Cristobal’s Success At Oregon

I didn't notice until now that Mario and Napier were on the Bama offensive staff at the same time. I wonder what their relationship was like? You would think the WR coach and OL coach would work really close together. Are they friends or had issues there? Their relationship could play into whether either side negatively recruits the other.
Word is Mario use to sit behind Napier in offensive staff meetings so he could flick his big ears and shot spit balls into them
Who is arguing against that?
Tons of people here over the course of the last several years have not just argued against it but they've LITERALLY **** on Mario. Yet another example people here don't know **** about what they're watching on the field. It's just optics to people cause they don't comprehend the bigger picture. When for years people on here were told you can argue against his in game decision making BUT HE HAD A MONSTER STAFF LINED UP that would've neutralized any of that people still just **** on him. Now look at those same corny *** people. Just several weeks ago everyone wants to bytch and moan that he didn't rush to announce the staff and how poorly it looked on him and was destroying our recruiting class that had all of 4 kids in it before Mario got here & the few people aware of some version of the situation all told you just relax the man has a plan and most of this has been in accordance with it. Now everyone wants to act like they weren't in that group *****ing. Again, trust Mario. We're going to be just fine.
He did this at Oregon, where 98% of the players he recruited, he needed to take a jet to see, and they needed to take a jet to see him.

At Miami, 75% of the players he recruits he can get to while having a cup of coffee.

Talent will not be an issue here. At all. Literally all of these types of stories and threads are completely unnecessary. We'll continue to get excited over this stuff, as we should, but it's a completely moot point. Mario is a recruiter. It's why he was hired here. It's why he is the coach that he is. This is what he does. He recruits 365 days a year. Honestly. This dude is sending hand written birthday cards signed by the entire football department to recruit's mothers, for Christ's sake. NOTHING is too small. No detail is left out. This roster will have a top 10 blue chip ratio, AT WORST, by 2024. Probably even higher than that. That was literally a given when he was hired and was the reason that those of us who have been clamoring for him for the better part of a decade wanted him here. Roster construction. It's his literal specialty.

Now.....can he and the people he hires take that talent and win enough football games with it? That is the only question here. The days of debating scheme vs talent are gone. The days of saying, "Yeah, it's tough to compete against Michigan State when you're starting Corey Flagg" are very quickly coming to an end. Now, it's all coaching. It's all game-management. It's all development, motivation, S&C, nutrition, fundamentals. The roster is going to be absolutely flooded with Top 250 kids, Top 100 kids, 5-stars, high 4-stars....a two-deep filled with elite athletes at every position. Will he and his staff be able to maximize that talent? It's the only question with Mario, and always has been. Getting the players isn't even a remote concern. Winning with them is and will be going forward.
I didn't notice until now that Mario and Napier were on the Bama offensive staff at the same time. I wonder what their relationship was like? You would think the WR coach and OL coach would work really close together. Are they friends or had issues there? Their relationship could play into whether either side negatively recruits the other.
You'd think wrong. I can't really ever think of a time I've been around a wr coach and ol coach who had a close relationship on the field. In most instances I've been around it's actually been the opposite.
Oh I nudged over. I was always anti mario guy.

I pulled back on that and like what he is doing. He has maybe hired 4-5 guys that I have liked and this is going down to bringing in hs coaches like um alumni Roland Smith.
I know he will get our OL right...I was just hoping he would bring in some grey beard types or HC types on board to go with him...and he has done that with Charlie Strong and Steele.

my only concern with Mario was a bit of the X-and-O's and game management stuff, but this overall staff he has assembled has really lessened those concerns. He is secure enough to realize he shouldnt always be the smartest guy in the room.
my only concern with Mario was a bit of the X-and-O's and game management stuff, but this overall staff he has assembled has really lessened those concerns. He is secure enough to realize he shouldnt always be the smartest guy in the room.

He has it on defense but I think with Mario, the game management/micro mgmt bad rap he gets is on offense. Gattis is great but I kind of wish he had an experienced guy on offense as well
He has it on defense but I think with Mario, the game management/micro mgmt bad rap he gets is on offense. Gattis is great but I kind of wish he had an experienced guy on offense as well

yeah, I dont disagree. But again, I do think we're getting a much more finished product of a coach in Cristobal than we would've gotten a few years ago.

