MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Can you imagine the impact on recruiting (and retaining players you currently have) for teams who don't get into the SEC or B1G? Pretty horrific thought. You go from a P5 school to irrelevant.
That’s the worst nightmare. Hopefully, Miami’s location being in south Florida will be enough reason for either:
A.) The SEC takes us as to block the B1G from getting into Florida (south Florida none-the-less)
B.) The B1G takes us because the SEC attempts to make us irrelevant but the B1G can’t pass up getting into Florida
Big question really is, will Disney and Fox pay up to $2 billion for 20 team conf?? $100 million payouts are just crazy!
I know we hate on FSU, but I really can't see them not being a priority add. I mean FSU brings more to the table athletically than UCLA imo and I don't even think it's really up for debate tbh. At the minimum they are even - and the B10 just went out and got them, even if one of the reasons was being a "travel buddy" - you could do the same with Miami + FSU if they went B10... I really wouldn't be worried about not playing FSU though. Think of it like this if FSU joined the SEC, they'd play UF yearly in conference, and then could play us OOC yearly. And if They go B10, we'd 100% get them as a rival, and they'd still play UF yearly OOC...

Like (in no order) Oregon, Washington, Miami, Clemson, FSU, ND, UNC imo are the clear cut top available.

Then it's like VTech, Duke, Stanford, Utah, and like TCU, Texas Tech, WVU, and Oklahoma State out of the B12..

After that you're talking the UVAs, Louisvilles, ASU, GTech, Pitt, Cal, NCState.

But some of those schools likely are only desirable to one conference - like Stanford/Cal to the B10 possibly just so they can solidify their Academics + California media market. And like UVA, Duke, and UNC are probably pretty desirable as a package together.
The 2 main factors for the Big 10 when adding schools is academics and market size or how they say it footprint. That being said, Miami is alot more attractive than Tallahassee when factoring in these 2 narratives.
I think it was Josh Pate that said it best. The SEC didn’t negotiate with Texas and Oklahoma; ESPN did. At this point ESPN and Fox are the drivers here. We still are a national brand that draws eyeballs, even when we’re average. Imagine what we pull when we’re consistently good again. Just think about that 2017 season and the excitement we created. You think ESPN cares if UF doesn’t want Miami? That matchup - plus all the other premier matchups - is TV ratings gold:

Who knows, maybe SEC pulls ND and we get Miami-ND

Same goes with Fox and the Big10. Miami vs OSU, Michigan, MSU, USC, UCLA, ND, etc
I stated in my OP that they had 1 private school in Vandy, but in their previous expansions from the '90's to now, they have all been large public schools. The same could be said for the Big 10 up until USC.

No, you're making bad points.

The SEC has expanded twice before now.

Name the great private schools in Arkansas or South Carolina? Missouri or Texas? Unless you think that the SEC was taking Furman or Washington University (and, yes, I know there are a couple of good private schools in Texas), you are mistaking cause and effect.

You are acting like the SEC has avoided private schools when the REALITY is that they moved into certain states at the edges of their footprint that didn't really have private schools with great football teams (especially during the 1990 expansion). And with the exception of Texas, there are simply NO private schools that play football at a high level in Arkansas, South Carolina, Missouri, or even Oklahoma.

Not to mention the fact that the SEC once included GaTech and Tulane.

The point is, the SEC is NOT trying to avoid private schools, so much as it is trying to move into neighboring states in which there are no private schools with the profile necessary to merit an SEC invitation.

Of the primary states the SEC would consider expansion, the only possible P5 private schools are UM, GaTech, Duke, Baylor, and TCU. Of those, GaTech is a former SEC member, as mentioned previously. Duke would likely not get an invitation because its football team is so weak, not because it is a private school.

Miami, Baylor, and TCU all make sense if the SEC wants to increase its presence in Florida and/or Texas. AND they are the best SEC candidate schools in Florida and Texas.

