MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

your mileage may vary part xxxxxx


every ACC team should be Looking to leave. There’s no way in **** a team going 13-0 conference champion should not make it. That’s a slap in the face to the conference and its perception no matter how many ACC teams **** on the SEC.

The Acc is dead and also **** the refs
Dear God.

Genetics has now stolen his posting style from Gaby.

I also like how he belatedly addresses the SEC points I've raised (and which he has clearly read). He doesn't know **** about the SEC, it's intentions, or the intentions of F$U/Clemson towards the SEC, but he knows Big 10 people who talk to the SEC people, so all is good.

Whatever. Maybe F$U will end up in the Big 10. But if all things were equal and they had the same timeline and monetary assistance from the SEC, it wouldn't even be a close call.

The SEC is the most fascinating part of this, because their past expansion efforts have been both stealthy and rapid.

So we shall see. I actually think that it is quite possible for F$U to misplay its hand (yet again) by ending up in the Big 10 due to its impatience and petulance.
It’s in some ways a game of Chicken. The SEC does not want FSU and Miami in the Big 10 and the Big 10 knows this may be the last way to capture Florida and get Notre Dame to move. Nobody blinks until the contractual issues are on the table for revision and that is the mountain that needs to be climbed. Delay is to our advantage. A top 10 Miami in the playoffs and on the move is worth many multiples more than a 7-5 Miami in the Pinstripe. Finish recruiting and the portal strong and get in the playoffs. Hope nothing happens for a year or so.
Dear God.

Genetics has now stolen his posting style from Gaby.

I also like how he belatedly addresses the SEC points I've raised (and which he has clearly read). He doesn't know **** about the SEC, it's intentions, or the intentions of F$U/Clemson towards the SEC, but he knows Big 10 people who talk to the SEC people, so all is good.

Whatever. Maybe F$U will end up in the Big 10. But if all things were equal and they had the same timeline and monetary assistance from the SEC, it wouldn't even be a close call.

The SEC is the most fascinating part of this, because their past expansion efforts have been both stealthy and rapid.

So we shall see. I actually think that it is quite possible for F$U to misplay its hand (yet again) by ending up in the Big 10 due to its impatience and petulance.
..bless your heart
Can u provide the platform or site where that 5th point u listed is found at? I’ve literally seen the CPF committee’s statement found here:

& a SI article found here:

that does not state that criteria. In fact, no where have I seen that bolded bullet point 5 that you included.

So if u can you show us where u obtained that info, that would be great.
It's on the playoff's website. It's titled "CFP Selection Committee Protocol" and states it was adopted back on 6/20/12.

On the right hand side of the page it gives a listing of descriptions of the selection process. If you click "1. Mission", it states the mission is to select the best teams, not most deserving.

Under "2. Principles", it lists what will be considered when selecting teams, this includes unavailability of key players and coaches.
every ACC team should be Looking to leave. There’s no way in **** a team going 13-0 conference champion should not make it. That’s a slap in the face to the conference and its perception no matter how many ACC teams **** on the SEC.

The Acc is dead and also **** the refs
Here We Go Again GIF
It's on the playoff's website. It's titled "CFP Selection Committee Protocol" and states it was adopted back on 6/20/12.

On the right hand side of the page it gives a listing of descriptions of the selection process. If you click "1. Mission", it states the mission is to select the best teams, not most deserving.

Under "2. Principles", it lists what will be considered when selecting teams, this includes unavailability of key players and coaches.

Again, you have chosen to ignore THEIR OWN WORDS and THEIR OWN ACTIONS in creating pools of "otherwise comparable teams".

They do not rank all 25 teams at once. They create groups of teams, and then apply the criteria to each group in turn.

The first tier that the CFP Committee evaluated this year was Michigan/Washington/Texas. They even said so. Once they had THOSE THREE TEAMS, they applied the criteria to rank Michigan 1, Washington 2, and Texas 3.

The second tier was F$U-Alabama. They even said so.

And those tiers were WRONG on their face. Just WRONG. The CFP Committee confessed to putting a 1-loss team (that had the WORST loss in the Top 7, to a 2-loss Oklahoma team ranked #12) on the same level as undefeated Michigan and Washington. That is just wrong. Michigan, Washington, and TEXAS are not "otherwise comparable teams".

You can't look at the evidence and criteria selectively, and cherrypick only the bits that you want to consider to reach your predetermined outcome.
It’s official. Genetics is hands down, the biggest joke. He’s now resorting to posting 15k word essays without actually saying anything of substance.

How embarrassing is this guy?
Flanderization in action but in real life.
It's on the playoff's website. It's titled "CFP Selection Committee Protocol" and states it was adopted back on 6/20/12.

On the right hand side of the page it gives a listing of descriptions of the selection process. If you click "1. Mission", it states the mission is to select the best teams, not most deserving.

Under "2. Principles", it lists what will be considered when selecting teams, this includes unavailability of key players and coaches.

Didn’t click the principals drop down list. Thank u for that.
Dear God.

Genetics has now stolen his posting style from Gaby.

I also like how he belatedly addresses the SEC points I've raised (and which he has clearly read). He doesn't know **** about the SEC, it's intentions, or the intentions of F$U/Clemson towards the SEC, but he knows Big 10 people who talk to the SEC people, so all is good.

Whatever. Maybe F$U will end up in the Big 10. But if all things were equal and they had the same timeline and monetary assistance from the SEC, it wouldn't even be a close call.

The SEC is the most fascinating part of this, because their past expansion efforts have been both stealthy and rapid.

So we shall see. I actually think that it is quite possible for F$U to misplay its hand (yet again) by ending up in the Big 10 due to its impatience and petulance.
Wouldn't it be more lucking into their own impatience to end up in the B1G as the better overall conference of the Power 2 across academics and athletics?
This ******* Genetics guy again. He writes War and Peace every post and says/knows nothing.

FSU has a shaky NIL program but a $100M+ exit fee is no problemo. My bad I forgot the Saudis were going to invest in them.
Look, I know you think he is full of **** ... but he does have B10 contacts and information on the media partners goal of establishing the "southern tier". He stated that FOX is prepared to assist FSU with the exit fee. TIFWIW.
Look, I know you think he is full of **** ... but he does have B10 contacts and information on the media partners goal of establishing the "southern tier". He stated that FOX is prepared to assist FSU with the exit fee. TIFWIW.
Dude has has not done a 180 or a 360 or a 720 on which teams and which order are going where and when to big10 or sec. He’s done about a Daytona 500 worth’s of laps on it just hasn’t crashed into a wall yet or actually predicted a thing accurately.

I still strongly think Miami is in b10 well before this whole “gor” expiration date but on same point so many of you who have no info just **** on those who might have heard a thing that was true at a time can’t seem to cope that things in life do change. If they didn’t I’d be married to someone completely different then who I pledged “til death do us part or until you complain too ******* much (I see you FSU) “