MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Suuuuuureeeeee okay.

The leftover ACC schools are at the mercy of whatever financial terms the ACC and ESPN decide to offer

What a dopey response.

And stop conflating issues.

First, as to the TV deal, there have always been terms in the TV contract that could INCREASE the payout (i.e., Notre Dame joins the ACC) or LOWER the payout (i.e., the most desirable schools leave the ACC). It's not arbitrary. ESPN isn't going to "lower the payout" out of spite. They would do it because they are ALLOWED to do it by the terms of the contract and the reality of the situation. That doesn't "open the door" for every other school to exit with no penalty.

Second, as to the ACC Constitution and the exit fee, negotiating with F$U/Clemson doesn't establish a legal precedent or price. If that was true, then we could all just cite "Maryland" and offer to pay a minimal exit fee.

You are in the group of misguided and misinformed porsters who like to spout things like "let F$U and Clemson do all the heavy lifting" and "why should we spend any money right now".

Miami needs to file suit. Immediately. We are not going to have a Big 10 landing spot by being cheap, cowardly pussies who think that F$U/Clemson will magically make our exit easier.

That's like a prisoner thinking "hey, once that other prisoner escapes, I'm just going to be able to walk out the front door".
1. Your quote: "There’s only two UC schools in D1 sports, L.A & Cal. Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Riverside, Irvine, San Diego, Merced, & San Francisco can give two fcks about this; none of them r affected by UCLA, but Berkeley." I clarified- there are actually 6 D1 UC schools. Only 2 play D1A/FBC football. But thinking the rest don't care about $$ would be a mistake.
2. Glad you have connections. The back story is, however, somewhat well known. I didn't pay attention to 780 prior pages, don't know why you think the Chancellor of Berkeley is bigger than the Board of Regents but she isn't, and heard all the public newspaper quotes as well as some of the reports of the negotiations that weren't published. Regents weren't punishing UCLA so much as they were reminding them that UCLA does answer to the Regents. But, you are 100% right that everything about the move, and the Regents approval, was about revenue. The budget numbers that are about to be released will be further proof that the State had no desire to put bailing out the UCLA athletic dept. as a priority.

This is a conference alignment thread regarding the effects of conference re-alignments, which is driven by CFB & The P5. I thought it was pretty clear that’s what this thread was about.

Lastly, I never said anything about Berkeley’s Chancellor being bigger than The Regents; I’m merely pointing out that if Cal was invited to a conference garnishing them equal or comparable revenue, none of this is an issue. This wasn’t an issue of UCLA leaving the PAC-12, b/c the PAC-12 was going to implode regardless due to ineptitude from its last two commissioners; this boiled down to how was Cal affected by all of this, which is why this is dubbed the Cal Tax alias Calimony.
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Is Miami leaving the ACC for the Big10 or SEC? I don't know, what I DO know is where to get the best deep dish pizza.

Never change CIS................
Billy Gardell Reaction GIF by CBS
I shall have my staff prepare many feasts in the Black Lot, prior to my landing on the helipad of course, with this device.
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Waiting for the next move. Will that be action in the FSU law suit? Clemson law Suit? Or will UNC shake things up and file as well? Would be nice to see Miami file and get more aggressive. You have to want to get out.

This thing has to be done by AUGUST for fsu and Clemson. one way or another, I WOULD think. We’re running three months behind. Time to CATCH UP.
This thing has to be done by AUGUST for fsu and Clemson. one way or another, I WOULD think. We’re running three months behind. Time to CATCH UP.
What is a concern is ESPN and the ACC working together to

-negotiate an exit for FSU and Clemson
-attempting to KEEP the ACC in tact and make it harder for others to leave

Would be better for the schools if the ACC were just left to implode.
Relly I have a question.I’ve never had deep dish and don’t think I’d like it with all the dough but my question.

Is deep dish a lot of dough with the cheese,sausage pepperoni whatever just on top or is there cheese and other ingredients all through all that dough?
Were raised by wolves in a forest?

Serious question.