

Dec 21, 2012
It's an overused term but an underrated one. The majority of what we are dealing with is a byproduct of exactly it. Personally, fell for the trap that many of us did in that we finally invested in the program and an established staff would fix the weaknesses from the previous staffs immediately. You can get into blue chip ratio we have or NIL deals that Texas A&M has and neither of them have culture factored in them. These non first year players came from a regime where the inmates ran the prison and that has now changed. Some were excited for the change and it's easy to get excited early on but now 10 months in they are realizing how hard things are and they don't like it. We barely hit in practice under the previous staff and your behavior/work ethic didn't matter as you were going to play regardless. Now it's a 180 where practice is supposed to be harder than the games with no promises and the players hate it. It's an indictment of how bad it actually was and how much of a disservice the previous staff did to them as they developed zero mental capacity to handle the rigor that's required to excel.

Do we really believe the staff who all have success on their resume just forgot how to coach in the last 10 months? (by no means am I giving the current staff a free pass). We are witnessing a deeply entrenched culture of selfies on their IG's after losses the same way Jimbo has 3 Freshman smoking weed in the locker room before the game. It's only going to get uglier before it gets better as sometimes you have to take a step back to take a leap forward. The quicker we can gut anyone in the facility players/staff associated with the previous staff the faster we have a chance to get better. The previous staff pulled guys that looked great on paper where the stars doesn't tell the entire story then fostered a country club culture adding fuel to the fire. There's a reason those recruits picked Miami then and that exact reason is why they are struggling so much now as what they signed up for is long gone. Change is hard for most people especially when the approach is culture over scheme for the quick fix like Riley at USC. Do we really think Dan Lanning and crew get all the credit for how good they looked against UCLA or does maybe 4 years of Mario's players and culture come full circle? Give it time boys, as our problems from the past we knew were bad are much worse than we realized which is what we are seeing in front of our eyes.
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picard too long didnt read GIF
It's an overused term but an underrated one. The majority of what we are dealing with is a byproduct of exactly it. Personally, fell for the trap that many of us did in that we finally invested in the program and an established staff would fix the weaknesses from the previous staffs immediately. You can get into blue chip ratio we have or NIL deals that Texas A&M has and neither of them have culture factored in them. These non first year players came from a regime where the inmates ran the prison and that has now changed. Some were excited for the change and it's easy to get excited early on but now 10 months in they are realizing how hard things are and they don't like it. We barely hit in practice under the previous staff and your behavior/work ethic didn't matter as you were going to play regardless. Now it's a 180 where practice is supposed to be harder than the games with no promises and the players hate it. It's an indictment of how bad it actually was and how much of a disservice the previous staff did to them as they developed zero mental capacity to handle the rigor that's required to excel.

Do we really believe the staff who all have success on their resume just forgot how to coach in the last 10 months? (by no means am I giving the current staff a free pass). We are witnessing a deeply entrenched culture of selfies on their IG's after losses the same way Jimbo has 3 Freshman smoking weed in the locker room before the game. It's only going to get uglier before it gets better as sometimes you have to take a step back to take a leap forward. The quicker we can gut anyone in the facility players/staff associated with the previous staff the faster we have a chance to get better. The previous staff pulled guys that looked great on paper where the stars doesn't tell the entire story then fostered a country club culture adding fuel to the fire. There's a reason those recruits picked Miami then and that exact reason is why they are struggling so much now as what they signed up for is long gone. Change is hard for most people especially when the approach is culture over scheme for the quick fix like Riley at USC. Do we really think Dan Lanning and crew get all the credit for how good they looked against UCLA or does maybe 4 years of Mario's players and culture come full circle? Give it time boys, as our problems from the past we knew were bad are much worse than we realized which is what we are seeing in front of our eyes.
Wait until all the portal jumpers (voluntary or nudged out) find out that life outside of the Ol Miami is more like life under Mario...... Not many greener pastures on the other side...
Are culture is like not flushing after taking a **** and telling ur wife u cleaned the bathroom and expecting not to get yelled at
There is a culture in S. Fl about setting expectations high before viewing the final product. It permeates all facets of life.

These players got hyped up just as much as CIS did. When the wheels came off, they came off hard.

We saw the same thing happen during the 2019 opener against UF. The team played hard. Then after that loss, we struggled against C. Mi. Lost to FIU, Duke, GT, La. Tech, etc.

This year and even next year are rebuilds.

Acceptable or not, Mario will still be head coach even if we don't win again for 2 years. 10 year contracts don't get broken less than 2 years in.
It's an overused term but an underrated one. The majority of what we are dealing with is a byproduct of exactly it. Personally, fell for the trap that many of us did in that we finally invested in the program and an established staff would fix the weaknesses from the previous staffs immediately. You can get into blue chip ratio we have or NIL deals that Texas A&M has and neither of them have culture factored in them. These non first year players came from a regime where the inmates ran the prison and that has now changed. Some were excited for the change and it's easy to get excited early on but now 10 months in they are realizing how hard things are and they don't like it. We barely hit in practice under the previous staff and your behavior/work ethic didn't matter as you were going to play regardless. Now it's a 180 where practice is supposed to be harder than the games with no promises and the players hate it. It's an indictment of how bad it actually was and how much of a disservice the previous staff did to them as they developed zero mental capacity to handle the rigor that's required to excel.

Do we really believe the staff who all have success on their resume just forgot how to coach in the last 10 months? (by no means am I giving the current staff a free pass). We are witnessing a deeply entrenched culture of selfies on their IG's after losses the same way Jimbo has 3 Freshman smoking weed in the locker room before the game. It's only going to get uglier before it gets better as sometimes you have to take a step back to take a leap forward. The quicker we can gut anyone in the facility players/staff associated with the previous staff the faster we have a chance to get better. The previous staff pulled guys that looked great on paper where the stars doesn't tell the entire story then fostered a country club culture adding fuel to the fire. There's a reason those recruits picked Miami then and that exact reason is why they are struggling so much now as what they signed up for is long gone. Change is hard for most people especially when the approach is culture over scheme for the quick fix like Riley at USC. Do we really think Dan Lanning and crew get all the credit for how good they looked against UCLA or does maybe 4 years of Mario's players and culture come full circle? Give it time boys, as our problems from the past we knew were bad are much worse than we realized which is what we are seeing in front of our eyes.
After getting curb stomped by Duke, Lou Hedey takes to Twitter asking for 4 dolphin tickets. Miami’s roster needs to be Incendiary bombed to the point where only 35-40 players remain
The culture under Coker must’ve been amazing. Because every new coach this **** is worse than the previous.