MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

We just need to win and win big soon and give the networks no choice but to add us into the P2 in one of the leagues.

We command too many eyeballs when we are relevant and winning big and neither network is going to let the other one grab the S.Fla. area out from under them.

I really think winning the ACC this year and continue winning next year it punches our ticket to the dance with either of the 2 pretty girls doing the choosing.
They're just trying to force all the parties to the table. That's the only logical outcome all along. What I find troubling about the ACC is how little willingness they appear to have to actually go to bat for member institutions. It's as if they're cool with not trying to get a better deal from ESPN. Weird stuff.

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How do they GET a better media deal for a crap conference with programs like BC, Syracuse, Wake Forest? ESPN already stated that their INVESTMENT PRIORITY is the SEC. They have been so uninterested IN the ACC that they declined to exercise the option in 2021 to extend the current media contract from 6/27 to 6/36. That should tell you something.
How do they GET a better media deal for a crap conference with programs like BC, Syracuse, Wake Forest? ESPN already stated that their INVESTMENT PRIORITY is the SEC. They have been so uninterested IN the ACC that they declined to exercise the option in 2021 to extend the current media contract from 6/27 to 6/36. That should tell you something.

If the ACC wants a better deal with ESPN, then the Commissioner has to make sure that his kids get jobs at ESPN.

Then everything will be taken care of.

The other option was "ask nicely", I guess...
Watch this starting at around the 38 minute mark 🤯.

Basically just reiterating that the ESPN MEDIA AGREEMENT is the key. According to Clemson's attorneys, who reviewed the document under "supervision" in Charlotte, it states clearly that the media rights are maintained by the network WHILE THE SCHOOL IS A CONFERENCE MEMBER. So, once a school withdraws from the conference, the schools media rights no longer belong to ESPN, and are retained by the school, for all future games. They then read excerpts from the ESPN Media Agreement with U of Texas ... which stated that exactly. AND we have the wording in the ACC GOR stating that it was created TO SUPPORT THE ESPN AGREEMENT ... only. So ... contractually .... and it should apply to ALL ACC SCHOOLS .... you leave, pay the ACC exit fee, and you leave WITH your media rights for all future games.
They're just trying to force all the parties to the table. That's the only logical outcome all along. What I find troubling about the ACC is how little willingness they appear to have to actually go to bat for member institutions. It's as if they're cool with not trying to get a better deal from ESPN. Weird stuff.

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I said this long ago. I was relentlessly attacked. I have lit a candle for you.
Looks like FSU had some fundamental omissions in their original complaint that didn't address "The ACC actually doing business in the State of Florida via contractual agreements with FSU & Miami" that FSU is now trying to include in pleadings in establishing Florida as the appropriate venue. Seems like their initial filing was not as complete and detailed as it should have been.