MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

So, @RightSaidFred , if you look at what the court did (and keep in mind that it's a "friendly" court in North Carolina), the judge said "hey, it would seem that the truly relevant party who might want this filed under seal is ESPN, and nobody bothered to include ESPN in this little 'seal' party."

The judge also talked about burden of proof, etc. If I understand the meaning (and it's possible I don't), it seems like the Court is not going to rule until ESPN makes ITS OWN case as to why this document should be sealed and/or redacted.

If any court is going to grant the ACC's motion, it will be a North Carolina court. Still, I'm not sure what is so important and "sensitive" in a **** TV contract that would need to be protected under seal. Unless the ESPN TV contract includes all the identies of US spies operating in foreign countries. Then I could see a reason...

There's no business process secrets, customer lists, patents, or anything else referenced that would suffer some sort of irreparable damage upon disclosure.
I haven’t been following but I understand that FSU filed a suit or was going to in Florida and I recall the ACC filing first in NC bc FSU couldn’t move intelligently in silence. Has it all been consolidated with venue in NC?
Wait Up Fran Healy GIF by Travis

Feel like this is UM as it relates to SEC/B1G bringing us in
Feels like this is all the teams not in the SEC/B1G.
I'm not saying they aren't strong. Strong enough to say there are more Michigan fans in the entire state of Florida vs. the number of Florida State fans in the entire state of Florida. Sorry, I just don't see how that's possible.
Re read my comment ... ."then add in the rest of the B10". There are millions of Florida residents that have located from B10 country and are rabid college football fans. Walk into any sports bar in Naples on Saturday and you're going to see Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State all over the place. At my local sports bar in DeLand the upscale clientele is wearing B10 gear and the rusty pickup crowd has the FSU gear on. Places like Margaritaville in Daytona Beach ... 3800 homes that didn't exist 4 years ago ... close to 10,000 people living there ... virtually 100% from B10 country.
I'm not saying they aren't strong. Strong enough to say there are more Michigan fans in the entire state of Florida vs. the number of Florida State fans in the entire state of Florida. Sorry, I just don't see how that's possible.

Uhhh...F$U was a girl's school for a while. 42 years to be exact. And F$U wasn't nearly as big as it is today.

****, I remember when UCF was li'l ol' FTU. And had zero dorms. Two of my friends from high school were roomates at UCF's FIRST on-campus dorm in the 1980s.

Not everything, historically, is the same as it is today.

Meanwhile, Michigan has been a massive co-ed school for over 200 years.

I haven’t been following but I understand that FSU filed a suit or was going to in Florida and I recall the ACC filing first in NC bc FSU couldn’t move intelligently in silence. Has it all been consolidated with venue in NC?

No consolidation yet. Two separate lawsuits.
I think you may be overzealous in your estimates on the number of Michigan alumni vs. FSU alumni in the state of Florida, and definitely overzealous on the number of fans of both schools in the state. I do see your point about the Big 10 power with 2 Florida schools and the SEC only having one.
Somebody has to be the bus boys, bell hops, and landscapers for the Michigan alumni.
I haven’t been following but I understand that FSU filed a suit or was going to in Florida and I recall the ACC filing first in NC bc FSU couldn’t move intelligently in silence. Has it all been consolidated with venue in NC?
Not sure how "silent" they could have been with the Sunshine Laws. They may have made some noise, but they also engaged an excellent law firm and have done some excellent background work / discovery in their travels to the ACC HQ and have put some serious charges on paper and in the legal system that genuinely indicate that the GOR term is not legal or binding and the exit fee is punitive and should be modified. In addition, they have found evidence of gross financial mismanagement (possibly even fraud??), and conflicts of interest on the part of Swofford who basically SKIMMED $82 million dollars a year off the top of ACC media payments in order to get Raycom BACK INTO the media deal in 2010. That alone has cost ACC members in excess of $1Billion dollars in lost revenue since 2010. They also, reportedly, "have other issues" to present. So again, they may have made noise, but they very well might have laid the foundation for us all to get out with financial penalties of just a fraction of what had been projected just a few months ago.

