MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Time to start being objective about the Big 20. There’s a lot to be excited for, but all I read is a premature to rushing to judgement. Well baby here comes the air raid:

- More schools is pure money. Once this decaying capitalist republic falls and economic equality is assured, each institution will receive the exact same payout. Most importantly, those funds will be free of the blood of corporations, making it more pure than money stolen by oil barons or scammed by the Bible Belt.

- While initially not as “****” as the B10 or SEC, no other basketball conference has positioned itself so well for the future. This is especially true when considering the spate of recent research that paints the long term risks of playing football in a very dark light. Once that research hits the public eye, contact sports will have one long kiss goodnight. The best thing for Miami football at that time? Being a basketball program.

- Once booming population wise, the South is slowly losing in every major demographic category, or could be losing at some point in the next 50-100 years. This includes a potential mass exodus from the states of Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and very specific parts of Texas and Florida. The Big 10 states are already dead economic zones, each so depressed that the Congo is sending them aid. In contrast, B20 cities are primed to boom, or boom after the next boom. Nothing better than being part of a subsequent boom.

- A lot of SEC schools are near power plants.

- The best part is that one little dream scenario is still in play, which those scared morons Clemson and FSU have failed to consider: an intergalactic merger of the strongest parts of the ACC and the Big 12. Close your eyes and imagine the first 32 team conference in sports history. Hated losing the Cal-Arizona State rivalry? Well it’s back, once every four years. Wishing you could watch Boston College face off with Stanford in 24 different sports? So will the networks. (That’s right, networks plural, because ESPN and Fox won’t own the BACC32. In fact they won’t even broadcast our games). Syracuse playing tennis in Boulder on the CW, anyone?

This is just the start, but I get very “first Irish immigrants to land on Ellis Island” vibes with the potential benefits of staying out of the SEC/B10. In fact, I’m struggling to find as many compelling downsides.
We need David Singer on this, stat!

We’re not in a financial position to leave the ACC. This comes from the top down… I **** you not.

On the flip side, I think that ESPN basically blows this whole thing up in six months and GOR is dead in 27 and they put Clemson unc and fsu into the SEC. We end up in the B1G
If you paid attention to the case today or the last 6 months, you would know there is absolutely no chance in **** ESPN will pay FSU to join the SEC.
We’re not in a financial position to leave the ACC. This comes from the top down… I **** you not.

On the flip side, I think that ESPN basically blows this whole thing up in six months and GOR is dead in 27 and they put Clemson unc and fsu into the SEC. We end up in the B1G

Seems like a grave miscalculation…
We’re not in a financial position to leave the ACC. This comes from the top down… I **** you not.

On the flip side, I think that ESPN basically blows this whole thing up in six months and GOR is dead in 27 and they put Clemson unc and fsu into the SEC. We end up in the B1G

Neither is FSU in a financial position to leave the ACC. That’s why they’re suing their way out and partnering up with private equity firms.
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We’re not in a financial position to leave the ACC. This comes from the top down… I **** you not.

On the flip side, I think that ESPN basically blows this whole thing up in six months and GOR is dead in 27 and they put Clemson unc and fsu into the SEC. We end up in the B1G

The true cost of existing isn’t known, and having these lawsuits in the public eye increases the chances of the bar being lowered, but yet Miami has already concluded they don’t have the money, or don’t know what the break even number of years is when factoring in the higher rate of pay from BigTen??????

Got it, sky is falling I guess, carry on telling the townspeople
Does march 14 count?

Days later his BOT crushed him essentially as I previously shared in this thread

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Did you happen to see the UNC Chairman of the BOT's response?

"I think we all recognize that change is hard, but sometimes change is exactly what is needed. We all have to fight the comfort of complacency. And I think that now is the time to be very open to pursuing all options including those beyond the Atlantic Coast Conference". I would also read that as Bubba is on the bubble, and UNC is ready to bail.
That's one way to look at it. But IMO these cases will be settled. Clemson / FSU will agree on exit fees and leave the conference.

If you're the ACC, and you're smart and take emotion out of it, you've got to realize that the conference has no future with these teams. Whether it's tomorrow or in 2036, it's inevitable that teams are going to leave the ACC. So you have to think about the future and maximizing your future value. There's incentive to get paid by the exiting members as much as possible.

That's the rational take. And what would those settled amounts be? I can't tell you that, but I can tell you that the fair market price would be the future value that those teams would add to the conference had they stayed... so a function of the overall value of the brand to the conference, and the number of years they are leaving early.

