Off-Topic Crime 2.0


I’m gonna somewhat agree that police are needed but there needs to be a lot of changes made. I don’t know that it’s even possible to develop trust in them though. These abuses of power have been going on since policing was called slave patrolling. Of course, now, everyone has a recording device in their pocket and there’s more awareness around the abuse but it’s not new by any means. More times than not, they aren’t prosecuted when they commit crimes, they falsify police reports, they don’t police everyone the same, they frequently escalate situations, and they are willing to cover everything up to protect their own. As it is and has been, policing in this country is awful.

Like I’ve said before, they don’t wear bad apple stickers, so you never know which one will victimize you during an encounter. Just recently, there was a story where a few of them were sending text messages joking about killing black people. There was also a sheriff that was recently recorded bragging about killing black folks. These people have serious issues and are permitted to walk the streets with guns and handcuffs. It makes no sense.
Really hard for me to argue any of that.

I cant claim to know what the fix is. I do believe there are more good cops than bad ones but like you said you dont know who are the bad ones.

Making our police mini miltarys isnt a good thing either in my opinion.


I cannot believe this was sent out. Garland might be the worst AG of all time. Unbelievable.

He is and Biden is the worst president of all time too… and they are less than 2 years in, it’s actually unfathomable. If MSM actually reported the news, even liberals would see it (although many have woken up)
Guess here is best place

Idk for sure, but it’s looking like it could be another race hoax. Multiple people there, have also come out and said it didn’t happen. Good thread explaining the ordeal and the multiple red flags.

Makes more sense when you see her racist godmother’s tweets. She’s the one running for political office, who used this story to boost herself up.

Quite a thread right here on the Biden Admin, CDC, DHS, etc. having social media companies censor the truth.

Quite a thread right here on the Biden Admin, CDC, DHS, etc. having social media companies censor the truth.

I thought we were conspiracy theorists for saying this was going on tho? Now they can label us as “domestic terrorists” for pointing out the facts! 😂