Baylor and TCU are great if the SEC wants to kill the Big 12. But I think the SEC is more concerned with the Big 10, which is why Miami makes sense in spite of being a private school in a big city.
word is Disney is looking to sell ESPN

to add why? bc ESPN doesn't really make Disney money with the amount of money that gets poured into it. now if you combine It with ESPN having to compete with the streaming companies for sports tv rights, its not hard to see why. disney makes most of their money elsewhere. apple has billions that they can just throw at a sport to get their exclusive rights. Disney has billions too but not to devote to ESPN
Hasn't Kentucky been 10-3 last 2 of 3 seasons or so??
They are at their high water mark. and they still are not much of a TV draw. And therein becomes the issue. All TV cares about is TV ratings. So a school like UK, or Utah or Missouri or Wake can have good seasons and they don’t move the ratings even one bit.
If the networks have their complete way in the end, they will basically look to see which schools produce ratings and keep those schools in the highest division and relegate everyone else to a second tier.
to add why? bc ESPN doesn't really make Disney money with the amount of money that gets poured into it. now if you combine It with ESPN having to compete with the streaming companies for sports tv rights, its not hard to see why. disney makes most of their money elsewhere. apple has billions that they can just throw at a sport to get their exclusive rights. Disney has billions too but not to devote to ESPN
Would be interesting to see Apple or Amazon get it and create a more polished product than ACCN.
I think it was Josh Pate that said it best. The SEC didn’t negotiate with Texas and Oklahoma; ESPN did. At this point ESPN and Fox are the drivers here. We still are a national brand that draws eyeballs, even when we’re average. Imagine what we pull when we’re consistently good again. Just think about that 2017 season and the excitement we created. You think ESPN cares if UF doesn’t want Miami? That matchup - plus all the other premier matchups - is TV ratings gold:

Who knows, maybe SEC pulls ND and we get Miami-ND

Same goes with Fox and the Big10. Miami vs OSU, Michigan, MSU, USC, UCLA, ND, etc
In 2017 even Finebaum was sucking our d*ck.
In 2017 even Finebaum was sucking our d*ck.
chelsea peretti ew GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Man, FSU…. Like Miami years ago, just let the golden goose walk out the door. Then again, the end of that Jimbo run things were getting a little loose.

The South Florida market is another area I need some education. With all of the UF and FSU alums in South Florida, is that market covered? I am making an assumption so take it as such.

At the end of the day, I am glad the commitment was made and I personally feel way better about realignment than I did a few short months ago. I Appreciate the insight.

Florida and F$U do not "cover" the South Florida markets, certainly not at the level that Miami does.

And that is the point. If you have Miami and Florida in the SEC as a PAIR of teams, then you will definitely lock down the South Florida markets.

It's the same point I was making about UCF and USF to the ACC. Right now, Florida is very strong in the Orlando and Tampa markets. But if you had a conference that was regularly featuring Miami, F$U, UCF, and USF, it would chip away at what Florida can deliver in the Central Florida markets. (EDIT: it is not just population that drives the TV markets, keep in mind that if only UF and F$U represent the SEC in Florida, you never have an ACTUAL GAME PLAYED south of Hogtown; at least when you add Miami, you get games PLAYED in both the northern and southern parts of the state.)

So if you minimized the SEC presence in Orlando, Tampa, West Palm, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami...what would Florida bring to the SEC? The Jacksonville market?

Again, I'm not saying that a 4-Florida-team ACC would be on the horizon. But it would completely lock down the 3rd largest state (by population) and minimize the SEC presence.

Obviously, the SEC improves its position in Florida by adding Miami. And it strengthens it more with F$U, I've never denied that. The only question is whether the SEC feels it is better to add F$U to improve its hold in Florida, or move into new states like NC and VA. That is all.

Just think about the map. A Florida-Miami combo is a north-south combo that appeals to both the more rural/northern part of the state as well as the more urban/southern part of the state. A Florida-F$U game, while it is a fine rivalry, just duplicates the coverage of one part of the state, without addressing the more populous portion of the state.
Who would be the players in contention to buy ESPN? Apple or Amazon type of company?
Not sure. Remember fox did this and sold their rsns to Bally. I don’t think Apple would buy ESPN as they seem content for streaming only. He’ll their own produced movie won an Oscar.
Not sure. Remember fox did this and sold their rsns to Bally. I don’t think Apple would buy ESPN as they seem content for streaming only. He’ll their own produced movie won an Oscar.
Not sure they would buy ESPN but they absolutely could go after broadcasting rights.