From that perspective, FSU's pumping out their chests is a little puzzling, and Miami's stance makes more sense. By crowing about how valuable you are to the conference and how much revenue you bring in, you're really driving up the price for your own exit. You bring in 40% of the conference's revenue? OK, pay us 40% of what the ACC is projected to make through 2036 if you were to stay. That's the market equilibrium.

Your exit fee should theoretically be less if you're a smaller brand. Wake should pay less to leave than FSU. So from that perspective, puffing out your chest accomplishes nothing if you're really looking to leave, except maybe make a few of your boosters feel better in the short term.
Only problem with the "brand value" approach is that it isn't what has been used for distribution TO the schools. Everybody RECEIVES the same amount ... so they should each have the same exit cost.
If I didn’t care about the program, this thread could end up being comedic gold…a top 5 thread in CIS history full of definitive statements and incessant peacocking, except it would mean the death of Miami football itself.

But as for the actual lawsuit at hand, anyone get the sense FSU certainly has the upper hand here?
Two positive points seem to be emerging so far based on what I have read.

First, regarding the ACC suit against FSU, the judge appeared to be very focused on the fact that the ACC acted without the required member vote. That alone could toss the ACC suit out the window. Venue might still end up in NC, but the judge seemed to be very impartial in his evaluations and comments. Who knows, the fact that the judge is a UNC grad, and UNC is taking an anti ACC stance publicly (comments from the BOT chair), the NC venue might not be a negative.

Second, the judge's comments SEEMED to hint that he has a belief that THE CONFERENCE does in fact have some sort of fiduciary responsibility TO the members, to act in their interest. That might help if the FSU suit takes place in NC as the main issue of THE ESPN OPTION TO EXTEND being illegal / void due to NOT having been approved by members, could end up being a favorable ruling for FSU ... and therefore every ACC member.

Glass half full point of view.
No one is stealing his opinions so that he needs a disclaimer. In fact, he regurgitates others’ opinions at times. He should’ve stuck to spitting out leaks from his contacts, but he’s tried to make himself a central figure in all this and it’s blowing his credibility. This guy thinks he’s much more important than he is.

No one is stealing his opinions so that he needs a disclaimer. In fact, he regurgitates others’ opinions at times. He should’ve stuck to spitting out leaks from his contacts, but he’s tried to make himself a central figure in all this and it’s blowing his credibility. This guy thinks he’s much more important than he is.

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This guy needs to

Star Trek GIF
If I didn’t care about the program, this thread could end up being comedic gold…a top 5 thread in CIS history full of definitive statements and incessant peacocking, except it would mean the death of Miami football itself.

But as for the actual lawsuit at hand, anyone get the sense FSU certainly has the upper hand here?
Don’t forget the “ dunking text” WTF. Those are….😜
Time to start being objective about the Big 20. There’s a lot to be excited for, but all I read is a premature to rushing to judgement. Well baby here comes the air raid:

- More schools is pure money. Once this decaying capitalist republic falls and economic equality is assured, each institution will receive the exact same payout. Most importantly, those funds will be free of the blood of corporations, making it more pure than money stolen by oil barons or scammed by the Bible Belt.

- While initially not as “****” as the B10 or SEC, no other basketball conference has positioned itself so well for the future. This is especially true when considering the spate of recent research that paints the long term risks of playing football in a very dark light. Once that research hits the public eye, contact sports will have one long kiss goodnight. The best thing for Miami football at that time? Being a basketball program.

- Once booming population wise, the South is slowly losing in every major demographic category, or could be losing at some point in the next 50-100 years. This includes a potential mass exodus from the states of Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and very specific parts of Texas and Florida. The Big 10 states are already dead economic zones, each so depressed that the Congo is sending them aid. In contrast, B20 cities are primed to boom, or boom after the next boom. Nothing better than being part of a subsequent boom.

- A lot of SEC schools are near power plants.

- The best part is that one little dream scenario is still in play, which those scared morons Clemson and FSU have failed to consider: an intergalactic merger of the strongest parts of the ACC and the Big 12. Close your eyes and imagine the first 32 team conference in sports history. Hated losing the Cal-Arizona State rivalry? Well it’s back, once every four years. Wishing you could watch Boston College face off with Stanford in 24 different sports? So will the networks. (That’s right, networks plural, because ESPN and Fox won’t own the BACC32. In fact they won’t even broadcast our games). Syracuse playing tennis in Boulder on the CW, anyone?

This is just the start, but I get very “first Irish immigrants to land on Ellis Island” vibes with the potential benefits of staying out of the SEC/B10. In fact, I’m struggling to find as many compelling downsides.
According to recent history we need to become an ice hockey school…😜