MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I must love abuse because I'm about to say the quiet part out loud...

I am OK with the Canes staying in the ACC as long as they get comparable money to the Big 2 and the Nolies and Tigahs stay put. Love to say, "Also, if ND joins..." but I know that's just fool's gold.

I am anticipating some sustainable success for the next few years, so again, as long as we make good money, still have a few solid teams in the ACC and always have a path to the playoffs, I'm OK with us remaining in the ACC.

...(Covers head, runs and hides)...
That's the thing though, I'm not sure there's a path to "comparable money to the big 2"... ACC has no assets to add that will increase value that significantly...
They really need to shut down HRS upper deck seating for select Miami Games.

Just makes no sense.

Put huge UHealth covers and call it advertising to effectively, and legally, transfer funds to program.

Original stadium renovation renderings had this pic and I always though it looked pretty cool. Sad they couldnt even get the logo color scheme correct smh
Been awhile since I’ve posted on this thread but I’ll say this, I think people are underestimating how much of a tactical blunder FSU and Clemson made with the route they chose.

We need to jump to the Big 10, but we gotta deal with the ACC in the interim. Miami knew it didn’t have the leverage it needed to force an outcome it wanted. Make a deep run this year and our hand gets much stronger. Also, our preferred outcome doesn’t necessarily kill the ACC. FSU and Clemson took a kill shot and, for now, missed.
If not for the lawsuit they filed 2030 would be 2036 for the GOR to end and also top teams get more money. If that's correct, how is that a blunder?
I must love abuse because I'm about to say the quiet part out loud...

I am OK with the Canes staying in the ACC as long as they get comparable money to the Big 2 and the Nolies and Tigahs stay put. Love to say, "Also, if ND joins..." but I know that's just fool's gold.

I am anticipating some sustainable success for the next few years, so again, as long as we make good money, still have a few solid teams in the ACC and always have a path to the playoffs, I'm OK with us remaining in the ACC.

...(Covers head, runs and hides)...
Jane you ignorant ****.
Always sounds like an excuse tbh

Either it's important enough to attend or it's not
It’s not an excuse it’s just FACTS.

The administration/Hard Rock Marketing has to do a better job of understanding this problem though and making UM games the thing TO DO.

Part of that is putting a winning product on the field. It looks like Mario and the boosters have finally resolved that.

Now there has to be a whole new marketing strategy for all parties involved. From promotions on ticketing, making tailgating and events pre-game so much better for all. To making the atmosphere inside the stadium better. They need to be giving away tickets to the needy, lower income families, little league football teams, high school teams,local area coaches, BUT especially military or first responders. If the game isn’t SOLD OUT. These people should be allowed to get in free.

The little league football teams and high school teams just creates an even better sense of community for these young kids to root for and have a connection to the U.
It’s not an excuse it’s just FACTS.

The administration/Hard Rock Marketing has to do a better job of understanding this problem though and making UM games the thing TO DO.

Part of that is putting a winning product on the field. It looks like Mario and the boosters have finally resolved that.

Now there has to be a whole new marketing strategy for all parties involved. From promotions on ticketing, making tailgating and events pre-game so much better for all. To making the atmosphere inside the stadium better. They need to be giving away tickets to the needy, lower income families, little league football teams, high school teams,local area coaches, BUT especially military or first responders. If the game isn’t SOLD OUT. These people should be allowed to get in free.

The little league football teams and high school teams just creates an even better sense of community for these young kids to root for and have a connection to the U.
No, if you know Miami history is does not matter, and giving the tickets away to some of the groups you mention is disrespectful to the people that buy tickets.
No, if you know Miami history is does not matter, and giving the tickets away to some of the groups you mention is disrespectful to the people that buy tickets.
Giving them away or having discounted promotions for underprivileged kids or VETS via programs is disrespectful to YOU??

Well anything to make YOU feel special bruh…
There isn’t a path. And yes, he does like abuse.

I hope the ACC rots and dies.
There is however a path to realistic comparable revenue until 2030 though (where we could then get full B10/SEC shares).

A) if we have to pay anything towards a GOR buyout and/or Conference Exit fee, at minimum we are talking $100M (that’s even if the GOR is $0), until 2030, that’s like $20M/yr worth of value (2025-2029 seasons).

B) it is unlikely we are to receive Full B1G (or SEC) payouts until 2030. Maybe we would get more than Oregon which is 50% and increasing yearly, but I doubt it’d be more than 75% on average.

Therefore if you combine the two, even if the B1G payout is $75M/yr (it likely wouldn’t be), after the $20M/yr exit cost until 2030, you’re talking $55M/yr… right now the ACC is at what like $45-50M? So if the revenue is distributed more by media generation AND success on the field/court, well I can see how we could maybe get $55-60M/yr… AND right now we have a relatively easier path to the CFP as things stand.

However I would still probably choose to just get into the B1G asap if the money is within $5M/yr tbh. I’d say it much greater value on the certainty that we are “IN” and there is no other BS we’d have to deal with.