But really the usage of timeouts, how you handle end of halfs, going for it on 4th downs, etc, are really the mark of coaches that are elite or just kinda good.
my only concern with Mario was a bit of the X-and-O's and game management stuff, but this overall staff he has assembled has really lessened those concerns. He is secure enough to realize he shouldnt always be the smartest guy in the room.
Can you even imagine a coach here inside of the last 20 years acting like they aren't the smartest guy in the room?
Can you even imagine a coach here inside of the last 20 years acting like they aren't the smartest guy in the room?

again, its like Michael Scott at the Dunder-Mifflin of Scranton

This here is some real leadership UM has now

BTW, I love how Mario calls what he does a ''vocation''. He never calls it a job, a gig, an occupation, etc. He truly believes this is something he meant to do, this is his calling. And inevitably, he was meant to do it at Miami.
'sTons of people here over the course of the last several years have not just argued against it but they've LITERALLY **** on Mario. Yet another example people here don't know **** about what they're watching on the field. It's just optics to people cause they don't comprehend the bigger picture. When for years people on here were told you can argue against his in game decision making BUT HE HAD A MONSTER STAFF LINED UP that would've neutralized any of that people still just **** on him. Now look at those same corny *** people. Just several weeks ago everyone wants to bytch and moan that he didn't rush to announce the staff and how poorly it looked on him and was destroying our recruiting class that had all of 4 kids in it before Mario got here & the few people aware of some version of the situation all told you just relax the man has a plan and most of this has been in accordance with it. Now everyone wants to act like they weren't in that group *****ing. Again, trust Mario. We're going to be just fine.

Mario at the time Golden or Richt were hired wasn't proven. I felt he was definitely worth short listing when Richt retired, but still not experienced to be one of my top choices. Of course, we had only a few hours of speculation before James hired Manny because he was smarter than everyone else.

I was the first person on the bus when Mario's name came around this time. He was #1 for me, Kiffin #2 among the possible hires (e.g., not counting Nick Saban). Anyone who had watched what Mario did at Oregon and not considered him our best legit option was not paying attention.

And now that I've seen what he's done so far, I honestly believe there's not a better head coach for Miami. I believe he's marching us back to greatness and that it is inevitable now provided the guy doesn't push so hard he bursts a pipe. It's only a matter of time we're playing for ringz again.
yeah, I dont disagree. But again, I do think we're getting a much more finished product of a coach in Cristobal than we would've gotten a few years ago.

But really the usage of timeouts, how you handle end of halfs, going for it on 4th downs, etc, are really the mark of coaches that are elite or just kinda good.

Totally agree. And the bolded is pretty much the thing that OU fans rip him for. But, our staff is much better so hopefully Mario has improved in that area as well
I’m loving his National approach. Kids want to move around. Time to take advantage of that.
Whenever MIA has been great, it has always recruited nationally. It would be self-defeating & counterproductive to not do so. MIA is still a relevant national brand, despite 20 yrs of mediocrity. The only individuals in this fanbase who are against the philosophy of recruiting nationally are the S.FLA shills who frequent this board. Smh
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As a Duck fan I can tell you that Mario can recruit like a MF'er, but he is incapable of developing players and is a terrible in game coach. This hire will not turn out to be a good one for Miami and as an Oregon fan, I am much happier with Lanning.
Mr Rogers Clown GIF
my only concern with Mario was a bit of the X-and-O's and game management stuff, but this overall staff he has assembled has really lessened those concerns. He is secure enough to realize he shouldnt always be the smartest guy in the room.
Thats 100 percent my feelings as well right now.

I also didnt calculate within my thought process of him...that this is likely his dream job...alot like it was for Manny. But except dude literally is trying to put monsters around him that would KEEP this as his dream job for sometime.
Thats 100 percent my feelings as well right now.

I also didnt calculate within my thought process of him...that this is likely his dream job...alot like it was for Manny. But except dude literally is trying to put monsters around him that would KEEP this as his dream job for sometime.

how he lets Gattis run the offense will tell me a lot. If it's a TVD-friendly offense I will be very secure in our leadership...
how he lets Gattis run the offense will tell me a lot. If it's a TVD-friendly offense I will be very secure in our leadership...
Man TVD impressed me and we got some serious young talent on the outside plus nice pass catchers at TE.

If this offense is somewhat wide open...OOOO WEEE. Its the sole reason i was big on Lane because he wouldve went crazy with our qb talent and skill talents.