MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Do we know her real net worth?

She spoke my to my law class a long, long time ago. She is phenomenal. She is very wealthy, but she said she could have been a lot wealthier from the sci-fi channel. Told the story that she started as a corporate lawyer at a small regional cable provider, had a chance to buy into ownership, grew the subscriber base by a lot and then sold it. She realized that all the money was in actually owning a channel and wanted to start a women's beauty products channel. Her husband liked science fiction and said there was a big audience that didn't have anything for them. She hated science fiction but did the market research and saw her husband was right. Went through all the process of starting the sci-fi channel, got Isaac Asimov and a bunch of big science fiction authors to be on the board and help pitch the idea to investors. Got the financing, had the channel set to launch in a few days, and then the USA network called her and said, "We want to buy your channel." I can't remember the exact amount of money, I think it was for 90-100 million. She knew it could be worth a lot more in the long run and had spent so long launching the channel, she was thinking of telling them no, then USA Network made a mafia move and said, "BTW if you don't sell it to us, we will start our own science fiction channel and bury your channel." So then she sold it to them.

Didn't know she led the BOT now. I will have to stop making fun of them so much as she is actually pretty awesome.
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Actually, I think it’s completely the opposite. It’s way better to have one of the biggest brands in football occupying two or three hours. If you get the hype everybody up for the upcoming season then some random second tier programming you already have. I’m surprised somebody hasn’t done the sooner.
You may be right, but I just don't see the attraction of watching one team practice (in essence), particularly a team I don't root for. I consider myself a pretty big college football fan. I mean I'm watching MACtion games on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Mountain West games at 1am, but at least it's competition between 2 teams. Watching to see who's ahead in the backup QB competition for the Buckeyes has no interest to me. I'd rather watch a UFL game.
You may be right, but I just don't see the attraction of watching one team practice (in essence), particularly a team I don't root for. I consider myself a pretty big college football fan. I mean I'm watching MACtion games on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Mountain West games at 1am, but at least it's competition between 2 teams. Watching to see who's ahead in the backup QB competition for the Buckeyes has no interest to me. I'd rather watch a UFL game.
Those two schools are among the top five schools in college football and even if they just draw their fans, they are probably going to outreach almost any sport They have rights to right now. There’s a reason why all these games are broadcast on the smaller networks, but they’ve already graduated to ESPN2 and ESPN in some cases beyond the conference channels if I’m not mistaken.

It’s not about being desperate per se, it’s that live sports rules the world on broadcast TV now
Ohio State spring game: literally a national broadcast on a premier network.

Miami spring game: pirated flip phone recording from a guy who gets kicked out after the second team offense scores on a flea flicker, brought to you by Jefferson Pilot.

National smational. Need that one more three hour time block to get kids on campus and play on our intramural field…

To combat the moping around here...

I think an underrated topic is the disparity in popularity that exists within the conferences and the need for FOX and ESPN to find rating improvements across matchups. The BIG10 is at 18 teams right now and the SEC is at 16. Of those 34 teams across the conferences, you could argue 1/3 to 1/2 are not going to draw big audiences individually and many game combinations are not ideal for ratings. The BIG10 is still going to produce Iowa vs Minnesota or Maryland vs Northwestern. You're still going to get Arkansas vs Vanderbilt and South Carolina vs Ole Miss in the SEC.

If you're FOX or ESPN, the more you can avoid the Arkansas v Vanderbilt and Minnesota v Maryland the better you are. Michigan State v Miami was the 4th highest watched game in week 3 of 2021, and Miami was ranked #24 and MSU wasn't ranked. Diluting the bad matchups is probably an important strategy. That's why I think Miami is going to be attractive. Swapping Minnesota v Maryland for Minnesota vs Miami is going to get more eye balls, especially in the first 5-10 years of the new conference. Miami is a brand, Miami will be new to a lot of these regions, it's going to be exciting. People can s*** on Miami all they want, whenever I speak to people around the country and Miami football comes up people ALWAYS have an opinion for me.
Ohio State spring game: literally a national broadcast on a premier network.

Miami spring game: pirated flip phone recording from a guy who gets kicked out after the second team offense scores on a flea flicker, brought to you by Jefferson Pilot.
Rudy Fernandez calls the shots at the end of the day. I'm not a fan of his and quite frankly he's clueless about athletics just as much as Julio Frenk.

He hired JD Arteaga and then his latest episode on twitter going after the OBB for even questioning that it's possible to justify coach L deserving to be fired (or even stepping down) after the debacle of 2023-24 season and having a losing record in 4 of the last 6 years. Should he be? No. But it's not as far fetched as some make it seem. The 2 years over .500 were obviously great.

To have a guy that emotional and attached calling the shots with a lack of any knowledge of athletics, coaching, and competition... Yikes.

Luckily this isn't exactly hiring/firing/evaluating. This is business, politics, and law which is his specialty. But the guy gets too much praise for being awful at his job.
Real talk
I’d need to read the hearing transcript or a playback to form an opinion on it, but two points of caution with that Rohan guy.

First, he’s a massive FSU fan and has some bias here (look at some of his past tweets and you’ll see).

Second, he’s a PI, criminal defense, and workers comp attorney. He’s a litigator, but this isn’t his area of practice or expertise whatsoever. Trust but verify if you see stuff from him.

This case is not going to be as short or straightforward as people think.
Sorry for responding late @Empirical Cane been busy . I agree with what FL Cane said here, especially with regard to needing to see the transcript / hear a full playback to have context necessary to form any useful opinion on it.