D BUSH - 300 lbs club

This kid is going to be a freak by the time he leaves Coral Gables.. When you watch his film, you don't see certain qualities (ex: anticipation) that Safety's need (and its hard to teach). But he has the athletic ability to start @ Corner for the canes from day 1.

If DB works on technique as much as he works on his strength/footwork, He'll he a legit first-rounder. He's taking care of everything else, all coach williams has to do is teach him proper technique.
Seems like a strong kid, long arms and he seemed to do it with little effort, if his workouts are any indication he's gonna be a monster.
over/under on the number of people that respond in this thread that can push 300

I can but I sure as **** couldn't do it when I was a friggin high school kid.

That's impressive as ****, especially for a kid with long arms and unracking it yourself.
Very impressive. Kids seems to be working hard as ****. I honestly think this class is going to be the one to turn us around.
this kid is athletically gifted. if he can get good technique he could be better then tracy or just as good. he's great in press coverage which i love and he did it with no spot at all and unracked it himself. he could 2 with a little help.

also i can't do 300 or even come close.