MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Imagine being told “hey, give up some of that loot to help out ur red headed step-brother.”

This goes back to what I told this board way yonder when the UC regents were trying to **** block UCLA from going to The B1G; it was Cal’s hating *** big mad b/c of it. The B1G had interest in UCLA & SC not just b/c of the market, but b/c of sports. Cal, along w/ Stanford thought eventually they’ll get in as well, b/c of the rivalries & academics. The sports that both of them excel in, however, the B1G can give two fcks about. Lol.

When it became apparent that invite wasn’t coming, Cal really started to hate. There’s only two UC schools in D1 sports, L.A & Cal. Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Riverside, Irvine, San Diego, Merced, & San Francisco can give two fcks about this; none of them r affected by UCLA, but Berkeley is. Smh
Imagine being told “hey, give up some of that loot to help out ur red headed step-brother.”

This goes back to what I told this board way yonder when the UC regents were trying to **** block UCLA from going to The B1G; it was Cal’s hating *** big mad b/c of it. The B1G had interest in UCLA & SC not just b/c of the market, but b/c of sports. Cal, along w/ Stanford thought eventually they’ll get in as well, b/c of the rivalries & academics. The sports that both of them excel in, however, the B1G can give two fcks about. Lol.

When it became apparent that invite wasn’t coming, Cal really started to hate. There’s only two UC schools in D1 sports, L.A & Cal. Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Riverside, Irvine, San Diego, Merced, & San Francisco can give two fcks about this; none of them r affected by UCLA, but Berkeley
Santa Barbara (ranked in the top 20 in D1 baseball), Irvine, San Diego, and Riverside all play D1 Sports. They don't have football teams. Davis is a D1 school for sports, but they're 1AA/FCS for football, ironically, they and their top rival (Sacramento State, a CSU school) have beaten Stanford in football in the past 10-15 years (Sac State beat them last year, when the former Sac State coach was in his first year at Stanford). UCSF is a medical school, and nothing else. Santa Cruz and Merced dp not field any division 1 sports.
Ca; didn't "start to hate' when they didn't get an invite, the Regents were ****ed that UCLA did this on their own without notification. the Regents give a ****load more money to UCLA than the B1G ever will and could have prevented UCLA from leaving if they wanted. But, UCLA's finances are miserable, and the easiest path out of their mess was to allow them to leave, thus saving state money that would have otherwise bailed out the UCLA athletic funding. But the price for leaving Cal behind was sharing the money, plus guarantees to play the other UC schools as often as possible in football (Cal) or other sports (everyone else who is D1A and in Southern California.
Santa Barbara (ranked in the top 20 in D1 baseball), Irvine, San Diego, and Riverside all play D1 Sports. They don't have football teams. Davis is a D1 school for sports, but they're 1AA/FCS for football, ironically, they and their top rival (Sacramento State, a CSU school) have beaten Stanford in football in the past 10-15 years (Sac State beat them last year, when the former Sac State coach was in his first year at Stanford). UCSF is a medical school, and nothing else. Santa Cruz and Merced dp not field any division 1 sports.
Ca; didn't "start to hate' when they didn't get an invite, the Regents were ****ed that UCLA did this on their own without notification. the Regents give a ****load more money to UCLA than the B1G ever will and could have prevented UCLA from leaving if they wanted. But, UCLA's finances are miserable, and the easiest path out of their mess was to allow them to leave, thus saving state money that would have otherwise bailed out the UCLA athletic funding. But the price for leaving Cal behind was sharing the money, plus guarantees to play the other UC schools as often as possible in football (Cal) or other sports (everyone else who is D1A and in Southern California.

“But the Regents began to ask questions because U.C.L.A.’s departure would result in a financial hit for a sister school, the University of California, Berkeley. Its revenue from a Pac-12 television contract would be reduced by millions of dollars because the conference would be losing the Los Angeles market.”

This is a direct quote. On top of that, I know for a certain Carol Christ was blindsided by the news of UCLA departing & they were looking for immediate recourse from the UC Board of Regents. There was even speculation that maybe there was a little bit of favoritism going on b/c there wasn’t an immediate outrage from The UC President, who overlapped w/ UCLA’s AD while they were both at Ohio State.


