If none of you are not seeing a direct correlation between these grant funds being cut and AAU status, an invite to the B1G, I don't know what to tell you. This puts us below AAU invite #'s. We will be well below FSU's research money #'s last year that hasn't gotten them an invite yet. Again, this is probably going to completely crush and end the AAU, all together, but until I know that, this is our key besides viewership to an invite. Former B1G commissioner Warren wanted to go up the West coast (completed) for teams and then down the East coast. The Bears hired him before he completed that mission. Now the viewership King commissioner Petitti took over. AAU membership and TV ratings, besides wanting in FL so bad are key. Unless they announce this administration has destroyed the AAU completely, I am overly concerned about our AAU status and a B1G invite.