I am very glad they have done what they have done. Hope ND continues to remain independent for several more years so that Miami is their travel partner to the B10.
Not sure how "silent" they could have been with the Sunshine Laws. They may have made some noise, but they also engaged an excellent law firm and have done some excellent background work / discovery in their travels to the ACC HQ and have put some serious charges on paper and in the legal system that genuinely indicate that the GOR term is not legal or binding and the exit fee is punitive and should be modified. In addition, they have found evidence of gross financial mismanagement (possibly even fraud??), and conflicts of interest on the part of Swofford who basically SKIMMED $82 million dollars a year off the top of ACC media payments in order to get Raycom BACK INTO the media deal in 2010. That alone has cost ACC members in excess of $1Billion dollars in lost revenue since 2010. They also, reportedly, "have other issues" to present. So again, they may have made noise, but they very well might have laid the foundation for us all to get out with financial penalties of just a fraction of what had been projected just a few months ago.

I am very glad they have done what they have done. Hope ND continues to remain independent for several more years so that Miami is their travel partner to the B10.
Ok. Some good things in there.

Government organizations can operate without the “sunshine” in limited instances, particularly in the discussion of legal matters, especially where there is adverse party litigation.

They should’ve been quiet. The rest of it is good though it seems.

Unless @TheOriginalCane says otherwise.
Ok. Some good things in there.

Government organizations can operate without the “sunshine” in limited instances, particularly in the discussion of legal matters, especially where there is adverse party litigation.

They should’ve been quiet. The rest of it is good though it seems.

Unless @TheOriginalCane says otherwise.

It's all good. :LOL:

I'm fine with holding discussions on "should we sue" and "who to sue" and "why to sue" in privacy.

I'm not in favor of holding the $ amounts of our TV contract as some sort of national-security-level secret.
Uhhh...F$U was a girl's school for a while. 42 years to be exact. And F$U wasn't nearly as big as it is today.

****, I remember when UCF was li'l ol' FTU. And had zero dorms. Two of my friends from high school were roomates at UCF's FIRST on-campus dorm in the 1980s.

Not everything, historically, is the same as it is today.

Meanwhile, Michigan has been a massive co-ed school for over 200 years.

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FAU didn't have any freshman or sophomore level classes at one point. People went from Palm Beach Junior Community State College right into FAU.
Miami, Stanford, and Cal will be the crown jewel academic schools of the ACC/Big12/PAC12 merger, which will he called the BAC - The Big Academics Conference. Shalala's dream will come true and UM will be mentioned in the same breath as Stanford.

And UM fans will floored when it turns out that Frenk is actually a failed attempt at cloning Shalala, but he was weak and without all her powers. The real Shalala has been hiding in Havana, orchestrating this the whole time. Who do you think brought Stanford and Cal, schools that barely have a football program, across the country to join the ACC? Who tipped FSU off about the ACC's self dealing so that FSU and Clemson will leave and force the acc to look for alliances?

Return Of The Jedi Episode 6 GIF
keep on going emperor palpagina
Re read my comment ... ."then add in the rest of the B10". There are millions of Florida residents that have located from B10 country and are rabid college football fans. Walk into any sports bar in Naples on Saturday and you're going to see Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State all over the place. At my local sports bar in DeLand the upscale clientele is wearing B10 gear and the rusty pickup crowd has the FSU gear on. Places like Margaritaville in Daytona Beach ... 3800 homes that didn't exist 4 years ago ... close to 10,000 people living there ... virtually 100% from B10 country.
Sorry, not sure I misread your comment as the first sentence was "There are probably more Michigan alums / fans living in Naples / Tampa / Jacksonville / Daytona Beach than there are current FSU alums / fans in the State of Florida.", but okay.

I do like the idea that the upscale clientele are Big 10'ers and the rusty pickup rubes are FSU fans. lol In any case, if 2 of the Big 3 are in the Big 10, it definitely pulls the state in the Big 10 direction.