1. I have no idea why u’re bringing up all those UC Schools, when:
-Not one of them r in the Power 5/4 Conference &
-None of them have D-1 Football programs, & r zero factors in any conference expansion decision, as I stated.

2. I actually have connections, like legit connections which is why I tend to drop Easter eggs all over CIS well b4 chit happens. I live in PAC-12 country, in the heart of PAC-12 country actually, & I’m deeply connected to both SC & UCLA due to infamous alumni that are in my circle.

I know for a certain when UCLA made the move, The Regents were upset primarily for Cal b/c Cal was like ‘WTF; what about us?’ They’ve been at the hip since 1928. The UC HQ in the backyard of Cal, & Newsome immediately wanted to know how all of this would affect Cal. To appease The Regents, UCLA agreed to pay between $2 - $10m to Cal. They now r pushing $10m b/c Cal had to come to the ACC at a discounted rate, not being a full member + Cal has its own financial issues.

In essence, The Regents r trying to punish UCLA b/c Cal is affected due to them not finding suitable financial stability from a conference. If Cal went to the B1G as well, do u actually think The Regents would have an issue of a “courtesy notice?”

Everything u’re stating has already been discussed pages ago, but that’s neither here nor there. At the end of the day, the crux of the matter is about revenue, period. UCLA AD has been operating in the red & the PAC-12 offered zero incentives for UCLA to stay. UCLA athletics have debt upon debt, so yes the move to the B1G was by far the most beneficial. The Regents couldn’t do **** to keep UCLA in the PAC-12 b/c the PAC-12 was a **** stain conference corrupted by **** poor decision makers, so what r u talking about?

U’re acting as if the PAC-12 didn’t just implode on itself. So again, I have no idea regarding any of what u posted.
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Dude! Chicago’s Deep Dish is a novelty pizza for tourist! The everyday pizza that is ate is the infamous thin crust, tavern style! & it’s delicious got dammit

That’s right… sneaky midwesterners trying to lure people in with that lasagna knockoff while keeping the thin crust for themselves… ********
Stanford isn’t going to the BIG before us. Also, if Stanford is somehow going, it means we’ve got a spot too. We did them a huge favor in greasing the skids to get them into the ACC. They did the same with AAU for us. We have a good relationship with them, they won’t ***** us over.
Imagine being told “hey, give up some of that loot to help out ur red headed step-brother.”

This goes back to what I told this board way yonder when the UC regents were trying to **** block UCLA from going to The B1G; it was Cal’s hating *** big mad b/c of it. The B1G had interest in UCLA & SC not just b/c of the market, but b/c of sports. Cal, along w/ Stanford thought eventually they’ll get in as well, b/c of the rivalries & academics. The sports that both of them excel in, however, the B1G can give two fcks about. Lol.

When it became apparent that invite wasn’t coming, Cal really started to hate. There’s only two UC schools in D1 sports, L.A & Cal. Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Riverside, Irvine, San Diego, Merced, & San Francisco can give two fcks about this; none of them r affected by UCLA, but Berkeley is. Smh
Does Cal really care??
Does Cal really care??

When it came to their $$?? Lol. Yeah, they care.

Both UCLA & Cal have struggled in their AD, mostly UCLA. If Cal would’ve gotten a sweet deal, no one would care from The Regents.

When the UC Regents said they had a problem, I was very specific about the problem being Cal. The other UC schools r not affected by this. This is all about money, period. Governor Newsome, as a member of the governing body, tried to block UCLA from leaving. Why? B/c it all came back to how will this affect Cal, & Cal made a stink about it. Newsome is a Bay Guy, & is an alum from the UC system in The Bay. Cal is a big player in the UC system, so why wouldn’t they? If $$ is being shared & their cut was going to be reduced tremendously, u would care, too. Lol

So we’ll see what takes place after The Regents meeting in Merced. I’ll just say, if they vote that UCLA have to pay Cal $10m/yr for the next 5-6 yrs, + UCLA’s commitment to their student athletes at another $10m, this will hurt b/c of the hole they’re in financially. Divorce is not fun in marriages, conferences, or the college systems when $$$ is involved.
When it came to their $$?? Lol. Yeah, they care.

Both UCLA & Cal have struggled in their AD, mostly UCLA. If Cal would’ve gotten a sweet deal, no one would care from The Regents.

