong you said miss. D$ you said push. Maybe I missed the rules somewhere.
Here's where we finalized the rule to prevent padding stats with last second switches. Let me update all the prediction OP with this rule

I've thought about the rule preventing last second flips/changes in predictions in all the prediction threads. Rather that counting the original prediction only, I think if there are conflicting predictions and the last prediction happens at least 48 hours prior to the committment, we'll rule it a Push if the last prediction is correct.

Here's where we finalized the rule to prevent padding stats with last second switches. Let me update all the prediction OP with this rule

I've thought about the rule preventing last second flips/changes in predictions in all the prediction threads. Rather that counting the original prediction only, I think if there are conflicting predictions and the last prediction happens at least 48 hours prior to the committment, we'll rule it a Push if the last prediction is correct.

Canes connection call was on 6/27 and Norris committed on the 28th so it was not 48 hours. It is a miss.
Canes connection call was on 6/27 and Norris committed on the 28th so it was not 48 hours. It is a miss.
I think you're right on the timeline. OP updated

6/28As I noted on yesterday's Canes Connection call, watch Georgia Tech for Derry "Chuck" NorrisCommmited to GTechMiss. Change didn't occur outside the 48 hour window.
Hit Rate: 35/43 (81.3%)

2024 Predictions

6/28I expect him (Dereon Coleman) to be Miami's 2026 QB.Committed on July 3, 2024Hit

I like where Miami is with DJ Pickett. Based on the best information I know and after years of recruiting experience, I would personally pick DJ Pickett to Miami. I'm not freaking out. But no one knows for sure except DJ. After David Stone, nothing would surprise me.

So we've got @Udynasty , Geo and @DMoney doubling down with Pickett to Miami and the national guys picking the Ducks. This is going to be interesting. And we're within the 48 hour window so all the chips are on the table and the national guys can't hide behind a last second switch. We're about to have an insider throw down.

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