MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

yes i'm a lawyer. i still stand by my analysis and i didn't use the google (nor westlaw, nor gemini) i've been tying cases in florida for for 32 years. i've filed motions to transfer cases (i.e. transferring a lawsuit from one from one court to another court), i've filed motions to consolidate cases (connecting 2 related matters pending before the same judge to be joined together . . . sometimes for discovery and pretrial purposes and sometimes for trial) . sometimes i win, sometimes i lose, and sometimes it rains.

question: why do you go out of your way to be a ****? everything is an ad hominem with you. are you never wrong? i'm wrong sometimes. the smart people i know are usually gracious when someone knows less than them.

just remember, please don't hate. . . . congratulate.
It can't rain all the time
i don't think i need to be forgiven, but ymmv. second, i'm not typing all that **** again. i showed my math above. third, as to removing either case to federal court, that ship has sailed. i) under the federal diversity jurisdiction statute 28 u.s.c. 1332, a defendant only has 30 days to remove the matter (there is an exception if you don't know at the beginning of the case that the parties are of two different states but that's not applicable here) ; ii) the statute also contemplates that if the defendant files a motion to dismiss, he likewise waives his right to removal (which happened in both cases); and iii) its not "diversity of jurisdiction" as you wrote above, its "diversity of citizenship" and claimed damages beyond $75,000 to get into federal court (although that's possibly a typo, as we all make them). /fin/
It's not claimed damages beyond $75,000. It is an amount in controversy beyond $75,000.
agreed, but i used that shorthand purposefully as a common denominator.

Sure, sure. It's OK when you nitpick one of my words, but you're never wrong (or won't admit you're wrong).

Are you still working to explain away your "Supreme Court has original jurisdiction" mistake?
Again, your ignorance shows through.

There are more cases than those involving F$U. There will be even more lawsuits filed.

As I expected, you refused to be "smart" and "gracious" by admitting you were wrong. That's OK, it has been noted.

And you still haven't acknowledged your insane "the Supreme Court has ORIGINAL JURISDICTION" nonsense. You just keep ignoring that one.

Don't fake, admit your mistake.
you have an absurd sense of entitlement, but you do you. here is your original jurisdiction argument. as you know, the u.s. supreme court acts 99.999% in its appellate capacity of mostly federal circuit court decisions but some state supreme court decisions.

when the u.s. supreme court has original jurisdiction of a matter it means the complaint is filed in the first instance with the supreme court who acts as trial court and appellate court all in one (although I do think they farm out the factual trial issues to the d.c. circuit court for a report and recommendation).

now, importing here my same hypothetical above you have fsu with a final judgment rendered in Florida blessed by the florida supreme court and you have a final judgment in north carolina in the acc's favor. The florida judgment awarded $100 million in damages against the acc. the acc has it banking accounts in north carolina and fsu travels to north carolina to domesticate the judgment. the north carolina courts refuse to do so because they have a conflicting judgment in the acc's favor. fsu is unable to collect on its judgment in north carolina. now suppose there were no acc assets outside of north carolina.

fsu contacts florida's attorney general ashley moody and complains. moody says "hey, north carolina should have followed the first filed doctrine and ceded jurisdiction to our florida court where the first case was filed. that's unfair. I'm going to fix that". S

So moody drafts and files a complaint against north carolina and files it in the u.s. supreme court asking the supreme court to recognize the first filed jurisdiction/venue rule so fsu can get its money. thus, you now have a disputes between 2 states pending in the original jurisdiction of the united states supreme court and TheOriginalCane can go **** himself.
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It can't rain all the time
The Crow Movie GIF
you have an absurd sense of entitlement, buy you do you. here is your original jurisdiction argument. as you know, the u.s. supreme court acts 99.999% in its appellate capacity of mostly federal circuit court decisions but some state supreme court decisions.

when the u.s. supreme court has original jurisdiction of a matter it means the complaint is filed in the first instance with the supreme court who acts as trial court and appellate court all in one (although I do think they farm out the factual trial issues to the d.c. circuit court for a report and recommendation).

now, importing here my same hypothetical above you have fsu with a final judgment rendered in Florida blessed by the florida supreme court and you have a final judgment in north carolina in the acc's favor. The florida judgment awarded $100 million in damages against the acc. the acc has it banking accounts in north carolina and fsu travels to north carolina to domesticate the judgment. the north carolina courts refuse to do so because they have a conflicting judgment in the acc's favor. fsu is unable to collect on its judgment in north carolina. now suppose there were no acc assets outside of north carolina.

fsu contacts florida's attorney general ashley moody and complains. moody says "hey, north carolina should have followed the first filed doctrine and ceded jurisdiction to our florida court where the first case was filed. that's unfair. I'm going to fix that". S

So moody drafts and files a complaint against north carolina and files it in the u.s. supreme court asking the supreme court to recognize the first filed jurisdiction/venue rule so fsu can get its money. thus, you now have a disputes between 2 states pending in the original jurisdiction of the united states supreme court and canesforever can go **** himself.

That is not, and never has been, a "dispute between states". Your original post was talking about an immediate "original jurisdiction" for the Supreme Court, and now you are trying to rehabilitate your misstatements by turning it into a post-judgment "domesticating the judgment" argument. Sorry to say this, it's NOT an ad hominem attack, you are just a liar. That's not name-calling, that's an actual statement of fact. You are lying by claiming that you didn't say what you actually said.