When the UC Regents said they had a problem, I was very specific about the problem being Cal. The other UC schools r not affected by this. This is all about money, period. Governor Newsome, as a member of the governing body, tried to block UCLA from leaving. Why? B/c it all came back to how will this affect Cal, & Cal made a stink about it. Newsome is a Bay Guy, & is an alum from the UC system in The Bay. Cal is a big player in the UC system, so why wouldn’t they? If $$ is being shared & their cut was going to be reduced tremendously, u would care, too. Lol

So we’ll see what takes place after The Regents meeting in Merced. I’ll just say, if they vote that UCLA have to pay Cal $10m/yr for the next 5-6 yrs, + UCLA’s commitment to their student athletes at another $10m, this will hurt b/c of the hole they’re in financially. Divorce is not fun in marriages, conferences, or the college systems when $$$ is involved.
How CA's legislature goes, so goes other like minded states eventually. Good look Oregon and Washington, no one gives a shizznizzle about (nothing to divvy up) in Michigan, Minnesota, and Illinois.

How CA's legislature goes, so goes other like minded states eventually. Good look Oregon and Washington, no one gives a shizznizzle about (nothing to divvy up) in Michigan, Minnesota, and Illinois.


Also, just in case ppl ? my juice:

Notice the date stamps. There’s certain things I’m connected w/, certain things I’m not. If I’m very passionate about something, there’s a 99.9999% chance I’m getting it from multiple sources directly, & it’ll come to print eventually.

At the end of the day, The Regents concerns made sense b/c the other big school w/ direct ties financially got screwed over. UCLA knew if they would’ve said “hey guys, so here’s what we’re thinking…” they would’ve had all kind of red tape; so they bossed up. If the L.A market couldn’t move the networks to give The PAC-12 a sweet deal, nothing could.

So SC & UCLA did what they had to do, as grimey as it may have been, Cal did what it had to do as that $$ coming in from the PAC-12 stopped, & The UC Regents r doing what they have to do to protect one its biggest members who got screwed. Sad moment, but necessary.
Also, just in case ppl ? my juice:

Notice the date stamps. There’s certain things I’m connected w/, certain things I’m not. If I’m very passionate about something, there’s a 99.9999% chance I’m getting it from multiple sources directly, & it’ll come to print eventually.

At the end of the day, The Regents concerns made sense b/c the other big school w/ direct ties financially got screwed over. UCLA knew if they would’ve said “hey guys, so here’s what we’re thinking…” they would’ve had all kind of red tape; so they bossed up. If the L.A market couldn’t move the networks to give The PAC-12 a sweet deal, nothing could.

So SC & UCLA did what they had to do, as grimey as it may have been, Cal did what it had to do as that $$ coming in from the PAC-12 stopped, & The UC Regents r doing what they have to do to protect one its biggest members who got screwed. Sad moment, but necessary.

Looks like a positive for FSU. Their action in Florida continues forward, ACC suit put on hold by the court, including discovery. All leading to out of court settlement going on between the ACC, FSU & Clemson? The ACC is desperate to try to keep some semblance of a competitive conference in tact. Will they let FSU / Clemson head to the B10 and offer several of the "remaining" ACC schools unequal $$ distribution to keep them from leaving? We know the media contract will be revised to a lesser payout without FSU & Clemson. That means a new GOR. Could be an interesting June & July.
Looks like a positive for FSU. Their action in Florida continues forward, ACC suit put on hold by the court, including discovery. All leading to out of court settlement going on between the ACC, FSU & Clemson? The ACC is desperate to try to keep some semblance of a competitive conference in tact. Will they let FSU / Clemson head to the B10 and offer several of the "remaining" ACC schools unequal $$ distribution to keep them from leaving? We know the media contract will be revised to a lesser payout without FSU & Clemson. That means a new GOR. Could be an interesting June & July.

