MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Yall some mf nerds, mane 🤓. Lmaoo.. good **** though. Interesting conversation
Taught me a lil sumn sumn

Will Ferrell Lol GIF

I haven't found the full document but I read a synopsis of it. It's basically making jurisdictional arguments. Says Leon County doesn't have jurisdiction in the case and that the statute of limitations expired.

The latter is interesting. FSU lawsuit is partly based on the Raycom shenanigans, but as far back as 2012 there were national media publications (Forbes) that pointed out how ludicrously bad the deal was and the deal with Raycom could cost the acc millions. So they had knowledge the deal was fishy. Why didn't FSU didn't file a lawsuit back then? They can claim they just discovered that Swofford was double dealing and it tolls the statute of limitations, but then they have to establish two things. First, that it wasn't something that could have been discovered through ordinary diligence. We are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars. No one knew at FSU was aware the acc commissioners son worked for Raycom? Come on.

Second, they will need to convince the judge that if they'd known about Swofford made a deal that happened to benefit his son, they would not have signed the deal. Problem is they did sign the deal, so they clearly thought the numbers were in their favor. I think it's pretty obvious why they signed it, they thought they had out maneuvered the other conferences with a great deal and it would pay off in the long run.

FSUs best argument to get out of the contract may be to use the US Women's Soccer legal argument to get out of deal that guaranteed them far more money than the men, but willingly gave up bonus money, which would have turned out to be far more lucrative. Their argument was essentially that women are too dumb to understand complicated contracts so the deal should be void. And it worked.
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Don’t believe this is legit, as Blue Blood Bias is pretty unreliable.
It is a VERY optimistic reading of what the ACC stated. HOWEVER in the 60 or so page filing the ACC DID bring up the topic of FSU potentially buying back their media rights ... it read something like "in the event that FSU were to buy back their media rights as part of an early exit it would be a commercial transaction and not payment of a penalty". So a). The ACC did introduce the topic of a potential media rights buy back ... b). They seemed to be saying that it was not an exit penalty but simply a commercial transaction of buying back something they had "sold". BUT ... if they sold them ... they haven't been paid for the future use ... so? This definitely seems like it headed to a negotiated buy back. Hope UM joins the fray.
Don’t believe this is legit, as Blue Blood Bias is pretty unreliable.
My cousin is a Tarheel alum and he sends ACC stuff over on a group text to stir the pot. Neither of us read up on it or too much into the details. I told him to start posting here under carolinanative and just argue with everyone and it would take a while for people to realize what was happening...😎
It is a VERY optimistic reading of what the ACC stated. HOWEVER in the 60 or so page filing the ACC DID bring up the topic of FSU potentially buying back their media rights ... it read something like "in the event that FSU were to buy back their media rights as part of an early exit it would be a commercial transaction and not payment of a penalty". So a). The ACC did introduce the topic of a potential media rights buy back ... b). They seemed to be saying that it was not an exit penalty but simply a commercial transaction of buying back something they had "sold". BUT ... if they sold them ... they haven't been paid for the future use ... so? This definitely seems like it headed to a negotiated buy back. Hope UM joins the fray.

I'm curious who gets the buyback money? I know ultimately it's the remaining conference members, but who controls how and when that is distributed? Is this how Pitt, BC and UVA are going to fund their football programs? Share in the buybacks from FSU, Miami, and Clemson?
I'm curious who gets the buyback money? I know ultimately it's the remaining conference members, but who controls how and when that is distributed? Is this how Pitt, BC and UVA are going to fund their football programs? Share in the buybacks from FSU, Miami, and Clemson?
So we get to pay ACC bye bye money with the money FSU will pay remaining ACC members for leaving?! Love it
I'm curious who gets the buyback money? I know ultimately it's the remaining conference members, but who controls how and when that is distributed? Is this how Pitt, BC and UVA are going to fund their football programs? Share in the buybacks from FSU, Miami, and Clemson?
ESPN gets the media buyback money as they own the media rights. They will also continue to pay the conference the same media payout after FSU leaves. The CONFERENCE and members get the ACC Exit Fee money .... which is a different item. That is in the bylaws and is approximately $100 million unless the ACC members agree to lower it. Two separate items:

-Media Rights (GOR) ... given to the ACC by members and sold by ACC to ESPN. FSU is hoping that they are able to negotiate that the
media buyback PERIOD is only through 2027, concurrent with the current ESPN media commitment. That limits their expense to a 2 -3 year

-ACC Exit Fee ... in the bylaws approx $100M per school, and that goes to the conference to be distributed between members.
These filings are standard litigation procedures. While they do set out some arguments, most of the disputes are fact-driven and cannot be presented this way. Obviously, the first fight is which court gets (has to) host the battle. Once that is resolved, we will get depositions of the key figures. I would point out that well over 90% of litigated matters settle and with ESPN yet to accept it’s option to extend, we could see fireworks this year!
Isn’t it just from TB Times article??
The concept of FSU buying back media rights WAS mentioned in the ACC filing yesterday .... but NOT in the manner in which BlueBloods is stating. The filing DID NOT state that the ACC is "seeking to negotiate" it simply stated that "in the event that FSU were to negotiate a buy back of their media rights that would be viewed as a commercial transaction and NOT as a penalty imposed by the ACC". They are simply discussing the concept of WHAT PENALTY has been imposed by the conference on a member who wishes to leave. BlueBloods is a hack, click bait site and they feast on misquoting and sensationalism.