MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations


The ACC: Now is the time to show a united front, we can't go down without a fight.


Real quick, Breakfast Club is a good watch. John Hughes had the 80’s down.

Why is FSU so toxic? Is it as simple as they simply are broke? Thankfully, Miami put the big boy pants a few months ago.
Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?
Can I say I told Y’all yet? We should’ve been leading this and I wouldn’t be surprised that Radakovitch is behind the 8 ball because the flat basketball we called an AD was too busy trying to lick Epstein’s taint. Radakovitch will probably have us going to one of the 2 with VT but I don’t like that we’re not the one leading the charge.
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Can I say I told Y’all yet? We should’ve been leading this and I wouldn’t be surprised the Radakovitch is behind the 8 ball because the flat basketball we called an AD was too busy trying to lick Epstein’s taint. Radakovitch will probably have us going to one of the 2 with VT but I don’t like that we’re not the one leading the charge.
You have no ******* idea what you’re talking about

You’re literally listening to a bunch of ******* idiots on the Internet with their “exclusives” who don’t know Jack **** when you’re assuming that one of the most powerful athletic directors in the country had no idea what was going on and is just waiting around.

you seem really smart

file under tell me you’re an idiot without telling me you’re an idiot
You have no ******* idea what you’re talking about

You’re literally listening to a bunch of ******* idiots on the Internet with their “exclusives” who don’t know Jack **** when you’re assuming that one of the most powerful athletic directors in the country had no idea what was going on and is just waiting around.

you seem really smart

file under tell me you’re an idiot without telling me you’re an idiot
You read that and actually ******* think I’m blaming our current leadership in the athletic department? Seriously?
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It's not about being toxic. It's about their strongholds being the SAME as Florida's. Just on an isolation basis, what does F$U bring that UF doesn't already deliver?

On the other hand, neither UF nor F$U are as strong in SoFla as Miami is. So Miami brings something different to the table.

And, as I've pointed out, Clemson "fixes" the South Carolina weakness (USC has largely sucked since joining the SEC), and the NC and VA schools are "new markets".

Those 6 schools push F$U down the pecking order.

COULD IT CHANGE? Sure. We really don't know whether the VA and NC schools would want to be separated IF IF IF they each were put in a good conference. The reason why the VA legislature fought for VaTech to go into the ACC was because the alternative (stuck in the Big East) was horrendous. But I think NC legislators would be fine with UNC in the Big 10 and NC State in the SEC...IF IF IF it broke that way. Same with VA legislators, if UVa went Big 10 and VaTech went SEC. Just make those schools promise to play each other, no biggie.

And, yes, to a degree, F$U put itself in this spot. If Jimbo was still in Tally, and the alums/boosters managed to build him the facilities he wanted, and the SemenHoles were still challenging for ACC titles, then maybe F$U WOULD be a more compelling product. But at this current time, there is a stench around F$U that has rubbed the shine off of Jimbo's crystal football.

We have to take our own emotions out of this. I've gone to every UM-F$U game (except 1) since 1986, I would love to have them in whatever conference we join. But right now, the F$U brand is not strong, and they really do not represent any new TV markets or huge TV markets. That's just honesty.
Man, FSU…. Like Miami years ago, just let the golden goose walk out the door. Then again, the end of that Jimbo run things were getting a little loose.

The South Florida market is another area I need some education. With all of the UF and FSU alums in South Florida, is that market covered? I am making an assumption so take it as such.

At the end of the day, I am glad the commitment was made and I personally feel way better about realignment than I did a few short months ago. I Appreciate the insight.
Man, FSU…. Like Miami years ago, just let the golden goose walk out the door. Then again, the end of that Jimbo run things were getting a little loose.

The South Florida market is another area I need some education. With all of the UF and FSU alums in South Florida, is that market covered? I am making an assumption so take it as such.

At the end of the day, I am glad the commitment was made and I personally feel way better about realignment than I did a few short months ago. I Appreciate the insight.
I don't know anything about the intricacies of UF,FSU, Umiami markets, but I will say this, being an outsider looking in (I'm in northern Canada), when we look at Florida, South Florida is almost a different state entirely from the rest of the place, this include Tampa Bay, Orlando to Miami.
No one ever visits north of there in the state form here cause it gets too backcountry.

What I'm saying is SoFla is significantly different culture, socially, and I'd say economically then then remainder of the state. The north seems more of a place propped up by governing institutions, I.e., Tallahassee is the capital and has FSU and Gainesville is ran by UF, meanwhile Tampa, Orlando and Miami have industries without government.

Bringing this back to the TV markets, I would imagine that the cultural appeal of the population in SoFla (i.e., the large Latin community and other visible minorities) would appeal more to the Miamis brand, especially with Mario running the ship, as opposed to Norvell and Napier, more specifically based on history, well since they changed from SunTan U as Zo mentioned in 30 for 30, but shoot what do I know.

Commons sense doesn't typically prevail in the world of mega business.
I don't know anything about the intricacies of UF,FSU, Umiami markets, but I will say this, being an outsider looking in (I'm in northern Canada), when we look at Florida, South Florida is almost a different state entirely from the rest of the place, this include Tampa Bay, Orlando to Miami.
No one ever visits north of there in the state form here cause it gets too backcountry.

What I'm saying is SoFla is significantly different culture, socially, and I'd say economically then then remainder of the state. The north seems more of a place propped up by governing institutions, I.e., Tallahassee is the capital and has FSU and Gainesville is ran by UF, meanwhile Tampa, Orlando and Miami have industries without government.

Bringing this back to the TV markets, I would imagine that the cultural appeal of the population in SoFla (i.e., the large Latin community and other visible minorities) would appeal more to the Miamis brand, especially with Mario running the ship, as opposed to Norvell and Napier, more specifically based on history, well since they changed from SunTan U as Zo mentioned in 30 for 30, but shoot what do I know.

Commons sense doesn't typically prevail in the world of mega business.
I agree my frosty friend. I am literally in Naples now and view South Florida as Dade and Broward. Culturally, two different worlds and they are 125 miles apart.

My questions are more devils advocate questions and frankly, a little selfish. I am asking a boots on the ground guy clarification questions so I can rest easy until things are announced.

Common sense and mega business is always an interesting ride!
Interesting that Florida is attempting to block Miami but not Florida state. You’d think they’d block both or none. It turns into the same “recruiting problem” for them. Point being, FSU being able to leverage being in the SEC with recruits.
Can I say I told Y’all yet? We should’ve been leading this and I wouldn’t be surprised that Radakovitch is behind the 8 ball because the flat basketball we called an AD was too busy trying to lick Epstein’s taint. Radakovitch will probably have us going to one of the 2 with VT but I don’t like that we’re not the one leading the charge.
How do you know that UM / Radakovich is NOT leading the charge? Just because there are no leaks? All of the crap published by the swimming blog guy was fabrication ... and you believe that crap?
I do hope they would go for both schools as I'd love to see Florida on the schedule EVERY year again. Whatever happens, hopefully we end up in one of the big 2 conferences.
The consequence of not getting into one of the Big Two is unimaginable. Bye bye recruiting, no shot at a NC, etc. Am sure Dan understands this more than anyone.
Can you imagine the impact on recruiting (and retaining players you currently have) for teams who don't get into the SEC or B1G? Pretty horrific thought. You go from a P5 school to irrelevant.

It’s really just FBS breaking apart into more divisions if you think about it.

Upper echelon programs are tired of carrying smaller programs.

There will be the P2, I mid tier and a lower tier.