You all realize the minute that the ACC and ESPN try to lower any tv payouts that opens the door for every other school to leave, that’s in addition to the precedent set by whatever exit fee gets negotiated by FSU and Clemson

I know some of you have argued that FSU’s deal doesn’t apply to any remaining ACC school, but in reality it does…. From a contract law standpoint
You all realize the minute that the ACC and ESPN try to lower any tv payouts that opens the door for every other school to leave, that’s in addition to the precedent set by whatever exit fee gets negotiated by FSU and Clemson

I know some of you have argued that FSU’s deal doesn’t apply to any remaining ACC school, but in reality it does…. From a contract law standpoint
Anybody can leave ... having a landing spot in the P2 is the issue.
“But the Regents began to ask questions because U.C.L.A.’s departure would result in a financial hit for a sister school, the University of California, Berkeley. Its revenue from a Pac-12 television contract would be reduced by millions of dollars because the conference would be losing the Los Angeles market.”

This is a direct quote. On top of that, I know for a certain Carol Christ was blindsided by the news of UCLA departing & they were looking for immediate recourse from the UC Board of Regents. There was even speculation that maybe there was a little bit of favoritism going on b/c there wasn’t an immediate outrage from The UC President, who overlapped w/ UCLA’s AD while they were both at Ohio State.


1. I have no idea why u’re bringing up all those UC Schools, when:
-Not one of them r in the Power 5/4 Conference &
-None of them have D-1 Football programs, & r zero factors in any conference expansion decision, as I stated.

2. I actually have connections, like legit connections which is why I tend to drop Easter eggs all over CIS well b4 chit happens. I live in PAC-12 country, in the heart of PAC-12 country actually, & I’m deeply connected to both SC & UCLA due to infamous alumni that are in my circle.

I know for a certain when UCLA made the move, The Regents were upset primarily for Cal b/c Cal was like ‘WTF; what about us?’ They’ve been at the hip since 1928. The UC HQ in the backyard of Cal, & Newsome immediately wanted to know how all of this would affect Cal. To appease The Regents, UCLA agreed to pay between $2 - $10m to Cal. They now r pushing $10m b/c Cal had to come to the ACC at a discounted rate, not being a full member + Cal has its own financial issues.

In essence, The Regents r trying to punish UCLA b/c Cal is affected due to them not finding suitable financial stability from a conference. If Cal went to the B1G as well, do u actually think The Regents would have an issue of a “courtesy notice?”

Everything u’re stating has already been discussed pages ago, but that’s neither here nor there. At the end of the day, the crux of the matter is about revenue, period. UCLA AD has been operating in the red & the PAC-12 offered zero incentives for UCLA to stay. UCLA athletics have debt upon debt, so yes the move to the B1G was by far the most beneficial. The Regents couldn’t do **** to keep UCLA in the PAC-12 b/c the PAC-12 was a **** stain conference corrupted by **** poor decision makers, so what r u talking about?

U’re acting as if the PAC-12 didn’t just implode on itself. So again, I have no idea regarding any of what u posted.
1. Your quote: "There’s only two UC schools in D1 sports, L.A & Cal. Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Riverside, Irvine, San Diego, Merced, & San Francisco can give two fcks about this; none of them r affected by UCLA, but Berkeley." I clarified- there are actually 6 D1 UC schools. Only 2 play D1A/FBC football. But thinking the rest don't care about $$ would be a mistake.
2. Glad you have connections. The back story is, however, somewhat well known. I didn't pay attention to 780 prior pages, don't know why you think the Chancellor of Berkeley is bigger than the Board of Regents but she isn't, and heard all the public newspaper quotes as well as some of the reports of the negotiations that weren't published. Regents weren't punishing UCLA so much as they were reminding them that UCLA does answer to the Regents. But, you are 100% right that everything about the move, and the Regents approval, was about revenue. The budget numbers that are about to be released will be further proof that the State had no desire to put bailing out the UCLA athletic dept. as a priority.
Anybody can leave ... having a landing spot in the P2 is the issue.

Anybody can leave ... having a landing spot in the P2 is the issue.

I still standby my statement on Miami to BigTen being an all but certainty

Clemson filing suit behind FSU doesn’t mean that they (Clemson) have a spot in the P2 ahead of Miami simply because they filed snd Miami didn’t
You all realize the minute that the ACC and ESPN try to lower any tv payouts that opens the door for every other school to leave, that’s in addition to the precedent set by whatever exit fee gets negotiated by FSU and Clemson

I know some of you have argued that FSU’s deal doesn’t apply to any remaining ACC school, but in reality it does…. From a contract law standpoint

Nope. Wrong.