You are behaving like a clown.

On top of that, you completely ignore the fact that the F$U lawsuit and the ACC lawsuit involve some different issues. F$U wants OUT of the ACC. They do NOT want monetary damages. They want a declaratory judgment that the various contracts and GORs are unenforceable.

Which, if you were being honest and "smart" and "gracious", you would acknowledge that the two lawsuits are NOT necessarily deciding the same issues between the same parties.

So just stop it with your BULL****. There is not going to be a monetary "judgment" in the Florida case to be "domesticated".

You want to keep bloviating about your hypotheticals, feel free. But that's not what is going on here.

The Florida courts do NOT need to cede jurisdiction to North Carolina courts over an unsanctioned lawsuit initiated by the ACC administrators (since the ACC membership did not actually vote to sue F$U prior to F$U's Board approving a lawsuit against the ACC).
you have an absurd sense of entitlement, buy you do you. here is your original jurisdiction argument. as you know, the u.s. supreme court acts 99.999% in its appellate capacity of mostly federal circuit court decisions but some state supreme court decisions.

when the u.s. supreme court has original jurisdiction of a matter it means the complaint is filed in the first instance with the supreme court who acts as trial court and appellate court all in one (although I do think they farm out the factual trial issues to the d.c. circuit court for a report and recommendation).

now, importing here my same hypothetical above you have fsu with a final judgment rendered in Florida blessed by the florida supreme court and you have a final judgment in north carolina in the acc's favor. The florida judgment awarded $100 million in damages against the acc. the acc has it banking accounts in north carolina and fsu travels to north carolina to domesticate the judgment. the north carolina courts refuse to do so because they have a conflicting judgment in the acc's favor. fsu is unable to collect on its judgment in north carolina. now suppose there were no acc assets outside of north carolina.

fsu contacts florida's attorney general ashley moody and complains. moody says "hey, north carolina should have followed the first filed doctrine and ceded jurisdiction to our florida court where the first case was filed. that's unfair. I'm going to fix that". S

So moody drafts and files a complaint against north carolina and files it in the u.s. supreme court asking the supreme court to recognize the first filed jurisdiction/venue rule so fsu can get its money. thus, you now have a disputes between 2 states pending in the original jurisdiction of the united states supreme court and canesforever can go **** himself.
My litigation partners say it's not going to go to federal courts. They say whoever decides first will likely prevail. See what happens.

I think fsu clearly loses. But I'm a transactional guy.
That is not, and never has been, a "dispute between states". Your original post was talking about an immediate "original jurisdiction" for the Supreme Court, and now you are trying to rehabilitate your misstatements by turning it into a post-judgment "domesticating the judgment" argument. Sorry to say this, it's NOT an ad hominem attack, you are just a liar. That's not name-calling, that's an actual statement of fact. You are lying by claiming that you didn't say what you actually said.

View attachment 286126

You are behaving like a clown.

On top of that, you completely ignore the fact that the F$U lawsuit and the ACC lawsuit involve some different issues. F$U wants OUT of the ACC. They do NOT want monetary damages. They want a declaratory judgment that the various contracts and GORs are unenforceable.

Which, if you were being honest and "smart" and "gracious", you would acknowledge that the two lawsuits are NOT necessarily deciding the same issues between the same parties.

So just stop it with your BULL****. There is not going to be a monetary "judgment" in the Florida case to be "domesticated".

You want to keep bloviating about your hypotheticals, feel free. But that's not what is going on here.

The Florida courts do NOT need to cede jurisdiction to North Carolina courts over an unsanctioned lawsuit initiated by the ACC administrators (since the ACC membership did not actually vote to sue F$U prior to F$U's Board approving a lawsuit against the ACC).
This is my final post on the matter, its time to move on. Our entire beef arises from the two sentence post I made above which you circled the second sentence in red. You got hot when I stated that "I'm not so sure you can consolidate cases pending in different states." Youre now changing the goalposts that the generalities my second sentence doesn't (and wasn't intended to) address.

Two final points:

i) I put my first sentence in the conditional "I'm not so sure you can consolidate cases pending in different states" so as to not be a **** and not call you out directly. I didn't want to embarrass you in front of your fanboys. If I could edit that sentence now and write it in the tone of your responses to me, it would read as follows: "You obviously don't know **** about litigation or civil procedure. You don't even have a rudimentary understanding of the difference between transferring a case and consolidating a case nor how either works. You must have been busy giving out free hand jobs in the bathroom the day they taught this in law school . . . are you even a lawyer? are you? answer the question."

ii) never hate. congratulate.
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yes i'm a lawyer. i still stand by my analysis and i didn't use the google (nor westlaw, nor gemini) i've been tying cases in florida for for 32 years. i've filed motions to transfer cases (i.e. transferring a lawsuit from one from one court to another court), i've filed motions to consolidate cases (connecting 2 related matters pending before the same judge to be joined together . . . sometimes for discovery and pretrial purposes and sometimes for trial) . sometimes i win, sometimes i lose, and sometimes it rains.

question: why do you go out of your way to be a ****? everything is an ad hominem with you. are you never wrong? i'm wrong sometimes. the smart people i know are usually gracious when someone knows less than them.

just remember, please don't hate. . . . congratulate.

What about Bird Law?
